Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 62–76
In this interdisciplinary article, the authors analyse the historical development of the Dutch state, the specificities of its governance, and its key features in the context of the 21st century. The theoretical analysis identifies the most important political, social, economic and cultural features, and their historical evolution. The situation of the current political-public governance is assessed. The paper analyses various scientific sources, statistical information and different historical phases in governance, which help to reveal not only the key strengths of the Dutch state, but also the challenges inherent to the Netherlands. The article expresses the opinion that an analysis of the good practice of the case of the Netherlands could be significant for the improvement of democratic and public governance processes in Lithuania.
The essence of the “Swedish socialism” created in the 20th century lies in “democratic functional socialism”. During the last 30 years, even after having refused part of its elements, it remains the foundation of the Swedish welfare state, and historically the name of the “Swedish socialism” is mostly related to the famous Swedish and global figure of the smart political powers, social democrat Olof Palme. The article reviews the features of the biography of Olof Palme and his both theoretical and practical activity opting for social justice and by creating a welfare state in Sweden by the means of “democratic functional socialism”. Olof Palme was also an advocate of human rights and freedoms, neutrality of small countries, an international mediator, an advocate of nuclear disarmament policy and a severe critic of neo-liberal ideas.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 20 (2010): Studia Anthropologica, IV: Identity Politics: Migration, Communities and Multilingualism, pp. 72–86
The attitude of Klaipėda Jewish community towards survival, alternation and continuity of community is being analyzed in the present article. Klaipėda Jewish community is regenerated in independent Lithuania, and it unifies few members. As a rule, they are Russian speaking elderly people, having little knowledge in its nation history and customs. It was expected, that Klaipėda Jewish community will naturally vanish, and young people will emigrate. In a fact we see at present, that this community is still lively, active and integrated one. A short excursion to the history of Klaipėda Jewish community, regarding the issues of its survival, alternation and continuity is presented hereby, and attention towards Klaipėda, as cross-border region, is pointed out.