“Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis” is an international peer-reviewed academic journal. Volumes contain thematically related articles dealing with the history of the south and east Baltic region from the Middle Ages to the present day.
AquaNIS Bulletin is a peer-reviewed open access journal designed to rapidly publish data on introductions and risk assessment of aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species (NIS&CS). It is an integral part of AquaNIS, an online information system, which stores and disseminates information on NIS&CS introduction histories, recipient regions, biological traits, invasion impacts, and other relevant documented data. All data published in the AquaNIS Bulletin is automatically transferred to the AquaNIS database and immediately becomes available for the built-in flexible search engine and comparative analysis tool.
Archaeologia Baltica is an international annual peer-reviewed series. It publishes contributions in all fields of Baltic region archaeology, including archaeological material, synthesis and theory, advance scientific methods and techniques in archaeology.
Journal „Computational Science and Techniques“ is an annual academic refereed journal published in English and Lithuanian with the focus on interdisciplinary field connecting computer science, mathematical modeling, environmental and life sciences.
The Dialogue between The Science and Faith is open-access journal published by Klaipėda University, John Paul II Centre for Christian Studies. The journal is published since 2002
The articles can cover management, economics, social geography, public administration, political sciences or other social sciences in regional development field. Each article is reviewed by two reviewers.
Scientific journal of humanitarian sciences, focusing on following scientific trends: philology (linguistics and literature), philosophy, ethnology, history, theology, theatrical studies, etc.
Scientific journal TILTAI/BRIDGES/BRÜCKEN published by Klaipėda University (established in 1991) is devoted to the issues of social sciences, including interdisciplinary perspective.