The article focuses on issues of teaching/learning types of style in Lithuanian as a non-native language. The aim of the study is to analyse the provisions of the ‘Common Framework of Reference for the Teaching and Assessment of Foreign Languages’ and the content of the Aukštuma descriptor of teaching/learning Lithuanian as a foreign language through the use of qualitative methods, and to compare them with the published teaching material for adults. The study proved that, in accordance with these provisions, stylistic differentiations of language should be taught from Level B2 onwards, but very little attention is paid to this area in teaching material. Only one of the teaching resources examined provides a slightly higher number of words with stylistic differences; however, the tasks are not always formulated paying attention to the stylistic meaning of words and collocations.
Žymus KU Filologijos katedros profesorius dr. Albinas Drukteinis šiemet švenčia 70-metį. Tai labiausiai Klaipėdos universiteto vardą garsinantis dabartinės lietuvių kalbos specialistas. Nėra nė vieno lituanisto ar kalbos aktualijomis besidominčio žmogaus, kuris nežinotų mūsų Profesoriaus: jis daug metų buvo Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisijos narys, jos Gramatikos, rašybos ir skyrybos pakomisės pirmininkas (narys), yra parengęs leidinį „Lietuvių kalbos skyryba. Taisyklės, komentarai, patarimai“ (2020), jūreivystės terminų duomenyną, parašęs gausybę mokslo ir jo populiarinimo publikacijų, vedęs tūkstančius paskaitų, seminarų, konsultacijų... Kol gyvavo Lietuvių kalbos katedra, dr. Albinas Drukteinis buvo nepakeičiamas jos vedėjas, energingai telkęs kolegas diskusinei minčiai bei pedagoginei bendrystei.
Dabar, be kitų kalbos tvarkybos, mokslo ir ugdomųjų veiklų, daug laiko ir širdies atiduoda kraštui kaip Lietuvių kalbos draugijos Klaipėdos skyriaus pirmininkas, Klaipėdos savivaldybės Žymių žmonių, istorinių datų, įvykių įamžinimo ir gatvių pavadinimų suteikimo komisijos, KU Senato narys... Už darbą lituanistikos baruose šįmet apdovanotas Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo atminimo medaliu ir padėkos raštu.
This article analyzes the question of the correct use of the phrases for the verb aptarnauti or the forms of this verb. The article discusses the semantic structure of these words and their disparate interpretation in the dictionaries of Lithuanian language. The data is collected from the Corpus of Modern Lithuanian Language, the sources of various functional styles, and the survey shows the real usage of the verb aptarnauti (and the noun aptarnavimas). The correctness of the usage of the examples is analyzed and special attention is given to some problematic cases that require more detailed analysis. This research indicates that some of the phrases, which users view as incorrect, comply with the language norm and specifically describe the characteristics that can help distinguish correct phrases from incorrect phrases.
This article analyzes the question of the usage of the descriptive phrase žmogus su negalia and its syntactic competitors. The origin and spread of the phrase žmogus su negalia and variations of its evaluation by the language norm is discussed. Data that was collected from the Corpus of Modern Lithuanian Language, other sources of various functional styles, and a survey shows the real usage of the language components that describe people with disabilities. The research analyzes the correctness of the various language examples and problematic cases of usage are explicitly discussed. This article questions the causes and validity of the change of the level of correctness of the phrase žmogus su negalia.
This article analyzes the proper use of various meanings of the adjective draugiškas ‘friendly’. It discusses the semantic structure of this adjective and its different interpretation in the Dictionary of Modern Lithuanian Language and in the Dictionary of Lithuanian Language. The semantic structure of the adjective draugiškas has been specified based on the data collected from the Corpus of Modern Lithuanian Language and other sources, the problem of its figurative use is discussed, and its validity from the stand point of proper usage of new meanings such as „safe“, „harmless“, „comfortable“ is evaluated. The data was collected from various functional styles and the conducted survey shows the real use of the modern adjective draugiškas. In addition, it shows that some of the phrases used with this word that are indicated as incorrect by users, are not violating the norms of language use. The appropriateness of new phrases, such as draugiškas restoranas, draugiška kuprinė, is discussed.
This article discusses maritime and other navigation-related terms proposed by V. Pakalniškis in his book The Explanation of Navigation Terms (2005). Terms proposed as substitutes to the words of foreign origin but not mentioned in other publications of this field have been researched. The composition and correct usage of these substitutes are analyzed, their use in other highly popular sources have been researched, and in cases of their use, the meanings are compared with other publications. This article determines which maritime terms can be considered as neologisms proposed by V. Pakalniškis and partially discusses the (un)suitability of these proposed terms.
This article analyses the correct use of phrases with the verb taikyti. It discusses the semantic structure of the word, and its different interpretations in dictionaries of the Lithuanian language. Data is collected from the ‘Corpus of the Modern Lithuanian Language’, sources about various functional styles, and a survey. It shows the real contemporary usage of the verb taikyti in texts related to health. The correctness of the use of the examples collected is analysed, and special attention is paid to problematic cases that require a more detailed analysis. The research indicates that for some phrases with taikyti which users view as correct, better contextual equivalents can be found.