Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 61–76
Šalies finansinio stabilumo analizės ir vertinimo reikšmė ypač išaugo paskutinės pasaulinės finansų krizės kontekste. Šalies finansinis stabilumas – ganėtinai naujas ir įvairialypis tyrimo objektas, todėl svarbi jo tyrimų sritis yra finansinio stabilumo matavimo metodai. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama identifikuoti svarbiausius ir plačiausiai pripažįstamus finansinio stabilumo matavimo metodus. Iš pradžių pristatoma finansinio stabilumo samprata. Tada apžvelgiami svarbiausių organizacijų finansinio stabilumo tyrimų srityje išvystyti finansinio stabilumo matavimo metodai. Pirma aptariami Tarptautinio valiutos fondo finansinio patikimumo rodikliai, tada pereinama prie Europos centrinio banko makroprudencinių rodiklių, abu rinkiniai tarpusavyje palyginami. Siekiant išsamios finansinio stabilumo analizės rekomenduojama derinti abu rodiklių rinkinius. Paskutinėje dalyje aptariami bandymai sukonstruoti agreguotą finansinio stabilumo indeksą. Tačiau galima teigti, kad dėl finansinio stabilumo kompleksiškumo sudėtinga suformuluoti vieną indeksą, todėl apžvelgti bandymai yra lokalūs ir neturi tarptautinio pripažinimo.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 59–82
This paper analyzes the changes of the property crime (theft) dynamics and location in Klaipeda city during 1990–2015 years assessing the expression of this phenomenon in the context of changing society. Using theories of the Chicago School of sociology (R. Park and E. Burgess C. Show, H. M. McKay) and the critical insights of its interpretations (E. Sutherland L. Cohen, M. Fels et al.) that allow to us to understand the phenomenon of crime not only in the wide geographic space, but also in the localized environment. The authors present an analysis of territorial clusters (neighborhoods) where phenomenon of theft in Klaipėda is the most located. Assessing geographical, social, economic development of the city regions the authors disclosed the “hottest” points of city in which were recorded this offense. Assessing the considering the geographical, social, economic development of city regions were disclosed the “hottest” city points, where are recorded this offense. Dynamics of this process analyzes in the frame of selected four (1990–1994; 1995–1999; 2000–2004; 2005–2009) periods. The authors, based on forecasts of Lithuanian criminologists about crime trends in Lithuania until 2015, presents their own scientific insights and assessments, which may be useful in developing strategies for the prevention of theft in Klaipėda.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 57–70
The article advocates the principles of Social Economy (SE) as possibility to develop innovative social technologies for the social cohesion of society in situation of economic breakdown. The concept of Social Economy can be considered as European tradition and challenge for applying and finding sustainable forms of social inclusion on national level. The purpose and the object of the study is to investigate, which spheres and principles of SE are evident in the activities of community initiatives in Latvia thus establishing the recognition level of conceptual understanding and practice of Social Economy in national context among the Third Sector activities in Latvia and specifically non-profit movements. The overview of selected community initiatives showed there are initiatives that could be (1) placed in the sphere of productive economy on the scale of a community (2) by the very marginal people involved in initiatives, (3) administered as small businesses, (4) controlled by the people involved with democratic means of decision-making and (5) supported by social services and social workers, in order to overcome social exclusion.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 57–76
This article presents the current situation of senior citizens in Lithuania, and ways to involve them in the development of society. About a fifth of European Union (EU) citizens are considered to be senior citizens (65 years or older). The growing number of older people presupposes micro and macro problems in society. The micro problems are the loneliness of the elderly and the lack of social participation. The macro problems include social security issues: pensions, health care and social services. All EU countries are facing the challenge of an ageing society and demographic change. The results of the study ‘Community Senior Citizens Involved International presented in Stripes revealed:
1) existing best practices for the inclusion of senior citizens; 2) social issues related to the exclusion of senior citizens; 3) ideas on intergenerational solidarity by involving senior citizens and young people in joint activities. The results are likely to contribute to the development of youth attitudes towards ageing and strategies to reduce the gap between generations.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 55–74
This article invites for a scientific discussion while discussing the synergy between the process of change and the change management in the system of education and emphasizing that two different factors give larger impact and socioeconomic benefits if they are used together. In this article the concept of the process of change and change management in the educational institutions is analysed. It is noted that in a process of change it is very important to properly plan the changes and to identify the expected results but also it is very important to understand how all above mentioned process will be implemented. Questions to discuss: when the processes of change are implemented properly? Answer: when the changes are managed properly. How to ensure the implementation of the process of change management? Answer: the implementation of the process of change management is held in a field of change management systematically enabling all the processes of change management. The methodological construct of the research is presented in this article, revealing the synergy of the process of change and change management of the chosen school.
Volume 83, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 54–79
The aim of the article is to give a social portrait of Lithuanian youth in the context of youth policy, and to consider such unsettled segments as unemployment, emigration (migration), the attitude towards family, social participation in societal possibilities, and the strengthening of intergenerational solidarity. These problematic segments cause the social exclusion of young people, thus requiring an appropriate strategy for training professionals who work with young people and who can develop models for the positive (skilful) socialisation of young people. The article evaluates Lithuanian and European youth policy guidelines and success in solving problems, as well as the response to public expectations regarding participation in future life. It provides an analysis of existing feasibility studies that reveal the current situation, and insights into the question. The results obtained foster the formulation of a strategy for training social professionals focused on youth work. The article concentrates on a new European Union programme, the ‘European Solidarity Corps’, which aims to give young people opportunities to contribute to local and global problem-solving within the framework of personal and professional career design for youth. It has been prepared within the framework of the project ‘Social Professions for Youth Education in the Context of European Solidarity’*, with the participation of Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Swedish universities that deliver programmes for training social professionals.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 53–70
This article presents the analysis of the results of qualitative research about large families’ social, economical situation and possibilities of support in the community. There were 14 respondents of large family members. All families of respondents consist of both parents and three or more children. Respondents answered to open questions. This paper presents research participants’ opinion about the economic situation of large families, family members’ economic migration problems and opportunities of community support for these families. It was found that large family experience finances’ limits and it causes the migration. The activity in community enlarge and it enable support for large families.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 53–74
The article deals with the problem of spatial and numeral changes of rural settlements. Definition of the rural settlement and rurality is discussing at the context of the settlements developing. Appropriate place is devoted to the question of the size classification and density of settlements. The research deals with the methodological problem of the index of the nearest neighbourhood of the settlements, its distance from main services centres. The question of the influence of the transport system to development of regional rural settlements is discussing as well as the future of its.
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 53–72
The qualitative and quantitative analysis of canine therapy with children with special educational needs is presented in this article. Canine therapy sessions were carried out in two groups of participants. The 1st group consisted from children with behavioural-emotional problems, the second group – consisted from children who have disability of intelligence and have diagnosis confirmed by physicians. The qualitative and quantitative analysis confirmed positive social, emotional, psychological and educational changes in both groups of children. Relatively greater changes are observed in the group of children with disability of intelligence. The parents of first group of children evaluated their behavioural-emotional difficulties before and after canine therapy sessions. There were no significant differences in mothers scores of children behavioural-emotional difficulties before and after canine therapy sessions, fathers’ scores of behavioral-emotional difficulties of children are lower after canine therapy sessions, and significantly lower are scores of anxiety / depression difficulties after canine therapy sessions.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 53–62
Bendrojo ugdymo mokykla išgyvena sudėtingą laikotarpį – 2015 m. priimta Geros mokyklos koncepcija, kurią mokyklai dera įgyvendinti. Tačiau tai ne taip paprasta, nes reikia keisti mokyklos veiklos atramos taškus, orientyrus, modeliuoti jos veiklą, kuri turėtų atitikti minėtą koncepciją. Vienas galimų kliuvinių gali būti Geros mokyklos koncepcijos supratimas. Todėl 2016 m. atliktas empirinis kokybinis tyrimas, siekiant išsiaiškinti šios koncepcijos akcentus, kaip ją supranta ekspertai ir kokie yra jų akcentai. Paaiškėjo, kad ekspertų geros mokyklos samprata iš esmės atitinka Geros mokyklos koncepcijos turinio lauką. Tik ekspertai neakcentuoja vertybinio aspekto. Tai yra signalas susirūpinti pamatiniais vertybiniais ugdymo mokykloje dalykais, juos išsiaiškinti ir veiklą mokykloje konstruoti vertybiniu pagrindu. Be to, dera mokyklos veiklos kryptis reflektuoti ir jas modeliuoti, remiantis Geros mokyklos koncepcija, kaip veiklos žemėlapiu.