Peer review policies

All manuscripts submitted as articles are double-blind peer reviewed by two reviewers. Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis follows a double-blind peer review process in which the reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other. Acta Historica does not publish or disclose in any manner the names of reviewers, and does not share the reviews with any third parties.

Reviewers are asked to fill in the Klaipėda University Manuscript Review Form provided by the Editorial Office and provide his/her comments to authors.

Submissions receive one of the following decisions:

  • Accept after minor (or no) revisions;
  • Reconsider after major revisions;
  • Reject without an option to resubmit.

The acceptance criteria for all manuscripts are the quality and originality of the research, and its relevance to our readership.

The final decision on the publication of each manuscript rests with the Editorial Team, who reserve the right to reject any contribution that does not conform to the journal’s standards.

Editorial decisions may be appealed to the Editorial Office. Authors who wish to appeal a publication rejection should send a detailed e-mail message with supporting arguments to substantiate their request. The Editorial Team may reject the appeal or reconsider a rejected manuscript. Editorial decisions after an appeal procedure are final.

Authors should be aware that the submission evaluation process typically takes two to three months, and there is generally a period of approximately five to 12 months between the submission of an article and its publication.

Contributions to the Source Publication, Book Reviews and Discussion sections of Acta Historica are not peer-reviewed as a rule. However, they are always checked by the Editorial Team for their suitability for Acta Historica.