Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 149–160
The article analyzes the specifics of the beauty therapist work. The article discusses the beauty therapist training in Lithuania, describes the required personal qualities and thinking skills and presents the competency groups for beauty therapists.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 143–154
The article discloses socialization of children in the family aspects associated with parental psychopathology influence. Children’s emotional experience is classified according to personality traits and experiences of abuse. In summary, children and experts approach the evaluation data, distinguished teaching aid possible, on the organization of the difficulties and problems. The empirical basis of the article – the original master thesis study revealing parental psychopathology, socialization as a risk factor characteristics. Bring out the problems of poor exploration, caused by lack of information, educational excellence and the lack of experience, the prevailing public attitudes and stereotyped situations.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 143–150
The study of psychological well-being is a really important issue of the modern society and the contemporary science. Many mental disorders and psychosomatic diseases are anteceded by mood decline, experience of ill-being. If the sense of satisfaction is absent, tensions, inconsistency in actions appear and overall functional efficiency decreases. The life style of very many people has undergone dramatic changes over the last 20 years. One of the main reasons for these changes is emergence of the Internet and its special faculty – social networks. It is well known that communications are a necessary structural component of psychological well-being. Emergence of social networks has expanded communicative opportunities to virtual infinity; at the same time, such communications swallow up personal time and efforts. This article makes an attempt to analyze peculiarities of personal behavior in social networks depending on a personal level of psychological well-being. Students of the Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) and working youth have been examined with Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being and our structured interview. The obtained results show differences in attitudes and behavioral patterns in social networks depending on a person’s level of psychological well-being.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 143–160
The paper presents the discourse of the social work professionalization from the viewpoints of practice, research, academic activity, and professional identity, by revealing the expression of social worker competencies in the changing society. By means of evaluating the 20-year-experience of social worker training in Lithuania, the authors reveal the identity of social work at two levels: professional (academisation and practice) and legal (profession and study status). For the purpose, a novel approach to the formation of the social work theory, study methods, and the education of intercultural communication and lifelong learning is employed.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 141–158
Lithuania has been placed 35th out of 187 countries in the UNO Human Development Report 2014, which measures a Human Social Development Index. This is the best result in the history of the country. According to this indicator, since 2010, Lithuania has joined the club of 49 most developed countries in the planet. Despite the fact, poverty, which expresses the essential consequences of social differentiation, has deeply rooted in the social discourse of Lithuania. To understand the controversy of the official statistics and the reality of life, we can no longer think of poverty, deprivation and social exclusion stereotypically. These social phenomena are taking new shapes in the postmodern existence. Therefore, the article presents a philosophical explanation of the change in the perception of two social categories – time and work, which illustrate a dramatic shift of our social life towards the postmodern existence, based on the works of J. Habermas and Z. Bauman. Social categories of time and work are among the elements of social-existential change, which reflect clear differences of philosophical discourses and social consciousness of modernity and postmodernity from the earlier traditions of philosophical thought development. Today these categories acquire the power to reveal new forms of social inequality.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 141–160
The article aims to analyse the criteria and procedures of assessment of pupils’ musical compositions. The review of the criterion-referenced evaluation of creative works is presented, the methodology of evaluation of the musical creative product and conditions for its application are discussed. The question is whether the criteria of assessment of a musical composition are applied in reality, i.e. during contests while evaluating pupils’ compositions. In order to answer this question the aim of the research was to reveal the experience of jury members in assessment of pupils’ musical compositions. To achieve the aim pursued, in-depth interviews with 5 composers who evaluated pupils’ musical compositions in national and international contests were carried out. The research results presented focus on the criteria of evaluation of musical compositions, on the factors influencing assessment as well as evaluation process itself.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 141–148
The article deals with the theoretical bases of the study of the behaviour of younger schoolchildren in conflict situations. The analysis of scientific literature on the study of conflicts is presented. The concept of the “conflict” with different viewpoints and preconditions of its appearance is considered. The stages of the conflict, its functional properties, and the impact on the personal development of younger schoolchildren are identified. The importance is attached to the peculiarities of behavioural manifestations of the child in conflict situation and the formation of behavioural strategies in the process of conflict resolution.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 141–156
The article discusses the concept of international social work. International social work peculiarities working with refugees and asylum-seekers in Lithuania and Sweden are analysed. Analysis of international social work with refugees and asylum-seekers revealed collaboration features, challenges and limitations of organizations working with the target group. Ethical dilemmas in international social work with refugees and asylum-seekers are presented and analysed.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 139–166
This article presents the aspect of the social work professionalization which responds to the new challenges of a global society that is the refugee migration. The refugee problem in the European Union has recently become one of the important social problems. Due to the political situation in Africa South European countries are already unable to manage the daily flow of refugees. EU Parliament is trying to solve this problem. Lithuania has to be ready to solve this problem as well. The country which receives refugees not only has to have the legal regulation of this process, but also the professionals who could ensure the success of their adaptation. The authors, using different empirical research materials which were conducted in Lithuania in the years 2011–2014, reveal the depth of the needs and the possibilities of the social work services while implementing these needs in the context of social services in Lithuania. This is the presentation of the experience available. This article can help you to assess the situation and the opportunities that are ahead for the Lithuanian society when helping to solve the problem of today’s refugees in the European Union. At the same time this article reveals one more aspect of the identity in the social work profession, revealing the depth of the social worker’s competencies in a changing society and his ability to operate in unspecified situations.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 137–150
The current article sketches some peculiarities of the Christian worldview manifested as Roman Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox traditions shaped by unique social activities of nations and their luminous representatives. These three traditions are described as Roman Catholic (society which pleases God), Protestant (Professional calling from God) and Russian Orthodox (merge of religious and national identity). Traditions are characterized by illustrations from the key documents representing local peculiarities of the Christian mindset. Being mutually interactive, these vectors open up unlimited ways to carry out practical Christian ministry both within the Church and outside its walls at the same time acting as preconditions for Christian social teaching and development of caritative social work.