Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 53–67
The aim of this article is to identify and analyse welfare state models and their features in East and Southeast Asia. With this in mind, the article examines welfare state models in East and Southeast Asia and their characteristics. Different attempts to define the welfare state systems of East and Southeast Asia are provided, as well as a comparison with G. Esping-Andersen’s typology of three models. The characteristics of the welfare states of East and Southeast Asia are distinguished, such as the influence of Confucianism, productivity, the role of the family in the field of social welfare, and the influence of politics and the economy on the development of the welfare state. The article uses methods of analysis of scientific literature, expert evaluation, synthesis, descriptive analysis and comparative analysis.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 51–74
The article analyses a relatively new position in the field of social services for the family: the complexity of the professional activity of a case manager, and the prospects of applying supervision as a form of professional support. In the field of social work, supervision is already a well-known way of counselling professional relationships. While improving their professional qualifications, social workers seek to participate in group, team and individual supervision. The supervision of the manager and the whole organisation is also well known in social work practice. In Lithuania, as in the rest of the world, supervision first established itself in the field of social work, which only proves the complexity of this profession.Social work as a profession is undergoing constant change, services are expanding, and more and more attention is being paid to specialised methodologies when the global approach no longer satisfies the current situation of empowerment. The case manager is a new position, the content of which is still being formed. The research has revealed that employees experience stress and tension as a burden of responsibility, they become the creators of the content of this position, and they face obstacles to inter-institutional cooperation.The qualitative research presented in this article, the interviews with case managers, and the reflection on the experience of supervision, allow us to draw conclusions about the prospects for supervision, and allow us to offer specific forms of supervision; and individual and team supervision become unique in this situation.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 51–62
Straipsnis skirtas tarpdiscipliniškumui, kaip metodologiniam šiandieninių mokslinių tyrimų pagrindui, tiriant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, turinčių cerebrinį paralyžių, socialinių ir kasdienių įgūdžių formavimąsi. Pateikiama „socialinių ir kasdienių įgūdžių“ koncepto metainterpretacija. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad socialinių ir kasdienių įgūdžių sąvokos yra integratuotos, todėl gali būti diskutuojama tarpdiscipliniškumo kontekste. Svarbiausi šios sąvokos dėmenys teoriškai pagrįsti lingvistikos, kultūrologijos, sociologijos, ikimokyklinės specialiosios pedagogikos, ikimokyklinės ir specialiųjų poreikių psichologijos, rekreacinės terapijos ir socialinės pedagogikos mokslų.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 49–66
The aim of the research is to explore the application of health promoting PA education methods applied by teachers of physical education in basic school. The survey included 136 teachers of physical education working in comprehensive schools of five Lithuanian cities and districts (Klaipėda, Kaunas, Kretinga, Šilalė, and Mažeikiai) selected by the convenience sampling method. Teacher survey was conducted in November – December 2012 by the academic staff of the Department of Physical Education of Klaipeda University. The article deals with some aspects of health promotion of non-exercising schoolchildren by physical activity in the context of the contemporary society. The outcomes of the conducted qualitative research and their interpretation are presented. The views of teachers of physical education on the physical activity promotion methods are analyzed, as well as their insights into the issue of physical activity promotion methods at school and major motives of schoolchildren’s exercising.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 49–62
Society’s value system forms gradually, and every society has its own culture, its own dominant value system. Fundamental values such as honesty, fairness, compassion and kindness have been preserved through the centuries, and they are the core values of today. Organization values are invisible organizational culture, the deepest layer of the organization. The internal culture of institutions is the system of values and traditions, work environment, which is an important condition for staff satisfaction and performance efficiency. Latvian public administration declared value is incorporated into the code of ethics, also included in the organization documents, thus addressing not only their employees, but also society as a whole, what is the profession of the required values, as well as what human values should be never lost. In this study, in order to identify the predominant values and intrinsic values of institutions based on publicly available data and information sources, Latvian State Administration Policy declared value are discussed and analyzed.
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 49–60
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas pacientų sveikatos priežiūros tinkamumas ir kokybė, jų pasitenkinimas sveikatos priežiūra ir lūkesčių išsipildymas didelėje daugiaprofilinėje universitetinėje ligoninėje. Pateikiama individualių, institucinių ir sociodemografinių charakteristikų įtaka pacientų sveikatos priežiūros vertinimui bei jų elgsenai. Tyrimas vykdytas 2004–2015 m. anketinės apklausos metodu. Jis atskleidė, kad absoliuti dauguma (93,8 proc.) pacientų sveikatos priežiūra buvo patenkinti ir jos rezultatai atitiko ar viršijo daugumos (83,8 proc.) jų lūkesčius. Tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu suformuluotos motyvuotos išvados.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 48–66
The article analyzes the motivation for military service of the soldiers the Lithuanian Armed Forces based on their opinion. It presents the theoretical approach to motivation for military service, emphasizes the significance of values in the process of motivation, identifies the expectations, based on V. H. Vroom’s expectancy theory, which determine the motivation of soldiers under continuous mandatory service. According to the analysis of the completed research, it is stated that the soldiers are only partly satisfied with the current motivation system. In addition, the results of the research confirm the hypothesis that the motivation for military service differs between volunteer soldiers and conscript soldiers.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 47–66
The article reveals demographic and social characteristics of socially responsible consumers and the attributes that have the most impact on the intention to purchase the item from socially responsible companies. Empirical study revealed that socially responsible consumer behaviour is shaped and decision-making is influenced by gender, income adequacy and education. Based on investigation results, client profile of socially responsible companies is identified – it’s all ages (probably older than 25 years), higher-income, educated women.
Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 46–63
Straipsnyje aptariami du galimi aplinkosaugos ir socialinio darbo sankirtos laukai: žaliojo socialinio darbo konceptas bei aplinkosaugos ir žmogaus teisių sąsajos. Kartu siekiama atverti šią aktualią socialinio darbo erdvę diskusijoms ir tolesniems tyrimams. Analizuojamos žaliojo socialinio darbo ištakos, socialinio darbo profesijos iššūkiai, kylantys prisitaikant prie tvaraus vystymosi siekiančio pasaulio. Konstatuojama, kad socialinio darbo moksle ir praktikoje būtina keisti paradigmą, akcentuojant bendruomenės stiprinimą, kolektyvinę atsakomybę, socialinio ir aplinkosauginio teisingumo sąsajas. Pristatomi du aplinkosauginių žmogaus teisių pagrindimo diskursai: vienas akcentuoja sveiką aplinką, kaip žmogaus teisių įgyvendinimo sąlygą, kitas dėmenis sukeičia vietomis ir žmogaus teises mato kaip aplinkosaugos problemų sprendimo priemonę. Taigi aplinkosaugos idėjų įtraukimas į socialinio darbo veikos erdvę suteiktų profesijai šiuo metu mažai išnaudojamą makrodimensiją, kartu gerokai praplėstų ir įprasmintų profesionalizacijos procesą.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 45–60
This article analyses the experiences of men who are suffering homelessness. The aim of this article is to identify the main problems of social services and to show their potential development. In today’s Europe, no one can be forced to sleep on the street just because there are no high-quality services that meet human needs. The state must ensure the rights of persons, who are suffering homelessness and to preserve their dignity by providing efficient and high quality social services, because only this kind of services allows to talk about the development of the modern state, shaping and reshaping the model of social services. This research allows to understand the phenomenon of homelessness from the point of view of homeless men and to identify the main problems that hinder to overcome homelessness. This article presents the empirical study, which results showed that social services in Lithuania are based on the material supply, so homeless men have poor access to quality social services. The infrastructure of hostels is not adapted for person with disability; social housing is difficult to obtain because of the long queues; homeless men also have difficulties to access independent living or nursing homes for the elderly.