Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 183–192
The aim of this study is to investigate the ICT use by pre-service preschool teachers and pre-service speech and language therapists in developing their digital case of a storytelling. Students were stimulated to use various multimedia editing and authoring tools. The research questions concern the students’ accomplishments on integrating technology in digital storytelling and the effectiveness of that learning environment they created. The results revealed a difference by implying that not only the learning theory and the teaching practices but also the content, the structure and the nature of the course together with the social interactions play an important role on how people learn and develop their skills.The results revealed that students of both departments overall accomplished very good project outcomes in digital storytelling meeting technical and pedagogical criteria. Finally similarities and differences of the students’ approaches in the digital storytelling development are discussed and concluded in the demands of modern information society.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 171–190
This article analyzes the survival strategies of homeless men in the night shelters and in the street. Homeless people face social and economic lack of resources and because of that, their daily life is related with hope to meet their minimal needs: to find the shelter and food, to protect themselves from the cold and violence. The article presents empirical study the goal of which was to find out how the homeless people construct their hope to survive the homelessness on the streets and shelters. The results of the research show that homeless men use these survival strategies: in order to get food they go to the charity canteens, get food from their friends, try to buy food with their minimal incomes or beg in the streets. In order to protect themselves from the violence homeless men try to be open-eyed at any time of the day, take the role of “conflict fighter” or try to be brave and proud when there is a threat to their health. Trying to protect themselves from the cold homeless people look for the relevant things and find remote places to hide from wind and cold.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 169–190
The laws regulating the educational system of the Republic of Lithuania guard the right of every person to receive eligible education meeting the needs and abilities of such persons. It is emphasised that the compulsory education should be accessible to all children irrespective of their abilities and needs. Thus one of the fundamental features of educational system is to create conditions for children with developmental disorders for learning according to programs adjusted to their needs and abilities and to seek optimal learning achievements by applying special teaching aids and methods. Many recent research works go deeper into various phenomena of integrated learning process. There is an obvious necessity to analyse the possible educational solutions for integrated learning of concrete subjects by students with various impairments. The present article deals with special aspects of teaching geography to students with mild intellectual disabilities.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 169–182
The technological revolution gives the opportunity to upgrade the quality in education, through new ways of learning. Self-regulated learning is an active and constructive process where self regulated learning proposes learning strategies in monitoring regulations. The aim of this study was to investigate the process and the benefits of the application of self-regulated learning to groups of learners. Findings of this study, demonstrated that self regulated learning in groups of students effectively regulated the learning process of all participants in the study.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 168–185
The article analyses the management of a virtual project team in international companies. It provides a theoretical overview of virtual project team management, and the results of the research are presented. A qualitative study was carried out in which a structured interview was used to interview managers working in international companies who lead virtual project teams. The study involved nine informants, working in Lithuania, the United Kingdom, the United States, Bangladesh, France, Malaysia and Poland. The results of the study revealed the influence of information and communication technologies in managing a virtual project team, how emotional and motivational processes are managed, the importance of trust to a virtual project team, and how team management is improving. To summarise the research, the results provide a virtual project team management model that benefits companies and virtual project team managers who strive for the productive management of these teams.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 165–182
The main objective of the present article is to examine the need to adjust relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania governing the protection of personal non-property rights after death. In this context, the initial part of the analysis deals with the protection and implementation of the personal non-property rights after death. The following part gives an overview of the compensation of non-pecuniary damage as a way of protection of rights in case of infringements of personal non-property rights after death. The final part of the article analyzes the need and possibilities of legal regulatory adjustments of personal non-property rights after death. The Conclusions suggest to establish the succession of persons entitled to implement the personal non-property rights after death under the law. In addition, it is recommended to assess the individual’s right to decide still being alive who shall defend and implement his/her personal non-property rights after death.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 161–167
XX a. pabaiga – XXI a. pradžia – didžiulis lūžis pasaulio ir žmonijos politiniame, ekonominiame, socialiniame gyvenime, ekologijoje. Vyksta iki šiol nepatirta globalizacija, kai paskiros kultūros vystosi link pasaulinės civilizacijos konglomeracijos. Dėl sparčios visų gyvenimo sričių asimiliacijos ir integracijos gali išnykti paskiros civilizacijos, tautos ir kultūros. Šie klausimai aktualūs ne tik socialinėms ar politinėms grupėms, tai žmonijos išlikimo branduolinių ir kitų visa naikinančių ginklų prikimštame pasaulyje klausimas.Lietuvių kalba pasirodžiusi Kazachstano prezidento Nursultano Nazarbajevo knyga „G-Global: XXI amžiaus pasaulis“ iškart patraukė įvairių visuomenės sluoksnių dėmesį nauju požiūriu, kurį dėsto pasaulyje žinomas, didelę patirtį turintis politikas.
Šie klausimai jam žinomi ne tik teoriškai, bet ir iš politinio bei diplomatinio gyvenimo praktikos. Ji tapo viena skaitomiausių ne tik politikų ar verslo žmonių, bet ir aukštųjų mokyklų studentų, studijuojančių politikos, ekonomikos, vadybos ir socialinius mokslus, knygų.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 161–172
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and restored Independence of Lithuania post-soviet countries faced with inevitable transformations in educational management. The article presents school management changes and overlooks Lithuanian school management development and its tendencies after becoming an independent state in the context of educational management paradigm shift. It also unfolds the changing roles and functions of school principals in the alternations of political ideologies. Scientific literature unfolds exclusive role of school principals in the process of educational management transformation. The article is based on the principles of paradigm shift and systematic approach on management.