Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis accepts articles written in English, German, Russian and Lithuanian. Thematic collections of articles are usually published in two to three languages, English and Lithuanian being the priority ones.
Therefore, all the articles must have abstracts in English and Lithuanian of a maximum 180 words. The abstract is to include a brief outline of the basic issue, the approach, the aim, and the objectives. Moreover, all the articles are to be accompanied by a two-page summary. The summary is to include all the major elements of the article, including the theme, research methods and instruments, outcomes, conclusions and discussion.
Authors who are not native English speakers are encouraged to submit both the abstract and the summary in German, Russian or Lithuanian, unless the quality of their written English is essentially equivalent to that of a native speaker.
Authors for whom English, German, Russian or Lithuanian is not their native language should have their manuscript professionally edited before submission.