Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 221–236
The article highlights that a modern society focuses on exclusive body care along with appearance of individuals and especially adolescents. Physical exterior of a person seems to be receiving an increasingly growing attention in everyday life situations, as beauty ideals shift in social environments along with requirements to comply with and pursue them. Research, analyzing body dissatisfaction, has received wide attention in a scholarly environment. Body related dissatisfaction has become a highly relevant issue, as it links to eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa and others, however there is a gap in research analyzing the pedagogical side of such issue. It is highly relevant to be aware of and understand body and body weight related problems because difficulties emerged during the early adolescence might persist during adulthood as well. Research aim – to reveal how adolescents perceive their physique and individual parts of their body and compare these self-assessments based on a gender. In 2012, using a research method of an anonymous survey a total of 1347 adolescents from 8th grades were surveyed. The research uses a questionnaire to study physique related self-assessment, designed by the author. Results obtained from the conducted research allow to conclude that research participants feel more dissatisfied with individual phenotype-dependent morphological and functional features of a body, which can be altered through well-chosen physical exercising. It was identified that research participants are more satisfied with individual morphological and functional features of a body, inherited from parents, i.e. genotype-dependent, which cannot be altered through exercising. Findings also reveal that respondents are mostly dissatisfied with shape, largeness and size of individual body parts as well as muscle weakness. Results also allow to conclude that significance attributed to certain elements of physique is gender-dependent.
Pub. online:4 Aug 2022Type:Discussion | ApžvalgaOpen Access
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 219–226
Š. m. balandžio 24 d. Klaipėdos universiteto Pedagogikos fakultete Aida Norvilienė apgynė disertaciją ,,Kryptingas tarpkultūrinis studentų ugdymas, kaip tarpkultūrinės kompetencijos tobulinimo veiksnys (mokytojų rengimo universitete atvejis)“ (darbo vadovė – prof. dr. Vaiva Zuzevičiūtė). Disertacija atitinka LMT keliamus reikalavimus. Ją sudaro: įvadas, trys skyriai, diskusija-rekomendacijos, išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, priedai; iš viso darbas apima 187 puslapius. Darbas vientisas, tyrimo problema ištirta.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 207–222
This article presents findings and discussions generated on the basis of the Danish-Swedish development project CareSam. The article will on the one hand focus on how work in groups consisting of representatives from different levels in the elderly care sector at one time served as learning spaces and cultural encounters in which established notions of older people and elderly care were challenged and discussed. Inspired by action research these challenges were brought forth through discussions of and through insight in practical experiences. On the other hand it will focus on the tendencies to narrow the diversity of perceptions of elderly people and their care, which were also seen in the project and led to stories in which the meaningfulness of care work were honored. Departing from the interviews presented in the CareSam film and parts of the empirical material produced in connection to the work in the project-groups this paper will ask whether it is possible to represent care work for elderly people with all the ambiguities it holds: How can we as researchers represent both meaningfulness and straining dimensions of care work? Can we avoid either supporting Florence Nightingale-ideals or cementing negative cultural perceptions of help-needing elderly and the people who support them in everyday life? In answering these questions and thereby reflecting on our own work process we apply a caring, a learning and a political perspective. Hereby the article wishes to formulate a methodological point: The CareSam cross sector collaboration produced important experience near knowledge, but also lead to present somewhat one-sided understandings of elderly care. Applying theoretical perspectives to analyze the empirical material and the working process, nuances the understanding and makes it possible to maintain immediately conflicting dimensions in this kind of work.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 205–218
This paper analyses the spatial distribution of graffiti in Klaipėda city. The main focus is concentrated on causes and spatial distribution of graffiti, similarities and differences between graffiti drawings in Klaipėda city. The analysis of graffiti drawings spatial distribution in Klaipėda city is based on few area researches. In this work all graffiti drawings are grouped into 5 graffiti style groups and are studied their spatial distribution. Different styles of graffiti drawings reveal not only drawers artistic skills, but also their motives and goals. In the end of the work, based on examples of foreign countries, suggestions about the possibilities of the usage of graffiti drawings in Klaipėda city are presented.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 204–207
2020 metai visam pasauliui įsimins kaip įtempta kova su negalia – žmoniją apėmusia neviltimi, siekiant įveikti pandemiją sukėlusį virusą. Iš pradžių tai buvo tikra negalia nepajėgiant įveikti baisios pasaulį užklupusios negandos. Ji buvo kolektyvinė, supranacionalinė, nors paveikė konkrečius žmones. Netrukus šalys suprato, kad bus neįmanoma įveikti pandemijos stengiantis tai daryti pavieniui, tad imta vienytis. Rodos, bendromis pastangomis ji jau įveikiama sutelkus dėmesį į išteklius, kompetenciją.
Kaip tik 2020 metais pasirodė habil. dr. Vytauto Gudonio, Vilniaus universiteto Šiaulių akademijos profesoriaus, monografija „Negalia visuomenėje ir vaizduojamajame mene“, kur nagrinėjama aklumo negalia: kaip į ją reaguoja visuomenė ir kaip apie ją „kalbama“ vaizduojamajame mene.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 203–220
The aim of the research is to investigate and then compare the globalization capacity of modern university lecturers in Ukraine and Lithuania on different stages of their professional development. The strategy which has been chosen for the aim realization is based on a psycho-diagnostic method and comparative approach toward results’ analysis and interpretation. The sample included 302 Ukrainian and 60 Lithuanian lecturers (N = 362). The paper represents a new psycho-diagnostic instrument – a standardized questionnaire GLOBIDMAR – for measuring globalization capacity of academicians from different European countries. Research results allow to compare globalization capacity of university instructors from Ukraine and Lithuania and to discover factors that influence the development of these measures under the conditions of rapid socio-economic, socio-cultural and professional changes. The level of globalization capacity appeared higher one in Lithuanian pedagogues in comparison with Ukrainian ones that affirms a higher level of their readiness to development of their own professional identity in the context of globalization processes in scientific-education area. Lithuanian university lecturers have stably high level of globalization capacity during the whole process of their professional development.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 193–202
The article deals with the problems of the qualimetry of giftedness caused by the lack of a conventional definition of the term giftedness and its quantitative criteria. The method of calculation of child giftedness’ level and the quantitative measure of its expression is offered. On the basis of the proposed technique, the difference between comprehensive and special giftedness is demonstrated. Proposals for realization of some trends of research in giftedness are provided with the aim of their comparison with the studies of various authors.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 191–204
This article analyse fundamental blog media features and overviews the blog use possibilities. The research is being conducted using theoretical induction, deduction and analogy research methods. Focuses in the short social media history, identified areas of research, analyse blog’s content characteristics, blog media definitions and classifications are compared.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 191–206
The article analyzes the quality of education services efficiency, effectiveness and accessibility aspects. The theoretical part of the article discusses the concept of education and their range of services. A detailed presentation of educational and social services. Describes the attitude of the respondents to provide educational services. Research period 2007–2014. Empirical research carried out in Lithuania: Klaipėda, Telšiai, Tauragė, Šiauliai and Kaunas. Empirical research participated 520 respondents (IX–XII / II–IV G students).
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 186–203
The Covid-19 pandemic that was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 30 March 2020 has caused blockages in all economic sectors, but tourism is the most affected. It is difficult to estimate the real impact of the pandemic on international tourism. Travel restrictions imposed to stop the spread of the virus have had a devastating impact on the tourism industry around the world. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, tourism is a vital part of the infrastructure of the world economy, generating 10% of total gross domestic product (GDP), and accounting for one out of ten of all jobs. The tourism sector is very dynamic, requiring a rapid response to a changing environment and market; but it is also most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Modern tourism requires urgent research, and the analysis of internal and external resources. The perception of changes in the market is a key factor enabling companies to stay in business. Challenges are also posed by technological advances, driven by both the technological advances themselves and safety aspects during the pandemic. This article presents the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism sector globally, which includes the cruise ship and airline industries, and also accommodation. The difficulties are successfully overcome by companies that proactively monitor and evaluate key performance indicators: if the indicators are unsatisfactory, they take all possible measures to improve performance. A smooth and timely restructuring process allows companies in temporary difficulty to reshape their operations by changing their strategy, abandoning unprofitable forms of activity, and focusing on the most efficient ones.