Volume 91, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 44–64
Having acknowledged the importance of leadership, it seems there is lack of research in the field of developing the leadership skills of healthcare workers. Therefore, this article aims to answer the problem question: what leadership abilities of healthcare workers are important, and what are the opportunities to develop them in healthcare institutions? Theoretical insights and quantitative research have been used to answer this question. The questionnaire survey of healthcare workers conducted confirms that the expression of leadership is inseparable from motivation, being an example, help and cooperation, the ability to mobilise the team to act in one direction and achieve the set goals. The study shows that the development of leadership skills is achieved through personal development, the formation of positive attitudes towards changes, the dissemination of leadership competence, independent activity, and mutual interaction. The study is significant in that it can help understand factors for the improvement of the subject under consideration, and make a targeted intervention in ongoing processes of the development of leadership skills, improving them and achieving better results in the development of the leadership skills of healthcare workers.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 71–90
The article adresses the problem of social work support to domestically violent males. The causes of violence and the process of help and resocialization are discussed. The research results reveal that domestically violent males receive informational, legal, psychological and social help, however, the component of social-psychological help is underdeveloped, lack of involvement of social workers is felt. Possibilities of social work support are underutilized, social workers rarely participate in the whole of support process. Usually the role of social worker is carried out by probation officers.
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 41–52
The focus of this article is on the personality of a social worker as most qualified representative of the profession. The task of the article is to explore social worker’s personal agency and context beliefs as a factor to increase the motivation of social worker’s professional activity. The methodological basis of the research is the Concept of Effective Functioning (Motivational Systems Theory, Ford, 1992). The talk – interview was used to gain factual information about social worker’s capability beliefs related to the main elements of problem solving process. To explore social worker’s context beliefs, a construct embracing essential factors characteristic to social organizations was made. The research provide information about the mentioned parameters of the beliefs and reveal the dominating patterns of social workers’ professional functioning indicating the level of their motivation.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 1–16
In this article the efforts of social workers to promote inclusive practices in children day care centres is analysed. Changes in education based on life-long learning culture require active and conscious participation of parents in child’s education process. However, this participation becomes overburden if family is socially excluded because of the deviant lifestyle or poverty. Indeed, practical observations together with results of the studies reveal that the collaboration between social professions, which aim to implement child welfare and parents is insufficient. In order to help these families children day care centres were established. The aim of the article is to reveal how social workers construct professional help with parents on the purpose to help overcoming child’s issues at school. The study is based on hermeneutical methodology. During Soviet period development of child’s skills belonged to the educational institutions outside the family. Research participants still struggles for the ownership of these developments, pushing neglectful parents aside. The research revealed that within transformation process social workers adapts the forms of professional posture, however, the content of their performance is inherited from the past experiences and historical development.