Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 137–150
In the article individual work as a significant factor for the education of management competencies of a social care teacher has been analyzed. In order to reveal how individual work based on constructivism theories at higher school helps students to educate management competencies quasi-experimental research has been chosen. 4 higher schools (2 universities and 2 colleges) have participated in the research; 2 experimental (40 students) and 2 control (40 students) groups have been formed. Quasi-experimental study has been organized in separate stages: written survey of students (pre-test) before experimental intervention; experimental intervention (test-factor) by developing individual work of students; written survey of students (post-test) after experimental intervention. After the comparison of differences in results of the pre-test and the post-test, the impact of individual work based on constructivism theories on the education/self-education of management competencies of students of social pedagogy studies programmes. This research helped students to educate management competencies for work of a social care educator at systematic level, i.e. for providing social support through organizations or institutions that form the system of social support.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 137–154
The spectrum of the links between the quality of life and health has been expanding due to the phenomenon of health acquiring features of a social phenomenon and growing complexity. The research evidenced that health was considered to be one of the most important, and often the most important, dimension of the quality of life. To more comprehensively identify the health-related factors that affected the quality of life in general, the concept of the health-related quality of life has been developed. In our research 1763 children filled KIDSCREEN52 surveys which evidence tendency as follows: even though two thirds of the children did not indicate they had health disorders, only one third of them assessed their health as excellent and very good. This demonstrates that, in the children’s assessment of health, both the absence of a disease or disability and also psychological and social factors are important.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 136–150
The Finnish concept of sisu is a phenomenon in Nordic culture that has existed for 500 years in the Finnish nation. This cultural construct, a kind of lifestyle, a kind of ideology of life, enables the development of a persevering, balanced, enduring, resilient, healthy and harmonious personality. The sisu phenomenon inspires one to persevere, and to fight for success despite difficulties, even when it seems that the limits of human power have already been reached. The Nordic cultural construct of sisu has been linked with mental toughness and resilience, and good physical and mental health. There are elements that help to develop sisu in the individual and in society. They include the mindfulness of nature, physical activity, positivity, relaxation and recreation, withdrawal and stepping back, task fragmentation, leaving the comfort zone, and reward for completing a task. All of these are important elements for developing perseverance and inner strength, or sisu.
Pub. online:4 Aug 2022Type:Editorial NoteOpen Access
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 135–137
Šios Kristijono Donelaičio „Metų“ eilutės mums primena liūdną, bet, deja, neišvengiamą tikrovę – visi atėjusieji privalo išeiti. Su tuo esame priversti susitaikyti. Vis dėlto išsiskyrimas visada yra ir netikėtas, ir skausmingas. Ypač, kai išeinama per anksti, kai ant darbo stalo lieka ir niekada nebebus pabaigta dar viena knyga, kai kartu su žmogumi išeina ir jo sumanymai, ketinimai, viltys, brandintos idėjos…
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 133–144
The article sets out a new innovative approach to carrying out educational and preventive activity aimed at care about social and psychological health and prevention of HIV / AIDS on the basis of partnership of family, school and community; experience of implantation of the Program 15 in Ukraine is described and analyzed; the results if the first year implantation of the Program are highlighted. The Program is defined as innovative social and pedagogical technology.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 132–150
There are plenty of insights not only in democratisation but also in de-democratisation in today’s research into political regimes and democracy. The fate of new democracies is actual and relevant. The focus of this article is the evolution of Ukraine’s political regime. Formally, Ukraine is recognised as a country positioning the attributes of democracy. Despite this, the democracy there is facing existential challenges. On the basis of the research conducted into the state of democracy in Ukraine, the connection between processes of democratisation and de-democratisation is analysed in this country, one of the largest in Europe. Attention is paid to the perspective of the hybrid political regime, analysing not only the denial of each other in processes of democratisation and de-democratisation, but also their coexistence, analysing the historicity, contextuality and modern suitability of the hybrid political regime.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 129–140
The article reveals the content of individual and differentiated approaches to teaching of primary school children with mental development disorders. Learning objectives and the ways to achieve them. The forms of activity organization are determined to develop children’s abilities to acquire and apply skills. Appropriateness of programmed learning as a part of the differentiated approach is analyzed to educate children with mental development disorders. Practical aspects of individual approach and differentiation are presented with the example of teaching of primary school-children at a special needs school.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 127–136
There are very limitted investigations in Lithuania on appearance matters. Research results reavealed that attitudes towards his/her appearance is one of the leading personal identity factors which influenze psyhosocial developement and this is particular actual for adolescents. Research study done in 1999–2000 perfomed in Lithuanian cities revealed that among factors influenzing appearance matters among adolescents mass media is most important: 60–80 percent of adolescent girls reported that TV or press influenzed their opinion about their appearance problems. The study surveyed 227 respondents. The study was conducted at the University of Klaipeda. In order to find out how much appearance matters we did an investigation with staff and students of our university. The data acquired would be helpful to present collected information for better understanding of the subject.egative control of the weight and more anxiety.
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 127–148
The theoretical analysis has shown that there is a lack of scientific literature and empirical research in the analysis of possibilities of andragogical leadership expression in the educational aspect, therefore the article discusses the problematic question: how does the andragogical leadership in educational activity manifest? The article reveals and appreciates the importance of andragogical leadership in the educational process (qualitative research) and the importance of andragogical leadership in the process (quantitave study). The significance of the researh is revealed in the use of it’s results in order to improve the performance of andragogue leader in the educational process and the expression of the characteristics of the andragogue leader. The article emphasizes that andragogical leadership is an important factor in educational activities, in andragogue has a positive influence on learners with their personal qualities, personal knowledge and competences, and encourages them to act to achieve their goals. The importance and influence of andragogical leadership the learners group is undiniable, evident in constant communication. Learners not only gain more knowledge, but also focus on the community, reducing their social exclusion and promoting cooperation. The research has revealed that there are a number of important types, characteristics and traits of andragogue leaders from the point of view of adult learners and andragogues, which are not sufficient for andragogue leaders. Therefore the article provides recommendations for the development and potential implementation of these andragogical leadership characteristics.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 127–142
The article analyzes the practical aspects of quality evaluation of beauty therapy services quality at the thepractical teaching center and describes the beauty therapy service quality and its criteria of introdusing quality test results from perspective of a consumer This article is based on the analysis of scientific and normativeliterature and the results of quality research which are based on the model of beauty therapy service quality evaluation.