The paperwork provides formulas for measuring value (created through CSR) gained by company, its partners (members of VCC) and employees. As far as expert survey confirmed, customers gained value generally might be evaluated by more favourable purchase decision and justification of higher price. Therefore it is suggested to pay main attention on customer’s gained use value – the value which is expressed through more favourable purchase decision and justification of higher price is already calculated as value gained by company.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 33–52
The aim of this paper is to discuss theoretical aspects of the economic changes brought on by transformation processes and the development of social market economies on the one hand and the continued creation of value with socially uneven economic growth and the growing sense of dissatisfaction, irregularities and disproportions on the other. This paper makes references to the search for the optimal model of capitalism, suggests ways of supporting the idea of inclusive capitalism and discusses a number of inequalities, including economic and social. The analyses in this paper are based on Polish and foreign literature, as well as the opinions of economists. The opinions and conclusions presented in this paper are, to a large extent, based on statistical analyses and the results of many years’ of the author’s research into economic transformation. The analysis in this paper is only an introduction to the problems of searching for the optimal model of capitalism that would take into account the inclusive nature of an economic system where a balance between economic and social goals is maintained.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos jūrų žuvininkystės sektoriaus, kaip regioninio verslo, problemos ir perspektyvos. Įvertinta jūrų žuvininkystės sektoriaus būklė, problemos ir numatytos galimos perspektyvos. Straipsnyje apibendrinta informacija, pateikta žuvininkystės sektoriaus norminiuose aktuose ir dokumentuose, statistinė informacija, moksliniai straipsniai bei informacija iš įvairių seminarų. Pateikta siūlymų galimoms perspektyvoms įgyvendinti.
Well known established over many centuries and wandering in the culture of the archetypes associated with water. In the nineteenth century, which marked crisis of rationalism, we can distinguish archetype: water as the embodiment irrational. Accordingly, the antithesis of “rational-irrational” appears in literature and art through the contrast of images of earth and water. This binary reveals itself in the evolution of the leading art schools of romanticism and realism. Water, especially the sea, images prevail in romanticism, allow to realize its leading artistic and aesthetic ideas. Irrational element, the unpredictability embodied in the images of a stormy sea, the drama and the wrongness of fate – in the pictures of the shipwreck. Sea – infinity, the vastness of space, time, existence in General (J. Byron, U. Turner, T. Gericault, K. Friedrich, and others). In the era of establishing realistic, and then naturalism, with their interest in social existence of man, “water recedes”, giving place to land, the earth. In the image system, under the influence of materialistic tendencies and positivist cult of scientific knowledge, is dominated by the resistance, finiteness, definiteness. The earth is the center of matter, nature (E. Zola “Earth”). If the field of view of water falls, lush shimmering sea gives way to the calm water surface (“Barbizon painters”).
Straipsnyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojamas migracijos reiškinys, remiantis įvairiomis teorijomis susisteminti skirtingi šio reiškinio aiškinimai. Migraciją aiškinančiose teorijose skiriami mikro-, makro- ir mezolygmenys, o tarp dažniausia minimų migracijos priežasčių – ekonominiai motyvai dėl darbo jėgos apmokėjimo bei paklausos ir pasiūlos skirtumų tarp šalių. Migracija, kaip ekonominis-socialinis reiškinys, savaime nėra nei blogas, nei geras. Atsižvelgiant į mastą ir šalies padėtį šio reiškinio atžvilgiu formuojasi teigiamos ar neigiamos pasekmės. Migracija vienai šaliai gali daryti neigiamą įtaką, kitai – teigiamą. Pirmą kartą nuo Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atgavimo, 2018 m. pastebimos ryškios imigracijos augimo ir emigracijos mažėjimo tendencijos: emigracijos mastai sumažėjo iki 32,9 tūkst. asmenų per metus, tuo tarpu imigracija išaugo iki 28,9 tūkst. asmenų per metus. Vertinant išankstinius 2019 m. duomenis, pirmąkart fiksuojamas teigiamas migracijos saldo (10,8 tūkst. asmenų). Šalyje vyksta kardinalūs asmenų judėjimo pokyčiai, susiduriama su reikšminga darbo jėgos imigracija. Todėl Lietuva, kaip šalis „priėmėja“, turi pradėti analizuoti ir imigracijos poveikį darbo rinkai (nedarbo lygiui, darbo užmokesčiui), ekonomikai, demografijai, socialiniam saugumui, tautiniam tapatumui, politiniams pokyčiams ir net nacionaliniam saugumui.
The article reviews and attempts to verify mythical information provided by Matthaeus Praetorius (Matthäus Prätorius, the end of the 17th century) in his work “Deliciae Prussicae or Prussian Theater” (Deliciae Prussicae, oder Preussische Schaubϋhne), which is directly concerned with childbirth and christening rituals, at the same time the role of Laimė, Laumė and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mentioned customs is revealed. In parallel with this, the article discusses interpretations by more significant researchers of the 19th–21st centuries who were concerned with M. Praetorius’s mythical material on childbirth and christening. The context of the researches of the 19th–21st centuries has shown that researchers of earlier periods did not consider the question of reliability of M. Praetorius’s mythical material. The present research has also revealed that mythical information on childbirth and christening described by M. Praetorius is reliable and that patrons of human birth – Laimė / Laumė / the Blessed Virgin Mary – should be treated as some kind of (each other’s) continuation or as a constant and variables. Human birth is a constant which is made meaningful by rituals that, taking into account historical and religious context, are patronised by a certain variable.
Sustainable economic development isbased on the favourable and stable business environment that promotescompetitiveness of companies. Commercial banks facilitate the capital flow fromthe less efficient sectors of the economy and businesses to more competitiveindustries and enterprises. The purpose of the research is to analyze the dynamicsof the Baltic States’ GDPs during years 2005–2010and to test the GDP correlation with the loans issued by domestic commercialbanks to the businesses. The key results of the analysis provide evidence aboutthe mutual relations between the leading and influencing factors in GDP andissued loans and serve as a basis for developing proposals on fostering the recoveryof Baltic States’ economies. The Granger testanalysis performed for the aggregate GDP and lending, as well as for six industries,provides controversial results and indicates that output in some industries hasmutual relationship with the availability of financial resources, however thebusiness sector development leads to the increase of credit granting thus ensuringthe development of the sector. The methods applied in the research comprise thesystematic, logical and comparative analysis, analysis of statistical data,expert method and generalization, as well as the econometric Granger causalitytest method.
The article provides an analysis of legislation pertaining to the protection of human rights provided by units of local government. The author characterises the key issues relating to the protection of rights and freedom of the individual in a democratic state, highlighting the role of local government administration. Admittedly, public authorities may cause infringements of individual rights and freedoms, but they can also take actions resulting in the increased protection of these values. The analysis also reconstructs a model of human rights protection, shaped at the level of local government structures and based on the Constitution. The author provides an assessment of legal patterns defining the limits of the protection of human rights executed by local government structures, and formulates postulates in this area, suggesting desired directions for change. Also analysed is the relationship between the constitutional framework safeguarding the independence of local government structures, and tools for the protection of human rights developed in the course of the functioning of local government units on one hand, and the practice of their application on the other. Thus, the publication presents rules and mechanisms for the functioning of local government administration in the context of weighing the significance of the protection of human rights in the current circumstances in Poland.
Social enterprises are crucial for Europe and its economy. These enterprises significantly contribute to job creation (especially for socially sensitive groups) and accounts for about 6 % of GDP across the European Union. In Latvia the role of social entrepreneurship is underestimated. The research aim is: based on the international experiences regarding social entrepreneurship, to determine economic gains of social businesses in Latvia. During the first year of developing social enterprises (2015) in Latvia, it is envisaged to establish 250 social enterprises, in which in total 1250 people will be employed, of which 50 % will be individuals from socially sensitive groups. Thus, the social benefit burden in municipalities will decrease by EUR 61 thousand, while almost EUR 222 thousand will be collected by the national government. The total gain from social entrepreneurship will amount to EUR 1.5 million over a six year period (2015–2020).
Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėjus pajamų nelygybės poveikio ekonomikos augimui aplinkos kanalu teorines interpretacijas, įvertinti pajamų nelygybės poveikį ekonomikos augimui skirtingose šalių grupėse. Rezultatai pagrįsti 28-ių ES šalių paneliniais duomenimis 1995–2017 m. laikotarpiu. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje apibendrintos pajamų nelygybės poveikio ekonomikos augimui aplinkos kanalu teorijos. Antroje – sutelkti pajamų nelygybės poveikio ekonomikos augimui aplinkos kanalu vertinimo modeliai, pagrįsta vertinimo metodika ir aptariami empiriniame tyrime taikomi kintamieji. Trečioje dalyje nustatyta, kad didėjanti pajamų nelygybė daro nevienareikšmį poveikį ekonomikos augimui aplinkos kanalu. Nustatyta, kad pajamų nelygybė skatino ekonomikos augimą aplinkos kanalą atskleidžiant sieros oksidų atžvilgiu ir atsinaujinančios energijos dalimi, vertinant bendrą galutinį energijos suvartojimą.