Volume 91, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 44–64
Having acknowledged the importance of leadership, it seems there is lack of research in the field of developing the leadership skills of healthcare workers. Therefore, this article aims to answer the problem question: what leadership abilities of healthcare workers are important, and what are the opportunities to develop them in healthcare institutions? Theoretical insights and quantitative research have been used to answer this question. The questionnaire survey of healthcare workers conducted confirms that the expression of leadership is inseparable from motivation, being an example, help and cooperation, the ability to mobilise the team to act in one direction and achieve the set goals. The study shows that the development of leadership skills is achieved through personal development, the formation of positive attitudes towards changes, the dissemination of leadership competence, independent activity, and mutual interaction. The study is significant in that it can help understand factors for the improvement of the subject under consideration, and make a targeted intervention in ongoing processes of the development of leadership skills, improving them and achieving better results in the development of the leadership skills of healthcare workers.
The subject of this study is leadership styles in educational establishments. Our tasks were as follows: to analyse leadership styles and to carry out an expert study aiming at the evaluation of leadership styles in educational establishments. The methods of investigation consisted in the analysis of scientific literature, systemisation, application of the principles of logical analysis and synthesis, generalisation, induction and deduction.
In diesem Artikel, auf Grund der systematisch durchgeführten Forschungen und zusammengebrachten Archivalien, erforscht man die Wirkung und die Geschichte der Evangelisch theologischen Fakultät der Universität Vytautas der Magnus in Kaunas als Beispiel den konfessionellen Politik die war geführt von der Seite der Litauischen Regierung in dem Gebiet Klaipėda / Memel in der zwischenkrieg Zeit. Das ist die Forschung derer Ziel ist zu erforschen wie durch die Entwicklung der Fakultät waren verwirklicht die Ideen und Modellen des nationalen litauischen Bewusstseins die waren entwickelt von den Stellvertretern der selber Nation aber in den Verschiedenen historischen und konfessionellen umständen. Dieser Artikel ist vorbereitet im Jahre 2014 in Rahmen des Nationalen Projektes „Transfer der Ideen in dem Kontexte der nationalen Wiedergeburt. Dialog zwischen Preußisch Litauen und Litauen.“ – Förderung des Wissenschaft Rates Litauens. Projekt MIP-14122.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 25 (2012): Klaipėdos krašto konfesinis paveldas: tarpdisciplininiai senųjų kapinių tyrimai = Confessional Heritage of Klaipėda Region: Interdisciplinary Research into the Old Cemeteries, pp. 123–136
The article focuses on the state of the old cemeteries in Klaipėda Region and their place in the system of the local culture heritage. All that shall be revealed by actualizing the issue as an outcome of World War 2, when the Region lost almost all local population who were substituted for by settlers with the culture and religion alien to the land. The historical-confessional characteristics of legal evolution of the old cemeteries of the region are discussed by disclosing the transfer of their legal-administrative subordination from church to municipal jurisdiction. General characteristics and problems of the relationship of the new settlers with the old heritage are discussed. The value of the cemeteries in terms of heritage protection is emphasized.