Šiame straipsnyje naujai – pasitelkiant imagologijos teoriją – perskaitomas didžiausias Ievos Simonaitytės romanas „Vilius Karalius“ (1977-ųjų leidimas). Parodomas ne tik prancūzų imagologo Daniel-Henri Pageaux išskirtų požiūrių (manijos, fobijos, filijos bei idiokrazijos) į kitą kultūrą išryškėjimas romane, bet ir svarstoma, ar atsiveria naujų romano vertinimo perspektyvų. Kaip antraeile metodologine atrama straipsnyje naudojamasi ir kito imagologo Joepho Leersseno akcentuojama centro bei periferijos skirtimi, ryškiai atsiskleidžiančia „Viliuje Karaliuje“. Kadangi I. Simonaitytės tekste vaizduojamas lietuvininko susidūrimas su vokiškąja kultūra, daugiausia dėmesio straipsnyje skiriama veikėjų tarpusavio įtampoms.
Long shafts, known by various sources in Sambia, were not attracting the attention of archaeologists. According to their location, the shafts are divided into: shafts near the extremities of the peninsula, known from archaeological exploration, and shafts in the depth of the land, known only from written sources. It is possible that the shafts were performed not so much by the military as by cult and administrative functions, limiting the extraterritorial nature of the canals and protecting the foreign boats roaming through them from the Prussian tribal territory, the laws of which the merchant-mariners did not obey.
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 11–28
Habilitation of children with hearing impairment is becoming an integral part of the education system in Republic of Moldova, which remains one of the poorest countries in Europe. The research data presented in this article show that accessibility to education for children with disabilities is full of contradictions. The research focuses on the ongoing reform of special education and assesses the adaptation of democratic values in education from the perspective of habilitation. The families involved in this research were low income full families who had a school age children with hearing impairment, lived in an urban environment of the big city and experienced shortage of services for their children. The assumption was taken, that in search for solution these families tend to compensate for the lack of services by self-creating the resources of habilitation. Results of the qualitative research highlighted two problems: social and economic. The essence of these problems – management of social stigmatization through realization of habilitation resources as a mean to compensate and replenish the lack of services. Research data also revealed the necessity of further construction and conceptualisation of habilitation resources.
The final phase of the Viking Age in the Prussian material culture was marked by the proliferation of media in the retinue of the Prussians and Curonians bronze and iron products, coated (plated) of silver. By the XIV century from the Prussian nobility extends the custom of wearing “knightly” zones, as the Order’s decorated and traditionally Prussian images. Later burials of Christianized Prussians plated items disappear along with the main array of other burial items.
According to the semasiological aspect the names of Head Domain used by North Samogitians comprise a numerous subgroup of the thematic group of somatonyms, as on the basis of written resources and live spoken samples approximately 300 invariant lexemes of the mentioned semantics have been identified. The onomasiological research of the North Samogitian Head Domain thematic subgroup somatonyms, considering them as the results of the nomination process, i. e. the so called nominathemes, allowed us to establish a diversity of the characteristic nomination types, kinds, modes, and means, alongside with the distinguished dominant elements. Within the nomination system of the researched somatonyms the most productive two motivated nomination kinds have been identified, such as: affixational and semantic. The systematic analysis of the nomination types, modes, and means makes it possible to differentiate particular conceptualized (both cognitive and axiological) features of human body parts, as well as to draw their hierarchical categorization within the traditional (‘naïve’) world conception.
On April 10 this year, for the first time in humanity’s history, a photo of a black hole (or black abyss) taken with the Event Horizon telescope was published. As if seen through an “out-of-focus camera lens”, a shadow (dark circle) of a massive black hole at the centre on the galaxy M87 surrounded by a mass of gas moving very fast can be seen. Sheperd Doeleman, Project Director of Event Horizon Telescope and Senior Research Fellow at Harvard University says that black holes are the most mysterious formations in the universe. In fact, it’s amazing that the whole world is “going crazy” for the first publicly published black hole image. But it is at these moments that we especially want to point out that there are still so many inexhaustible, mysterious, valuable, exploratory things on our small planet Earth. Here, in front of our eyes, every day, whole worlds of human consciousness open up, as if they were a kind of parallel reality. The other question is whether we want to see them, “take a picture”, and most importantly, recognize their value? Remembering the words of Carl Sagan, a well-known astronomer and science populariser, not anyone else but “We are a way for the cosmos to know itself”.
The article presents an analysis of the derivational system of one group of verbs attested to in the old Lithuanian text ‚Ziwatas‘ (1759), in particular denominative verbs derived from adjectives and nouns. The verbs analysed belong to factitive, ornative, fientive, stative, instrumental, similative and participative word formation categories. The centre of the denominative derivational type is comprised of desubstantives (51% in total) and deadjectives (42%), while derivatives from other parts of speech stand on the periphery of this type. The prototypical derivational types of denominatives are deadjectival verbs with the suffix -inti, and desubstantives with the suffixes -avoti and -yti, both belonging to the factitive category.
Straipsnyje, pasitelkiant autentišką lietuvininkų medžiagą, analizuojama Mažosios Lietuvos Sekminių šventės specifika chronologiniu aspektu (nuo pirmųjų paminėjimų iki šių dienų), siekiama atskleisti šventės bendruosius raidos etapus ir šiuolaikines papročių transformacijas. Analizuojami pagrindiniai XIX a. pab. – XX a. lietuvininkų Sekminių šventės modelio elementai ir lyginami su kitų regionų šventės elementais, atskleidžiant struktūrinius ir funkcinius kalendorinių apeigų pokyčius. Siekiama išanalizuoti šiuolaikinius (nuo 1990 m.) mažlietuvių Sekminių šventės papročius ir aptarti etninės tradicijos tęstinumo galimybes šių dienų šventės modelyje.
This paper examines language policy options as they relate to post-colonial primary education in Creole-speaking multi-ethnic Caribbean states. It first discusses the different roles of English and vernacular languages, the former as the language of instruction in formal education and the latter as interactional languages within local communities. It concludes with theoretically based practical notes on language teaching appropriate to each policy option. This paper uses as an illustrative example the language policies in bi-ethnic Guyana and addresses the critical issue whether the Ministry of Education, through social aspects of its policies, should take responsibility for community languages or ignore community languages in order to focus on early proficiency in the English language. The controversial decision is to what extent primary education should emphasise high English inputs for early academic attainment or prioritise community language inputs for promotion of social equity. This paper considers three language policy options, one policy option matching each of these extremes and one addressing the middle ground. Each policy option is contingent on three decision criteria: density of entry languages, available resources and the extent to which communities value their languages. These policy options are: (i) English language immersion, (ii) Transitional language policy and (iii) Bilingual policy. The three policies options are illustrated with comparative examples from several pluri-ethnic states.
The article is devoted to the historiographic analysis of French flute manuals of the 18th-19th centuries. The author has examined the technological and artistic principles of the formation of French flute didactics at different stages of historical development. The educational books by Jacques Hotteterre, Charles de Lusse, Benoit Tranquille Berbiguier, François Devienne, Antoine Hugot, Johann Wunderlich and other performer-educators have been investigated by using the comparative analyses. Theobald Boehm’s reform has been displayed in terms of its impact on flute playing technology. The author also has focused on the discussion about its use in the educational process at the Paris Conservatory.