Manuscripts are to be submitted to the editors of the volume in Microsoft Word format (*.doc or *.docx extensions).
We have a strong preference for articles that do not exceed 15,000 words, including references. Book reviews should not exceed 20,000 characters, including references. Manuscripts are to be 1.5-spaced throughout. References are to be provided in footnotes (see Guidelines on References).
Manuscripts of papers are to be presented in the following order: (i) a short and informative title, (ii) the full name of the author(s), (iii) the address of the institution where the research was carried out, (iv) the full postal and e-mail address of the corresponding author, (v) the abstract and key words, (vi) the text with footnotes, (vii) acknowledgments, (viii) appendices, figures, figure legends, and tables (each figure and table complete with titles and footnotes), (ix) the list of previous studies quoted in the article, and (x) the summary.
Each figure is to be supplied in a separate electronic file, with its number in the text incorporated in the filename. For submission, high-resolution figures (at least 300 dpi) saved as *.tif (preferably) or *.jpg files are to be uploaded. Digital images supplied as low-resolution files may not be used.