Interest in ensemble performing is increasing in modern culture, so the study of the double piano concerto, a large ensemble genre, in the context of the modern understanding of culture as a universal informational and communicative space, is relevant. Culture is a means of socio-cultural communication, carried out through the generation and transmission of communicative codes that make up the text of culture. Through the realisation of a person’s creative potential in culture, art contributes to the comprehension of man’s being-in-culture, and his involvement in the cultural-creative process. This article is devoted to an analysis of the specificity of the concerto for two pianos and orchestra, in the context of the theoretical understanding of communicative processes in culture.
The subject of this study is leadership styles in educational establishments. Our tasks were as follows: to analyse leadership styles and to carry out an expert study aiming at the evaluation of leadership styles in educational establishments. The methods of investigation consisted in the analysis of scientific literature, systemisation, application of the principles of logical analysis and synthesis, generalisation, induction and deduction.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 63–76
The authors of this article argue that work in the 21st century is more complex instead of being routine. Solution of education management problems in the Baltic Region is greatly affected by system approach ideas that treat actions as a unified system that consists of mutually related elements with constant interaction of internal and external environment factors. The evolving nature of school environment has placed new demands on educational leaders. Where knowledge of school management, finance, legal issue and state mandates was once the primary focus for the preparation of school leaders, education reform has created an urgent need for a strong emphasis on development of instructional leadership skills to promote good teaching and high level learning. Educational leaders must recognize and assume a shared responsibility not only for students’ intellectual and educational development, but also for their personal, social, emotional and physical development. In the article was discovered that school principals need to improve their management competences in personnel management, financial and communication management for successful school leadership.
The aim of the article is the analysis of the innovative activity in the balanced development of regions and organizations in Poland and the EU. A state is responsible for the level of innovativeness transferring finances for the research and development as well as implementing proper financial and legal instruments stimulating innovative endeavours of enterprises according to the applied economy politics. An enterprise is the basic objective of the innovative politics in Poland and the EU as well as implementing innovativeness with the benefits for economy. Enterprises, especially the smaller and medium ones, try to cooperate within innovativeness with the companies from the same branches, other branches in the country and abroad, with universities, B+R institutions, including laboratories, intermediary companies in a transfer, financing innovativeness, with scientific and technical parks, local authorities representatives as well as other representatives of an innovative environment. Those include also advisor companies, organizers of fairs, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and trainings. In Poland, the finances of innovativeness is done mainly by the companies themselves and the development of intermediary companies within transferring the EU’s funds as well as the financial or credit ones that are the suppliers of the capital, e.g. venture capital.