The depopulation of young and active people, open to innovation, who seek better living conditions in rural areas is inseparable
from various negative economic and social consequences. The purpose of the research is to reveal the main factors that determine
the decision of young people to return to live, work and create businesses (invest) in X rural area. In order to attract educated youth
to rural areas, it is important to reveal the factors that influence the decision to stay. A qualitative case study was conducted. A semistructured interview was used. Ten young people who decided to return to live in rural area X took part in the study. According to
the respondents, their choice to live in the country was determined by factors such as cheaper housing, inherited property, accessible
preschool education, healthier food at lower prices, fresh air, trust and relations based on mutual assistance, family support, farming,
and orientation towards foreign markets. However, despite all these factors, young people mostly feel a lack of variety in social
services. Also, their initiatives in the sphere of social service are limited.
In the condition of demographic issues in Europe and competition for specialist between public and private sector on the labour market public organisations’ as employers’ image is an important aspect of development. The research aim is to identify principles of Employer Branding (EB) and ways public organisations can organize and develop employees’ education on this topic. There are EB activities examined in ten socially responsible (SR) organisations from public sector in Latvia. Authors prepare theoretical bases for the research analysing scientific literature to explain the main point of the approaches framework and define the main terms in depth implementing qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the result proposals for the EB training development for public organisations were developed. Training programs on EB for the public sector organisations should consist of blocks connected to marketing and HRM. Managers should decide whom to train and why and develop different training tracks for each employees level. Training should be implemented periodically reflecting on the changes in external and internal organisational environment.
Social networks are an important tool for human resources management to identify employees. The number of suitable candidates to fill a position is decreasing. Companies need new channels for the recruiting process. This paper evaluates the usefulness of the different social networks under consideration of the advantages and disadvantages. “Employee recruit Employees” is a useful tool to identify suitable candidates. The aim of the paper is to analyse the different motivators and reasons of individuals to recommend somebody to identify employer. The research methods are: theoretical studies of published scientific findings and survey with 251 respondents. The data obtained in the survey were analysed with indicators of central tendency or location: arithmetic mean, median or mode and t-test to compare the gender differences.
Human resource management uses social networks to identify new employees. This research investigates if people use social networks to identify employment opportunities and how they improve their networks to get easier and quicker access to information and resources. Researchers worldwide devote their attention to different aspects of identification of new employees via social networks. The authors of the paper have done empirical research based on an online survey with 298 respondents, and the data obtained from the survey has been analysed using various statistical tools. The number of suitable candidates for employment is decreasing and companies need knowledge about the employment seeking process to have an effective and efficient recruiting strategy. This paper studies the information channel on employment possibilities, i.e. social network, and how individuals develop and improve their networks for the employment seeking process. Moreover, the authors analyse how people use social networks in the employment seeking process compared with other channels on possible employment opportunities.
Income inequality has received widespread attention in the scientific literature. Income inequality has a significant impact on the health and education levels of the population, as well as increases social tension and crime rates, however there is less research on the impact of income inequality on people`s overall life satisfaction. In Lithuania and Latvia, income inequality expressed by the Gini index of disposable income is among the highest in the EU, whereas in Estonia, income inequality is slightly higher than the average in the EU. Similar results are also found for the Lithuania and Latvia regarding overall life satisfaction, which is among the lowest in the EU, while overall life satisfaction in Estonia is somewhat lower than the average in the EU. The aim of the research is to assess whether income inequality has a negative impact on people`s overall life satisfaction and to evaluate how fiscal policy has affected income inequality and overall life satisfaction in the Baltic States. The results of the research show that income inequality and life satisfaction are negatively correlated, and that fiscal policy has reduced income inequality in the Baltic States, expressed by the Gini index based on market income, on average by 30%.
The role of human development concept has significantly changed recently. The relationship between women’s employment and human development has been studied by many specialists. The aim of this paper is to discuss links between women employment and human development in Uzbekistan. The case study was based on analyses of labour market. The paper focuses on the human development of Uzbekistan from the year 1991 to 2011.The paper has been prepared by structuring and generalizing the content of studies carried out by different scientists and specialists, by deteriorating of documents to statistical data analysis and literature review.
Straipsnyje atskleista etiško vadovavimo svarba organizacijų veikloje. Etiškas vadovavimas – tai asmeniniu, teigiamu pavyzdžiu, remiantis asmeninėmis vertybėmis ir visuotinai priimtinomis etikos normomis, formuojama elgsena, kreipianti darbuotojų veiklą, pasitelkus pasitikėjimą, siekiant sėkmingai įgyvendinti tikslus: savo, darbuotojų, organizacijos, visuomenės. Sprendžiama mokslinė problema, kaip pasireiškia etiškas vadovavimas organizacijoje, siekiama išsiaiškinti, teiraujantis apie vadovavimo etiškumą, ar vadovo ir jam tiesiogiai pavaldžių darbuotojų požiūris sutampa. Atlikti du kokybiniai tyrimai organizacijoje: interviu su vadovu ir diskusijų grupės interviu su tiesiogiai vadovui pavaldžiais darbuotojais. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia, kad iš dalies dirbama esant etiškam vadovavimui, vadovas laikosi etikos principų, bet jo ir jam tiesiogiai pavaldžių darbuotojų požiūris į etišką vadovavimą dažnu atveju skiriasi.
Straipsnyje teoriniu aspektu analizuojamas migracijos reiškinys, remiantis įvairiomis teorijomis susisteminti skirtingi šio reiškinio aiškinimai. Migraciją aiškinančiose teorijose skiriami mikro-, makro- ir mezolygmenys, o tarp dažniausia minimų migracijos priežasčių – ekonominiai motyvai dėl darbo jėgos apmokėjimo bei paklausos ir pasiūlos skirtumų tarp šalių. Migracija, kaip ekonominis-socialinis reiškinys, savaime nėra nei blogas, nei geras. Atsižvelgiant į mastą ir šalies padėtį šio reiškinio atžvilgiu formuojasi teigiamos ar neigiamos pasekmės. Migracija vienai šaliai gali daryti neigiamą įtaką, kitai – teigiamą. Pirmą kartą nuo Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atgavimo, 2018 m. pastebimos ryškios imigracijos augimo ir emigracijos mažėjimo tendencijos: emigracijos mastai sumažėjo iki 32,9 tūkst. asmenų per metus, tuo tarpu imigracija išaugo iki 28,9 tūkst. asmenų per metus. Vertinant išankstinius 2019 m. duomenis, pirmąkart fiksuojamas teigiamas migracijos saldo (10,8 tūkst. asmenų). Šalyje vyksta kardinalūs asmenų judėjimo pokyčiai, susiduriama su reikšminga darbo jėgos imigracija. Todėl Lietuva, kaip šalis „priėmėja“, turi pradėti analizuoti ir imigracijos poveikį darbo rinkai (nedarbo lygiui, darbo užmokesčiui), ekonomikai, demografijai, socialiniam saugumui, tautiniam tapatumui, politiniams pokyčiams ir net nacionaliniam saugumui.
The purpose of the article is to present the results of an empirical study on the level of social integration of internally displaced persons in the host community. Social integration is seen as an active process involving both parties: migrants and the host population. The process is continuous, so the focus is on the degree of integration of internally displaced persons, reflected at three levels, high, medium and low. The degree of social integration of IDPs in the local community is an aggregate indicator of socio-economic, socio-psychological, cultural-communicative and socio-political elements. The study applied a set of standardised methods, as well as correlation, factor and variance analysis (Fisher’s criterion). The results show a positive tendency for integration by the vast majority of internally displaced persons who participated in the study: only 26 respondents (12.9%) had a low level, 121 respondents (60.2%) had a medium level, and 54 respondents had a high level (26.9%).