This study aims to identify the level of poverty and the level of regional development, along with an analysis of the relationship and
typology between the two, in Kulon Progo Regency. The analysis unit in this research was 12 subdistricts in Kulon Progo Regency.
The method used in the research is descriptive quantitative, with secondary data analysis using factor analysis, natural breaks,
Pearson Product Moment correlation test, alignment levels, regional typologies with scatter plot, and spatial analysis. Meanwhile,
regional development policy recommendations are also prepared, based on the type of area resulting from the typology using a
SWOT analysis. The results showed that there are variations in poverty and regional development levels. The correlation test
between the poverty rate and three factors in the regional development rate showed a fairly strong negative relationship with input
and output factors and a strong negative relationship with process factors, which means that the higher the poverty level, the lower
the level of regional development, and vice versa. Meanwhile, regional development policy recommendations are prepared based
on four quadrants of the resulting regions, namely Quadran I (developed regions), Quadran II (developing regions), and Quadran III
and IV (underdeveloped regions).