The subject of this study is leadership styles in educational establishments. Our tasks were as follows: to analyse leadership styles and to carry out an expert study aiming at the evaluation of leadership styles in educational establishments. The methods of investigation consisted in the analysis of scientific literature, systemisation, application of the principles of logical analysis and synthesis, generalisation, induction and deduction.
Ištyrus Klaipėdos gyventojų, darbdavių ir kitų socialinių partnerių dalyvavimą neformaliojo suaugusiųjų švietimo ir tęstinio mokymosi procese nustatyta, kad per pastaruosius dvejus metus apie 42,5 proc. respondentų šioje veikloje nedalyvavo, 19,1 proc. darbdavių ir net 28,1 proc. socialinių partnerių neorganizavo jokių mokymų. Daugiausia klaipėdiečiai dalyvavo psichologijos, savirealizacijos, saviugdos, verslumo, vadybos ir projektų rengimo, kompiuterinio raštingumo, apskaitos ir finansų, sveikatos, sveikatinimo ir sveikos gyvensenos mokymuose. Klaipėdos įmonių ir socialinių organizacijų vadovai nėra labai aktyvūs planuodami savo darbuotojų / narių neformalų mokymą. Respondentai nurodė, kad didžiausia kliūtis mokytis yra lėšų trūkumas. Ištirta, kad pagrindiniai mokymų finansavimo šaltiniai yra asmeninės ir darbdavių lėšos. Trečdalis respondentų nurodė, kad mokymuisi, kuris susijęs su profesija ar asmeniniais interesais, iš viso negali skirti lėšų.
Bibliotherapy is used in children’s day centers in order to provide assistance to children and adolescents from social risk families. There is evidence found in scientific literature that the application of bibliotherapy at day centers is useful for strengthening self-sufficiency, and if applied purposefully, it enables to cope with psychological problems, promotes spiritual growth and qualitative development, raises self-esteem, self-knowledge, understanding, and frees from perceptions that prevents from recognizing personal unpleasant feelings. The professional application of bibliotherapy at day centers, by working with children and adolescents, creates assumptions to strengthen the motivation regarding self-cognition, self-development and learning. The aim of this research is to answer to the question of how bibliotherapy can be applied in social pedagogical activities at children’s day centers (CDC). After a qualitative research had been accomplished (of social educators, parents whose children attend CDC), it was found that the application of bibliotherapy is justified in solving various social-pedagogical problems of children and youth (especially those associated with dealing with motivation problems of adolescent learning).
Straipsnyje analizuojami darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai ugdymo įstaigose. Atliktas ugdymo įstaigų veiklų ekspertinis ir poveikio aplinkai vertinimas, taikant ekologinio pėdsako metodą. Skatinant ugdymo įstaigų bendruomenes domėtis aplinkos apsauga ir ugdyti darnaus vystymosi įgūdžius, nuo 2015 metų vykdoma Darnios mokyklos programa, kur dalyvauja įvairių lygių Lietuvos ugdymo įstaigos (nuo ikimokyklinio, bendrojo, profesinio lavinimo iki neformaliojo ugdymo) ir joje dirbantys (besimokantys) bendruomenės nariai. Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai analizuoti, įgyvendinant naujas praktines veiklas, kurios mažino ugdymo įstaigų ekologinį pėdsaką. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad aktyviausios bendruomenės buvo tos, kurios į veiklas įtraukė daugiau dalyvių ir socialinių partnerių. Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžių formavimo procesas sudarė sąlygas į aplinkosauginio ugdymo veiklas įtraukti įvairaus amžiaus ir grupių žmones. Vykdytos aplinkosauginės priemonės bendruomenėms padėjo aktyviau dalyvauti vykdant aplinkosauginius projektus ir suprasti poveikio aplinkai pasekmes. Dalyviai atsakingiau vertino aplinką ir stengėsi labiau tausoti išteklius.
Organizational learning is evaluated as issue of essential importance in modern organizations performing in contemporary society of knowledge. It is claimed that organizational learning is a very appropriate tool for adapting to the changing environment and for integration of various innovations into organizational activities. Different authors emphasize that learning in organizations occurs in individual, group or collective and organizational levels. But only learning formalized and documented in official organization legislation is named as organizational learning and is meant to be necessary for an organization for gaining its new knowledge.
Migration for children is a very challenging period. In the article children migration is looked through the phenomenological lens and expressed through the existential of lived body. Therefore, the purpose of article is to describe the nature of child migration through the existential of the lived body. In the lived experience descriptions or anecdotes the examination of human experience is presented. In such stories lies the essence of the children migration phenomenon. The results are presented in four three sections: unmanageable fear; otherness as abnormality and dissonance of body and language.
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of pre-school global citizenship education. Modern society is facing new challenges and social problems affecting all people. In order to tackle them successfully, it is advisable to talk with children about these issues from an early age. The pre-school age is described as the most appropriate time to develop global citizens who are able to recognise the problems of the modern world not only in their immediate environment, but also to understand the links between their immediate environment and the world. The paper presents some of the results of a micro-ethnographic study conducted at X pre-school. The observation of a group of pre-school children was carried out, and interviews with pre-school teachers were organised. The data gathered from the study revealed that global citizenship education is manifested in the formal activities of pre-school children. Global citizenship is manifested through children’s construction of knowledge about their immediate environment and their home country, complemented by new knowledge about the world. Children are able to acknowledge themselves as global citizens, to recognise and talk about social problems in the context of the immediate environment and the world, propose solutions to global problems, and contribute actively to the creation of a clean, safe and sustainable environment.
The article presents a study of the physical activity of older students (15 to 18 years old) during the lockdown period. It analyses whether students’ physical activity changed during the lockdown period after the introduction of certain restrictions in a survey of 150 respondents at the General Education and Vocational Training Centre. Summarising the results of the survey, it can be stated that one third (30%) of the respondents spent three to four hours a week with friends and family during the lockdown. The respondents also actively participated in volunteering: as many as 30% devoted some time to this activity. It also turned out that a third of respondents (30%) spent between three and four hours at a computer. The study found that physical activity did not decrease during lockdown, only the nature of activities and the physical activity changed. It should be noted that those students who were active in sports prior to the announcement of the lockdown restrictions remained physically active.