The object of this publication is the anecdotes about famous people and personages of the movies and literature. The research helped to identify the most popular personages and describe the images of them. It can be done conclusion that in the anecdotes which are told in Lithuanian the personages of movies and literature are more popular than the real famous people (politicians, sportsmen or pop stars). The images of personages are ambivalent, they can be shown in positive situations but more often these personages are negative: the features of the characters are drawn ironically; the results of their activities are estimated in the mocking and even scornful way.
The paper deals with the studying of means of expression of the predicative centre of sentences with pronominal-infinitive complex on the semantic-syntactical and the formal-grammatical levels. Different approaches to the determination of syntactical matter of such constructions are defined, the fact of non-belonging of the infinitive to their predicative centre is revealed. The predicative centre of every type of sentences with pronominal-infinitive complex (two-member and mononuclear) is determined, the ways (structural-semantic and semantic) and means (modal and phasal lexemes) of their complication are described.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 108–123
In the article the notion of “sustainable development” is analysed gnoseologically, onthologically and axiologically, and the historical meaning of the term is presented. The article is of analytical review type, which is implicating the remarks on theoretical and practical analysis of the phenomena by formulating and implementing the aims of sustainable development. Substantial attention of the readers is drawn to the tasks and aggregated indicators of sustainable development, which encompass the environmental, social and economical aspects, and the significance of sustainable development for mankind’s survival and prosperity is underlined. The authors stress the harmful impact of the extreme economization of social and environmental spheres, and affirm that only the balanced and sustainable development has the future, if we do not want to take away the resources from the future generations and want to improve the present social life and environmental quality.
The assessment of citizen service quality is an important indicator of the efficiency of public administration institutions. The assessment provides information enabling constant improvement of mechanisms that provide public services and innovative solutions in the areas of public service delivery and organization; it is very important for individuals with specific needs and for development of society. The article presents analysis of peculiarities and criteria of the citizen services’ assessment in Klaipėda and Vilnius counties’ municipalities. The importance and peculiarities of implementation of the citizen service assessment is indicated in the documentation of the Republic of Lithuania on public management development and in the scientific literature on new public management and quality management. According to the regulating documents, all public institutions must annually accomplish an assessment of the citizens’ requests analysis and service quality analysis and later publish these assessment reports on their websites. The empirical research in Klaipėda and Vilnius counties’ municipalities revealed that eight of 15 municipalities do not implement any assessment of citizen service and do not publish their reports. Yet other municipalities most often evaluate the following indicators: admission waiting time; politeness of the officer; duration of time necessary to receive an answer to the question of application; the reason, question or request of application; applicant’s gender and age.
The article analyses the problem of saving the unborn life in the context of crisis pregnancy. The dimension of spiritual counselling is actualised as an essential factor of integral assistance for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Problems of a crisis pregnancy are addressed on both personal and social levels. The most significant circumstances influencing the final decision in a crisis pregnancy are highlighted: woman’s maturity and values as well as a comprehensive specialist help comprising the aspects of both physical and spiritual assistance.
The article analyses expression of anxiety in human self-perception in the context of the original sin. This phenomenon is examined from the perspective of psychological and theological sciences considering how these two scientific branches could serve in the interpretation of the causes of human anxiety. In the context of scientific analysis a person experiences anxiety as a subconscious state which causes feelings of insecurity, helplessness and spiritual distress as a lack of the meaning of life. This anxiety has its own cause – the original sin. The conclusions of the research highlight four operational spheres of anxiety: failure to understand reality, loss of identity, guilt and shame. These issues threaten the person with non-existence, self-loss, deserved and undeserved punishment as well as fear to be estranged and isolated. Restoration of the authentic humanity is possible only by the power of the divine Incarnation.
In the analysis of leadership styles and their coherence the subject of leading the organization have been, is and will be valid at all times. Although there are quite a lot of scientific articles and books on leadership styles, but works of foreign researchers are often quoted. Unfortunately, Lithuanian scientists do not pay enough attention to new (relatively as transformational and transactional leadership styles have been begun to be analyzed in the end of last century) leadership styles, whereas a combination of leadership styles is not paid attention at all, stating a priori that it is better to use a combination of various styles. It certainly does not form serious approach to the current leadership style problem. The scientific problem is the lack of perception, identification and finding out style combinations in the field of leadership styles. The purpose of this article is finding out leadership styles set in Klaipėda progymnasiums through the analysis of leadership styles. The object of research is the leadership styles in Klaipeda progymnasiums. The research methods are analysis, synthesis and comparison based on the insights in scientific literature, which have been done in order to justify the eligibility of leadership styles chosen by the managers. Employees carried out individual questionnaires, while managers have been interviewed. To analyze, process, digest and graphically depict questionnaire data derived from quantitative research SPSS 18 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 program have been used.
The research confirmed the scientists ideas in the theoretical part of this article that none leadership style suits every situation. Examination of employee opinions on leadership styles of their managers showed that managers use some combination of leadership styles in their direct duties. According to the aggregated data from respondents’ answers it may be concluded that managers consider their leadership style to be based on the combination of transformational and coaching leadership styles while also adding bits of charismatic or transactional leadership styles; employees think that managers use the combination of transformational and coaching leadership styles while also adding bits of charismatic or transactional leadership styles. Leadership style combination chosen by managers completely satisfied or more satisfied than not satisfied most of the surveyed employees in organizations. Evaluation results have showed that employees have rated leadership style of their managers better than the same managers have done. In this research the views of employees are very close to managers views when selecting the leadership style or combination of different styles.
This paper contains a pilot study on coastal values and potential means of determining and characterising them in the terms of coastal planning and management. The research case study took place in the coastal region of North East Latvia – in the municipality of Salacgriva. The municipality coast is very diverse: coastal access, landscape and the whole biogeography is changing very much along the whole 54 km, being also rich in various natural and cultural heritage assets. Such great coastal variety in the limits of one administrative territory does require very selective governance approaches and dynamic management to be realized by local administration, which has very limited necessary capacities of all type, alike other rural coastal municipalities in Latvia. Also, there is very limited coastal information as well as assessment/interpretation capacities. All this requires mandatory development of municipal coastal monitoring and information/science-policy interface, to be based on general System Analysis Framework (SAF) application, first, on social-ecological system approach, and, second, including necessary developments of stakeholder participation and bottom-up governance approaches and, at the first, developing of the public monitoring (citizen science approach, e.g., Eco schools alike public representatives, etc.) capacities and methodologies. There has been developed an initial proposal for a new and multi-thematic coastal core area monitoring and governance tool. Coastal resources were assessed using a coastal value-based prioritisation tool, which generates knowledge of the mutual connection among various social-ecological resources/assets along the shore. During the study, data was collected along the municipal coastline taking into account the elements characterising the beach and shoreline landscape, as well as the distribution of invasive plant species, algae and plants washed up by the sea, as well as waste created by people along the coast. This data was subsequently collated, described, and combined with separate conclusions made based on beach visitors’ interviews that were conducted along the entire Latvian coast as well as interviews of the Salacgriva municipality’s main stakeholder groups. Information was also obtained from the analysis of documents seeking to facilitate development of a multi-thematic coastal value prioritisation tool and to distinguish coastal management priorities that can be set as proposals to coastal governments for developing a sustainable and more integrated coastal management background.
This article critically discuss and analize the predominant conception of Vydūnas as a representative of neovedantism. This predominant interpretation of Vydūnas religious identity was popularized by the most productive researcher of Vydūnas Vacys Bagdonavičius. Analysing methodological approach of V. Bagdonavičius and basing on hermeneutical view to fenomena of Vydūnas religious expression, it is indicated that the prime influence to Vydūnas religious identity formation was made by the junction and tension between Germanish liberal protestant theology and local, conservative ,,gathering crowd“ tradition, which impel Vydūnas to universal, confessionally neutral and sincretic interest for religions. Article reveals hypothesis, that Vydūnas creative- religious espression could be perceived as a development of basic liberal protestantic belief principles and its adaptation to concrete historical-cultural also political East Prussia lithuanians situation, in order to avoid confrontation between this two different religious traditions and politically consolidate nation.
Among the important components of the decorative art of any people is the technology of making images. One of the forms of this technology is the basic technique (from Türk Baysa – “imprint”), which is one of the forms of realization of the imitation style. Using various forms (including – Baysa-technology) masters of different cultures and peoples sought in their creations imitating / copying works of more complex technology and, accordingly, more expensive. In fact, we are talking about imitation (de facto – about fakes) of affordable means of expensive samples. The review of the development of the Baysa-technique in the art of the Western Balts made it possible to make the ceremonial and status character of the items made in I thousand. AD the base method.