Volume 90, Issue 1 (2023): Tiltai, pp. 43–65
The article analyses the prospects for small and medium-size farms relating to the development of the ‘From Farm to School’ model in the Klaipėda region. The research aimed to reveal the possibilities for involving farmers in the Klaipėda region in cooperation with educational institutions in order to provide them with farm products/services. Questions relevant to the study were discussed during a focused group discussion with representatives of small and medium-size farms in the Klaipėda region: Are farmers interested in providing services and products to educational institutions? How do they evaluate the public procurement system? What are the possible cooperation opportunities and obstacles? etc. The results show that the needs and expectations for cooperation between Klaipėda region farmers, municipal employees and educational institutions as buyers of services basically coincide. The participants in the research agreed that the food from local growers is good, and they would like children to be fed quality food from local farms in schools. However, the results of the study assumed the insufficient literacy of small and medium-size farmers in order to effectively develop cooperation with educational institutions. Therefore, the article aims to raise awareness of representatives of small and medium-size farms and all interested groups about the ‘From Farm to School’ model, which could have an impact on the better involvement of farmers, and strengthen the connection between local farming communities and educational institutions. Better awareness could help to develop targeted actions of interested parties in order to shorten food supply chains, improve the quality of food in school meals, and promote the supply of products from small and medium-size farms to educational institutions in the Klaipėda region. The research also aims to contribute to the goals of the national Sustainable Development Strategy, by developing knowledge on how it is possible to preserve or restore natural ecosystems with the help of the activities and services of small and medium-size farms.
Mokslinio straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti kuriamą teorinį modelį, kuris apibūdintų pagrindinius mokyklų tobulinimo pasitelkus skaitmenines technologijas elementus ir leistų atskleisti mokyklų skirtumus bei nustatyti jų geriausią praktiką ir iššūkius. Modelis projektuojamas tokių teorijų, kaip, pvz., mokyklos tobulinimo, edukacinių inovacijų, besimokančios mokyklos, pagrindu, integruojant naujausias skaitmeninių technologijų vaidmens edukacijoje ir mokyklos vadyboje teorijas. Modelio pagrindą sudaro šeši pagrindiniai elementai, apibūdinantys inovatyvią skaitmeninę mokyklą: mokyklos vizija, lyderystė, mokymo(si) procesas, besimokanti bendruomenė, veiklos kokybės užtikrinimas, skaitmeniniai ištekliai. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas skaitmeninių technologijų taikymo galimybėms, atsakant į klausimą, kaip jos prisideda tobulinant pedagoginę ir vadybinę praktiką. Sukurtas inovatyvios skaitmeninės mokyklos teorinis modelis bus tolesnio tyrimo pagrindas, leisiantis mokykloms apmąstyti, suprasti ir tobulinti savo praktikas, siekiant pasitelkus skaitmenines technologijas siekti tvarių pedagoginių ir vadybinių pokyčių.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the aspects of integration of entrepreneurship into higher education (Educational sciences) in Lithuania and Latvia. The article maintains that proper entrepreneurial competencies are required to successfully start, operate and ensure the new business in the marketplace. From an educational perspective, scholars are primarily concerned with the development of individual-level competencies for entrepreneurship. Therefore the following question arises: what competencies for entrepreneurship should individuals be able to manifest when facing an entrepreneurial venture? More specifically, from educational and higher education perspectives, the question is: what competencies for entrepreneurship should universities address in their curricula for graduate programmes specifically in Educational sciences. Models of students’ entrepreneurial competencies are highlighted theoretically and some empirical insights on which competencies students in Educational sciences from Lithuanian and Latvian universities would like to have acquired are provided. The article presupposes that competence–based education can be designed to promote entrepreneurial activity among university students.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the aspects of application of Fast Track Solution SAP Business One Model to the business curriculum of a university study programme. With the SAP Business One, students gain knowledge and understanding on how different areas of business interact and integrate and how information technology-based infrastructure simplify business operations. In addition, this research article introduces and identifies the SAP Business One modules that can be applied to the present business curriculums of university studies, which leads to a blended learning approach when education addresses the needs of industry. Blended learning, as a learning approach that applies the SAP Business One modules, complements the skills required by industries thus fostering the industry-based learning approach. Theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience will make business students gain competitive advantage and competency in innovativeness.
Dirbtinis intelektas vis labiau skverbiasi į mokyklas ir edukacijos procesą. Tad svarbu nustatyti, kaip jis gali padėti tobulinti mokymo(si) procesą. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamos ir sisteminamos šiuolaikinės dirbtiniu intelektu paremtos edukacinės technologijos, atskleidžiant jų galimus privalumus ir trūkumus, kuriant personalizuotas mokymo(si) aplinkas. Siekiant išsikelto tikslo, taikytas mokslinės literatūros analizės metodas. Jo pagrindu skiriamos pagrindinės dirbtinio intelekto integravimo į edukacines technologijas tendencijos, jos išsamiai aptariamos. Teigiama, kad įvertinus dirbtinio intelekto privalumus ir galimybes edukacijoje, jis turėtų būti vertinamas kaip edukacijos praktiką transformuojantis procesas, kur būtina iš esmės persvarstyti pagrindinius vaidmenis. Svarbiausias efektyvaus dirbtinio intelekto naudojimo edukacijoje veiksnys – mokytojų raštingumas dirbtinio intelekto srityje.