Dirbtinis intelektas vis labiau skverbiasi į mokyklas ir edukacijos procesą. Tad svarbu nustatyti, kaip jis gali padėti tobulinti mokymo(si) procesą. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamos ir sisteminamos šiuolaikinės dirbtiniu intelektu paremtos edukacinės technologijos, atskleidžiant jų galimus privalumus ir trūkumus, kuriant personalizuotas mokymo(si) aplinkas. Siekiant išsikelto tikslo, taikytas mokslinės literatūros analizės metodas. Jo pagrindu skiriamos pagrindinės dirbtinio intelekto integravimo į edukacines technologijas tendencijos, jos išsamiai aptariamos. Teigiama, kad įvertinus dirbtinio intelekto privalumus ir galimybes edukacijoje, jis turėtų būti vertinamas kaip edukacijos praktiką transformuojantis procesas, kur būtina iš esmės persvarstyti pagrindinius vaidmenis. Svarbiausias efektyvaus dirbtinio intelekto naudojimo edukacijoje veiksnys – mokytojų raštingumas dirbtinio intelekto srityje.
Occurrence of the agent paradigm and its further applications have stimulated the emergence of new concepts and methodologies in computer science. Today terms like multi-agent system, agent-oriented methodology, and agent-oriented programming (AOP) are widely used. The aim of this paper is to clarify the validity of usage of the terms AOP and AOP language. This is disclosed in two phases of an analysis process. Determining to which concepts, terms like agent, programming, object-oriented analysis and design, object-oriented programming, and agent-oriented analysis and design correspond is accomplished in the first phase. Analysis of several known agent system engineering methodologies in terms of key concepts used, final resulting artifacts, and their relationship with known programming paradigms and modern tools for agent system development is performed in the second phase. The research shows that in the final phase of agent system design and in the coding stage, the main artifact is an object, defined according to the rules of the object-oriented paradigm. Hence, we conclude that the computing society still does not have AOP owing to the lack of an AOP language. Thus, the term AOP is very often incorrectly assigned to agent system development frameworks that in all cases, transform agents into objects.
Physical and chemical parameters were measured in a mostly freshwater estuarine lagoon in the SE Baltic. Present paper demonstrates an attempt to trace the sources and analyse the seasonal and spatial patterns of distribution of POC, DIC and DOC in the Curonian lagoon mostly by the isotopic content in different forms of carbon. Samples were collected in 2012-2014 in 9 stations in the Curonian lagoon including riverine and marine input/output stations. Riverine inputs and summarizing outflow to the Baltic sea locations (Nemunas river delta and Klaipeda channel stations were sampled monthly, while POC, DIC and DOC samples in other stations were collected on a seasonal basis. The observed results allow easily differentiate between estuarine and riverine POM samples, while the differences in DOC δ13C content between sampling stations were found to be not statistically reliable. The high biological productivity of the Nemunas river along with the minor contribution of the Baltic Sea inflows to the overall hydrodynamics of the lagoon explain similarity of content between riverine and estuarine material in the spring and autumn. However, the δ13C content of DIC and DOC could serve as indicator of external inputs only in connection with seasonal water residence variations.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 25 (2012): Klaipėdos krašto konfesinis paveldas: tarpdisciplininiai senųjų kapinių tyrimai = Confessional Heritage of Klaipėda Region: Interdisciplinary Research into the Old Cemeteries, pp. 196–211
Modern information technologies (IT) provide progressive tools and methods for data collection, storage, processing, and publication. The essence of historical research is to synthesize new information from different types of historical sources. The analysis of scientific publications proved that IT are still rarely applied to historical research. Several reasons may account for the state of things. One of them is related to rather conservative attitudes of researchers in the field of IT towards collaboration, which also accounts for the absence of specialized software for historical research. The article introduces IT tools and methods which can be used in historical research in a popular way, and the authors expect to promote interdisciplinarity in the field of history.