There is the one of the biggest problem in the world- not sustainable development of countries, regions. The governments of different countries were trying to solve economical differences between some countries and regions only using economic measures in last century. It should be noted that economic development orientations and concepts cannot satisfy the humanity’s needs and they have only a limited application spectrum in environmental protection studies. The situation supposes the necessity to propose new approaches and to define the essence of economic theory, its potential role and tasks, in solving issues related to critical human existence and civilization survival in the future. Sustainable development is based on three dimensions: economic development, social development, and environmental protection. But still there are big scientific problem – how to change mentality of people through the world? How to find measures that would be understandable for everybody? How to change people thinking to use less? How to explain for managers of organizations, that to be sustainable – to be successful? These and other questions were analyzed in this article. The aim of this paper is to describe benefit of sustainable development in organizations. Object of research – sustainable organizations. The tasks of the article: to analyze the concepts of sustainable development in organizational level; to analyze concept of sustainable organization and to show benefit for organizations to sustainable. Used methods are- the analysis of scientific articles, comparison, and observation.
Organizational culture and corporate social responsibility are effective measures that have an impact on organizational performance and results. In particular norms, principles, rules and values of the organization’s employees are more efficient, more comfortable, reduces mistrust, tension, a feeling of insecurity. Organizational culture includes the efforts of all staff, based on common human values. Employees tend to work in organizations where they are treated fairly, respecting their interests. It is ideology of social responsible (SR) organizations. Social responsible organizations promote a business friendly environment to create a social atmosphere, harmonize working relationships and actively participate in social dialogue with the public and with the organization.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 89–102
The paper reveals the phenomenon of jazz music and analyses the expression of vocal jazz in a historical, philosophical, and educational context. The historical origins of jazz are related to a community culture and to the natural and authentic creative process; inner freedom is one of the most significant aspects of jazz music, based on improvisation. The global practice of jazz vocal studies is predominated by a systemic approach that links the physiological, psychological, and mental levels. The study process is not separated from the personality (self) development and the creation of a sensitive and enabling relation culture. The paper presents a reflection on personal practical experience and is based on the data of a presentation Unique Self Search in Vocal Jazz: Jazz Voice + Theatrical Elements: Wider Opportunity for Self-Expression, given in the 2nd International Scientific Jazz Vocal Conference held in the Sibelius Academy (Helsinki, Finland).
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 49–62
Society’s value system forms gradually, and every society has its own culture, its own dominant value system. Fundamental values such as honesty, fairness, compassion and kindness have been preserved through the centuries, and they are the core values of today. Organization values are invisible organizational culture, the deepest layer of the organization. The internal culture of institutions is the system of values and traditions, work environment, which is an important condition for staff satisfaction and performance efficiency. Latvian public administration declared value is incorporated into the code of ethics, also included in the organization documents, thus addressing not only their employees, but also society as a whole, what is the profession of the required values, as well as what human values should be never lost. In this study, in order to identify the predominant values and intrinsic values of institutions based on publicly available data and information sources, Latvian State Administration Policy declared value are discussed and analyzed.
The whole idea of this paper spins mainly about one of the main aspects within early child’s education – creativity and its meaning to a child’s psychosocial development. The presented findings rely on the methodological approach supported by Reggio Emilia philosophy. Creativity education, especially based on Reggio Emilia point of view, starts from the very young age and therefore kindergartens as well as families play much significant role to support and develop creativity roots in child’s everyday routine. It is stressed that being creative is more like being initiative and innovative – the features that are mainly required by contemporary society. Also this paper is illustrated with real-life pictures from the activities in the kindergarten “Lazdynėlis”, so it becomes much clearer for those who are interested in this topic to understand how kindergarten daily life may sustain, develop and so enhance creativity of children using many different approaches, e.g. through the game-led tools, teachers’ attitudes etc.