Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 159–174
125 years ago, the mission of the Lithuanian literary, political, and scientific newspaper Varpas (The Bell) published under the Czarist occupation was to interpret the issues of the national life, to raise the nation’s spirit, and to awaken and strengthen the national self-consciousness. Among other issues, the publishers devoted great attention to a fundamental human need, i.e. the maintenance of identity and its relationship to faith (Catholicism). Religion and language were interpreted as closely related phenomena and as the nation’s values of utmost significance for the maintenance of the national identity. Religion, language, and customs were so closely related that the destruction of one could undermine the fundaments of the other elements. People who had learnt their native language from their mothers, and later had disowned it, could have also questioned another legacy of the mother, i.e. faith. As demonstrated in the paper, the henchmen of the czarist government tended to simultaneously destroy both Catholicism and Lithuanianness in different ways, especially during the reign of Mikhail Muravjov. The authors of Varpas considered the Orthodox church to be the main factor of Lithuanians’ assimilation which tried to attract Lithuanians in different ways; another important factor of influence was school which taught children different subjects, even religious studies, in a non-native language. In the implementation of that kind of Muravjov’s strategy, some clergy collaborated with the invaders
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 157–170
During the soviet times pedagogy in Latvia develops in difficult and controversial conditions. It becomes a specific area of influence and a propaganda tool, in which ideologised guidelines of soviet pedagogy prevail. So far Soviet experience in education theory and practice (1940–1941, 1944–1990) has not been fully identified and evaluated because it is “recent” history. People living during the soviet times have developed self-experience, based on which conclusions can be made. At the same time young people develop this experience in their daily life (communicating with people, watching and reading in the mass media), thus based on other people’s experience. One of the sources promoting teachers’ historical experience is study courses The History of Pedagogy and Literature Didactics, in which future teachers gain knowledge about the historical development of pedagogy, learn different ideas proposed by famous educators, acquire skill in analysing pedagogical ideas in the context of a particular historical period, assess different offerings of pedagogy and their application in nowadays pedagogical situations. At the same time in the study course Literature Didactics future teachers enrich their knowledge about the development of Didactics of Latvian Literature during the soviet period, master their skills in critical evaluation of study contents, study programs, materials, additional materials, study aims, methods and approaches as well as teacher student interaction during the lesson.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 157–164
The process of internationalization and awareness of the other are procedures of presently existing strategies in higher education. Currently, as a part of transcultural education, a growing amount of alternative cross-border educational programs are offered. Critics have suggested that practices focus less on contemporary gender issues in international educations than on issues of language and culture. Globally, employees in health and social care professions are predominantly female, which thus attracts reflective learning on issues connected to gender. This article illuminates an example where Swedish and Danish nursing students participating in an exchange program in Öresund Region have shown gender responsiveness and preconceptions during their clinical practice abroad. Further, this article proposes some ways forward to a more pedagogical approach to increase vocational awareness of gender issues.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 155–158
Jūratė Sučylaitė. Prieš srovę. Psichikos sveikata ir vertybės šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje. 2021. Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla
Gydytoja, psichiatrė, poezijos terapeutė pristatė šiemet išleistą monografiją „Prieš srovę“ (recenzentai: dr. Laima Sapiežinskienė, socialiniai mokslai, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Neuromokslų institutas, ir prof. dr. Tony’is Wall’as, Česterio universiteto Europos darnaus vystymosi ir verslo tyrimų padalinys, Jungtinė Karalystė).
Savalaikė monografija, kurioje autorė analizuoja keletą aktualių ir subtilių temų. Visos jos aktualizuotos COVID-19 pandemijos, kuri ne tik alina žmonijos psichosocialinius išteklius, bet ir kelia sudėtingus iššūkius žmogiškumui, ieškant savojo Aš, laikotarpiu. Šiandieniniame pasaulyje stebimas psichikos sveikatos klausimų aktualizavimas: apie tai kalbame, analizuojame augančius susirgimo skaičius, aptariame priežastis, ieškome žmogaus atsparumo taškų būties, gilesnių pajautų kontekste.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 151–168
Pastoral counseling has long history; its roots are found deep in the concept of “shepherding” (or care for the soul, poimenics) which originates in Christ’s approach to men. However, interest about various counseling methods today beyond the Church setting is called by expanding of the identity question of the social work profession. Currently social work is done in circles where meaning of religious issues rises above the average in society and clients express their wish to cooperate with social workers who care for their faith and religion. Also it should be noted that more attention is paid to the Church as an institution which is an important provider of social services for the needy, rejected, for orphans, risk families etc. Consequently, the task of the present article is to shed light on pastoral counseling content taking place in professional setting.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 151–168
The article aims at revealing the possibilities for prevention and reduction of physical education teachers’ professional burnout by empirically grounding the efficiency of the strategy based on development of relaxation skills of physical education pedagogues working in comprehensive education institutions in Lithuania. Research cases carried out in recent years show that the syndrome of professional burnout is a highly urgent problem among pedagogues. Methods to prevent and reduce the burnout are being constantly sought for. Among all strategies, increased attention of researchers is focused on ways to avoid, cope with and diminish the impact of professional burnout which would enable a person to help oneself without others’ assistance. The article presents the results of an educational project which involved 23 teachers of physical education.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 151–167
The article analyses the application of elements of a team-based learning strategy to a virtual environment by creating a prototype that uses Web 5.0 technologies. The team-based teaching / learning strategy was chosen due to its popularity and proven effectiveness in higher education. Web 5.0 web educational technologies have been chosen because of their undoubted future perspective. Both the aforementioned strategy and the Web 5.0 technologies are chosen because they guarantee the development of the competencies necessary in the future (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, etc.) A prototype was developed and evaluated during the study. The possibilities of Web 5.0 web technologies related to artificial intelligence in the development of the developed prototype are reviewed.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 151–154
Rita Vaičekauskaitė. Negalios studijų kritinis diskursas sveikatos mokslų kontekste. 2020. Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla
Lietuvoje pastaruosius du dešimtmečius sparčiai gausėja tyrimų negalios moksle tema, daugiau ir viešojo kalbėjimo visuomenėje ta tema. Tačiau monografija apie negalios studijas (angl. disability studies) pasirodė pirmą kartą. Ko gero taip susiklostė todėl, kad terminas negalios studijos lietuvių moksliniame diskurse neįprastas. Šios studijos arba tiesiog tapatinamos su studijomis tiesiogine šio žodžio prasme, arba paskęsta tarp kitų mokslo disciplinų, tokių kaip sociologija, edukologija, psichologija, antropologija, medicina. Monografijoje atskleidžiama, kad negalios studijos nėra nei viena, nei kita. Tarpdiscipliniškumas yra svarbus, bet ne pagrindinis negalios studijų bruožas. Pagrindinis – jų kritinė nuostata. Lietuvoje neturime mokslinės tradicijos kurti ir vystyti kritinės minties disciplinų. Būtent tokios iš prigimties ir savo paskirtimi yra negalios studijos. Analogiško pobūdžio tikslų ir prigimties požiūriu galime laikyti mokslo ir technologijų studijas (angl. Science and Technology Studies), kurioms deramo dėmesio Lietuvoje taip pat neskiriama.
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 149–164
Straipsnyje atskleidžiama savanorystės fenomeno raiška visuomenėje, akcentuojami savanoriškos veiklos ypatumai nevyriausybinėse organizacijoje (toliau – NVO), teikiant socialines paslaugas. Aptariant NVO veiklos turinį socialinės politikos kontekste pristatomos NVO ir savanorystės ištakos. Remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymais, aptariama NVO galia vertinant teisinio reguliavimo pokyčius vykdant savanorišką veiklą. Sąsajų tarp savanoriškos, socialinio darbo ir NVO veiklos išryškinimas leidžia modeliuoti įvairių socialinių problemų sprendimo strategijas, siekiant mažinti socialinę atskirtį ir puoselėti visuomenės bendruomeniškumą, rengiant socialinius darbuotojus. Teisinis savanorystės reguliavimas sudaro NVO veiklos profesionalizacijos ir veiksmingo socialinės politikos įgyvendinimo prielaidas.