The focus of the article is the rhetorical features of Lithuanian social issue advertisements reflecting the war in Ukraine. Rhetorical discourse analysis is used to explore the rhetoric of war: the characteristic rhetorical topics and dominant narrative directions are discussed, the prevailing pattern of rhetorical argumentation is identified, and the main strategies of linguistic expression are determined. The study shows that the discourse of social issue advertisements is a reflection of today’s realities, not only conveying but also shaping societal perceptions. The rhetorical expression of the advertisements signifies the authors’ attempts to reinforce the idea of solidarity, to inspire the addressee to be an active participant in the discourse, and to make decisions that are oriented towards the public good.
Volume 91, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 44–64
Having acknowledged the importance of leadership, it seems there is lack of research in the field of developing the leadership skills of healthcare workers. Therefore, this article aims to answer the problem question: what leadership abilities of healthcare workers are important, and what are the opportunities to develop them in healthcare institutions? Theoretical insights and quantitative research have been used to answer this question. The questionnaire survey of healthcare workers conducted confirms that the expression of leadership is inseparable from motivation, being an example, help and cooperation, the ability to mobilise the team to act in one direction and achieve the set goals. The study shows that the development of leadership skills is achieved through personal development, the formation of positive attitudes towards changes, the dissemination of leadership competence, independent activity, and mutual interaction. The study is significant in that it can help understand factors for the improvement of the subject under consideration, and make a targeted intervention in ongoing processes of the development of leadership skills, improving them and achieving better results in the development of the leadership skills of healthcare workers.
The article explores the rhetorical disposition (structural composition) of the speeches delivered by the most renowned American business leaders, which is approached from the perspective of persuasion. The aim of the research is to analyse the dispositional topic of the speeches in question: to determine and generalise the most common elements of rhetorical composition. Fifty speeches by American business leaders, delivered on various occasions in the period 1981 to 2019, have been chosen and analysed in this article. The research is intended to answer the question whether contemporary orators still follow the principles of structural composition proposed by Classical rhetorical theory, and to observe how dispositional topics are changing with regard to orally delivered speeches.
The subject of this study is leadership styles in educational establishments. Our tasks were as follows: to analyse leadership styles and to carry out an expert study aiming at the evaluation of leadership styles in educational establishments. The methods of investigation consisted in the analysis of scientific literature, systemisation, application of the principles of logical analysis and synthesis, generalisation, induction and deduction.