Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 67–85
Scientific literature, LR legal acts and analysis of research conducted in Lithuania shows that the process of teachers’ qualification development is related to adult education and organization of teaching / learning, is relevant as a source of improvement of teachers’ pedagogical as well as andragogical activity and acquisition of new competences. But this process is complicated and consists of professional activity’s self-assessment / assessment, planning, self-improvement / improvement, practical application, reflection and as an aspect of quality assurance it is a repeated cycle of actions to improve quality. Knowing that andragogue organiser’s professionalism is one of the most important conditions for this process to be successfully and qualitatively implemented, the issue raised in this article is: what is the role of andragogue organiser’s professionalism in striving for effectiveness of teachers’ qualification development? The conducted quantitative research confirmed the importance of andragogue organiser’s professionalism for the effectiveness of this process. It is found that the main objective of teachers’ qualification development, that is, the quality of their professional activities and the acquisition of new competences will be achieved if the andragogue organiser will professionally implement the teachers’ qualification development process beginning with analysis of learning needs and ending with practical application of acquired competences. In the practical approach empirical data presented in this article can be significant in: 1) seeking to reveal the effectiveness of activity of Klaipeda District Education Centre that provides teachers’ qualification development services; 2) improving and ensuring the quality of this process; 3) achieving andragogue organiser’s professionalism (internal professionalism – improvement of professional competences by examining the analysis of research results, external professionalism – justification of andragogue organiser’s role of professionalism in the effectiveness of teachers’ qualification development).
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 67–80
Naratyvinės terapijos, kaip tarpdisciplininio metodo, socialiniame darbe ir psichoterapijoje ištakos glūdi XX a. pradžioje. Jis svarbus karitatyviniame socialiniame darbe, kai siekiama padėti žmogui ištikus krizei, sprendžiant asmenybės ir socialines problemas. Straipsnyje pristatomas naratyvinės terapijos kontekstas, išryškinant dominuojantį ir alternatyvų naratyvus. Praktinis metodo pritaikymas aptariamas kompleksiškai atskleidžiant eksternalizacijos procesą, kurio metu klientas identifikuoja savo problemą, o terapeutas suvokia savo požiūrį. Naratyvinė terapija gali būti taikoma dirbant su individu, šeima, grupe. Karitatyvinio socialinio darbo praktikoje šis metodas įgalina geriau suvokti asmens tapatumo klausimus.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 67–78
This article discusses non-salaried work in the household. The definition of non-salaried work in the household is formulated by the author, changes in the household are analyzed along with the structure and diversification of the varieties of household work. In research the family is interpreted as a household. It is proposed to evaluate work in the household as a section encompassed by social work in the manner that a composite product or an encompassed part of a social product is evaluated, and therefore up to the present time the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for a single inhabitant without the income of a household, as a universal indicator, is unable in itself to show the level of people’s welfare. Work, carried out in the household and performed as non-salaried, household labor, would be included, though not insured, as the calculated length of service of the working activity of the person. In evaluating the features of the welfare of inhabitants, it would be more accurate to analyze non-salaried household work carried out in the household along with the characteristics and the structure of consumer requirements and their level of satisfaction and opportunities. This analysis will appraise the extent of the well being of society and its changing trends.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 65–82
The article analyses the fishing and related occupations in the Curonian Lagoon region in the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. A brief history of fishing in the Curonian Lagoon from ancient times is presented, thus providing historical context which might provide a better understanding of the processes that took place during the period analysed in the article. Available information from historical sources shows that besides fishing the lagoon fishermen were forced to engage in other occupations. The main reason for this was hard natural conditions of the region. Auxiliary fishing occupation soften were related to the fishermen’s skills acquired in fishing, such as boat building and management. Material of archaeological excavations carried out in 2012 at the site of former Kopgalis village is presented in the article. The material shows an important turning-point that took place in the 19 than 20th centuries in the region of the Curonian Lagoon – the transition from traditional fishing to a new activity – resort business. For the first time memoir material of Henrikas Cyrulis – native resident of Kintai village is presented in the study.
Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 64–83
Straipsnyje teoriškai išanalizavus darbuotojų veiksmingą mokymąsi ir jo plėtros galimybes profesionalumo tobulinimo kontekste tiriamas prekybos vadovų požiūris į tai. Empiriškai (prekybos vadovų požiūriu) atskleista ir pagrįsta profesionalumo tobulinimo, veiksmingo mokymosi samprata ir esmė, veiksmingo mokymosi ir profesionalumo tobulinimo strategijos bei būdai, profesionaliai prekybos vadovų veiklai būtinos kompetencijos, profesionalumo tobulinimo galimybės ir kt. Remiantis pagrindinių tyrimo rezultatų analize ir išvadomis, straipsnyje pateikiama siūlymų mažmeninės prekybos įmonės vadovams.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 63–76
The authors of this article argue that work in the 21st century is more complex instead of being routine. Solution of education management problems in the Baltic Region is greatly affected by system approach ideas that treat actions as a unified system that consists of mutually related elements with constant interaction of internal and external environment factors. The evolving nature of school environment has placed new demands on educational leaders. Where knowledge of school management, finance, legal issue and state mandates was once the primary focus for the preparation of school leaders, education reform has created an urgent need for a strong emphasis on development of instructional leadership skills to promote good teaching and high level learning. Educational leaders must recognize and assume a shared responsibility not only for students’ intellectual and educational development, but also for their personal, social, emotional and physical development. In the article was discovered that school principals need to improve their management competences in personnel management, financial and communication management for successful school leadership.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 63–88
Aim of research is to make the model of implementation of creative society policy, showing the empirical process of public policy in Lithuania. The main method of research is a long-term (longitudinal) analysis of documents (performed in 2011–2015). Results are the model of implementation of creative society policy (the model shows how this policy can be formed and implemented in a separate country). Moreover, the following directions (determined during the preparation of the state development strategy) of formation of this policy in Lithuania were revealed: active society; solidary society; learning society. Furthermore, the following directions of implementation of this policy (through the state development strategy) in Lithuania were revealed: “quick wins” (commitment of the Government to take 10 important actions every year); systemic implementation of this strategy (through the system of strategic planning documents; as well, it is essential to have the proper institution, with the necessary powers to control the preparation and implementation of strategies in all levels); direct involvement of communities and non-governmental organizations.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 63–76
Straipsnyje pristatomi1990–2000 metų laikotarpiu Lietuvos laikraščiuose publikuotų tekstų apie lytis semantinės analizės, remiantis statistiniais duomenimis, rezultatai. Iš viso išanalizuoti 749 straipsniai, kuriuose aprašomi vyrai (363 tekstai) ir moterys (386 tekstai). Tyrimu siekta nustatyti lyčių vaizdavimo tekstuose ypatybes per pirmąjį Lietuvos nepriklausomybės dešimtmetį. Išskirti reikšmių, siejamų su lytimis, segmentai, jų sąsajos tekstuose apie moteris ir vyrus, atlikta lyginamoji lyčių atspindėjimo skirtumų analizė.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 63–82
The article reveals the essence of the concept of relationship marketing and relationship marketing major dimensions: trust, commitment, mutual dependence, reciprocity, cooperation, power, communication, satisfaction, value, fairness and empathy. Composed relationships between consumers and health care institutions support theoretical model which states that a direct effect on customer loyalty in individual health care market has confidence, commitment and satisfaction. Relationship marketing principles – interoperability and power – in personal care market only partially determines the consumer loyalty.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 61–76
Sustainable development philosophy leads to meaningful human and social development. Sustainable development concept and perception is very important, it should influence the practical application of human life. The article deals with modern problems of ecological culture scientific reasons, currently monitored social-natural contradictions aggravation, sustainable development with emphasis on the ethical aspects of ecological consciousness, ecological, cultural and spiritual importance of sustainable development for future development prospects. The article emphasizes on spirituality, because in each culture existing distinctive values and values orientation affect not only the worldview of society but also the perception of life.