Globalization process has a gradually stronger influence on economic development. In this new reality the main indicator is innovation. Various regions of European Union formulate Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS). The goal of this document is to formulate essential elements of regional development strategy. This kind of strategy was created for the Mazovia region. In the document we can read that Mazovia is the most innovative region in Poland, however, it is still far behind regions in highly developed countries. The main strength of Mazovia is the fact that it is a capital region, which means a better access for enterprises to information, important contacts and promotion. Nevertheless, we still can experience many barriers, undermining regular regional development, such as insufficient grants for scientific research or inadequate engagement of public administration to help entrepreneurs.
The article analyses the tendencies of the expression of the relation between the addresser and the addressee in the first Lithuanian advertisements, published in the periodicals Aušra, Varpas and Židinys at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The relation between the addresser and the addressee is considered to be one of the ways to achieve the peripheral persuasion effect. Attempts are made to perceive these relations in the article by analysing the linguistic expression in terms of pragmatic linguistics and stylistics, by means of which the addresser names the addressee and expresses a request-persuasion to purchase the advertised product. Since advertising is one of the most popular public genres entrenched in the present-day language, indirectly but considerably affecting not only the standard language development, but also the culture of communication, when analysing the tendencies of the expression of the relation between the addresser and the addressee in the first advertisements, the research results have been evaluated with respect to the rules of the general principle of politeness.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamaorganizacinės kultūra, jos svarba ir vertinimo metodai. Ištirti organizacinękultūrą svarbu dėl daugelio priežasčių: tai skatina darbuotojų lojalumą,apibrėžia organizacijos tikslus ir padeda užtikrinti sėkmingą jos veiklą. Šiamedarbe pateikiama įvairių mokslininkų organizacinės kultūros tyrimo priemoniųanalizė ir metodai, organizacinės kultūros elementų analizė, kuri atskleidžia,iš ko susideda organizacinė kultūra ir į ką reikėtų orientuotis parenkanttyrimo metodus. Aprašomi organizacinės kultūros tyrimo duomenų rinkimo būdai.Straipsnyje pateikiamas sukurtas organizacinės kultūros vertinimo metodo modelis,tinkantis objektyviai ištirti didelės organizacijos organizacinę kultūrą.
The article seeks to emphasize peculiarity of reception of the oeuvre of Prussian Lithuanian philosopher and writer Vydūnas. The author represents analysis of the literary polemic between Lithuanian writers Balys Sruoga and Julijonas Lindė-Dobilas. This polemic arose from B. Sruoga’s sharp review written for Vydūnas’s mystery play Jūrų varpai. Subsequently Vydūnas involves himself in to polemic with B. Sruoga which developed into direct literary controversy. The article discusses not only question about intricacy of Vydūnas’s works but seeks to answer the question: why B. Sruoga rejects professional critical evaluation of the play and insistently holds an opinion that Vidūnas’s oeuvre is unacceptable for Lithuanian reader. The article also introduces how after a few years changed B. Sruoga’s attitude in respect to Vydūnas’s personality and his oeuvre.
This article presents a research concluded in 2016, which aimed to unveil how social and cultural issues were represented in Lithuanian rap music. The research shows that social, political and valuable reflections of the state and people are the most reflected by rap texts. It is revealed that rap music helps not only to evaluate, analyze phenomena in the country, but also helps to change, rebuild, and understand them. Research on rap lyrics helps to understand the attitude of hip-hop subculture members towards different events and at the same time look at them from another perspective.
The article deals with communicative failures of journalists in “YouTube” celebrity video interviews in the Ukrainian and German linguacultures from the point of view of social interaction and the theory of speech genres at all structural levels of the communicative genre construction, establishing common and distinctive features in both linguacultures. The analysis made it possible to conclude that behind a language (speech) failure there is a violation caused by a journalist, a respondent, or an external noise.
Hemp is a very valuable plant because each part of it can be used in many ways. It can be used to produce innovative products for building construction, chemical industry, medicine, textile production, consumption, and agriculture. In the article, the authors have aggregated the information about hemp cultivation and processing sector development in the European Union and Latvia and have described its cultivation possibilities, technological processes, and processing capabilities. The aim of the present article was to reveal the topicalities of hemp industry development in the European Union and Latvia. The tasks of the research were to present an overall description of hemp industry development trends in the European Union and to characterize hemp industry development in Latvia focusing on the national support activities and hemp cultivation and processing opportunities. The authors of the article have performed an extensive secondary data analysis to summarize the most important activities that should be done at the national scale to further enhance the development of hemp industry in Latvia.
The purpose of this article is to investigate the mechanisms contributing to increasing of the efficiency of the institutions andinstruments ensuring the innovative development of Russia, increasing of its competitiveness in terms of accession to the WTOand the OECD. The article considers factors, negatively influencing on the innovative development of Russia. In the article wasconducted comparative analysis of expenditure on R&D in the different countries, analysis of modern methods and tools of statesupport of innovative development. A complex of additional measures aimed at enhancing the innovative activity of the businesssector and the measures of state support of innovative development in Russia are proposed.
The article is devoted to an ethnomusicological, musical-textological, and performing analysis of the traditional dance the Hutsulka. The material is an audio recording of an anonymous wedding band from the Galician-Hutsul part of the Ukrainian Carpathians, made in the first half of the 20th century. This recording is included in the album ‘Music of the Ukraine’ released by the studio Folkways Records USA (vinyl, 1951). As the oldest known audio recording of the Hutsulka, the piece ‘Hutsulka and Kozachok Dances’ is characterised by an original interpretation of the genre at the musical form-building and thematic levels. Based on an analysis of the musical form, the melodic scale and the rhythmic structure, typical features of the performance style of the Kosmach-Brustury tradition are revealed. They are especially evident in the playing by the fiddler and fuyarnist. The identity of the fiddler was established hypothetically, by comparing these data with the testimonies of respondents.