Like in all other numbers of journal, in this also there are a lot of scientific papers with interdisciplinary approach. These papers can help to solve different regional problems. Haidong Feng, Kaspars Viksne, Andrea Lunardi in their paper analyzed effect on financial system and management. Some improvement of public governance by Olof Palme and his historical ideological heritage is analyzed by Arvydas Guogis, Adomas Vincas Rakšnys. Some political aspects are analyzed by Giedrė Vaičekauskienė. She analyzed rhetorical self-reflections of Lithuanian political leaders. The evaluation of online marketing channels is described by Vytautas Juščius, Daiva Labanauskaitė, Edita Baranskaitė. Interesting papers about tourism is written by Noémi Hajdú, Katalin Lipták and Donata Juškelytė. She was analyzed film induced tourism. Organizational management in regions, using organizational culture development are described in Inga Gudonytė, Albinas Marčinskas and Jurgita Paužuolienė, Regina Bručkutė, Violeta Docienė, Antanas Vaitiekus papers. And Agnė Šneiderienė analyzed the regional differences of corporate social responsibility. In two researches were analyzed different approaches to motivation: in Jolanta Žemgulienė and Rasa Rukuižienė, Vladislav Bocharov papers. Sustainable development questions taking in account agricultural producer organizations and practice of spatial planning are analyzed in Jan Žukovskis, Julius Ramanauskas and Joan Noguera, Mar Riera or Józef Mosiej papers. We wish you a pleasant reading.
Maintaining the stability of financial leverage is a task in macro-economic management and also a challenge to be faced. Financial amplification characteristics dominate financial leverage system with low risk of capabilities, and the efficiency of this ability has two-sides results and proposes a lot of risks, however, most researchers have not found the best ways to solve this problem. Therefore, taking positive measures to strengthen the management of the financial system leverage feature becomes very important. In this paper, authors use comparative study and data analysis to illustrate the main problems of financial system leverage, the effect of leverage amplification characteristics, bi-amplified comparative analysis of profit and loss, and bi-amplification characteristics of the risk analysis. Meanwhile, based on five classified management methods, authors put forward countermeasures to the management of leverage properties in financial system.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas paskirų organizacinės kultūros charakteristikų suvokimas (pozityvus vertinimas), atsižvelgiant į padalinio vadovo emocinį intelektą. Pripažįstant, kad organizacijos išskirtinumui konkurencinėje aplinkoje reikšmingos įtakos turi jos organizacinė kultūra, svarbu tinkamai išnaudoti visų galimų veiksnių poveikį, tarp kurių įvardytinas ir vadovo emocinis intelektas. Straipsnio koncepcija remiasi esamos ir suvokiamos organizacinės kultūros išskyrimu: objektyvi (egzistuojanti, matoma) ir subjektyvi (suvokiama, nematoma). Atliktas empirinis tyrimas (anketinė apklausa) leidžia teigti, kad tarp vadovų emocinio intelekto ir organizacinės kultūros pozityvaus vertinimo egzistuoja statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys. Koreliacinės analizės rezultatai atskleidė, kad aukštas vadovo emocinio intelekto lygis gali būti vienas iš veiksnių, nulemiančių didesnę darbuotojų asmeninės iniciatyvos laisvę, organizacijos ir darbuotojų asmeninių tikslų suderinimą, stipresnį vadovo paramos ir identiškumo jausmą bei darbuotojų pasitenkinimą atlygio sistema.
The essence of the “Swedish socialism” created in the 20th century lies in “democratic functional socialism”. During the last 30 years, even after having refused part of its elements, it remains the foundation of the Swedish welfare state, and historically the name of the “Swedish socialism” is mostly related to the famous Swedish and global figure of the smart political powers, social democrat Olof Palme. The article reviews the features of the biography of Olof Palme and his both theoretical and practical activity opting for social justice and by creating a welfare state in Sweden by the means of “democratic functional socialism”. Olof Palme was also an advocate of human rights and freedoms, neutrality of small countries, an international mediator, an advocate of nuclear disarmament policy and a severe critic of neo-liberal ideas.
Advanced internet infrastructure and increasing internet usage both in corporate and home levels broadens opportunities for marketers. The internet as a marketing channel became one of the most important tools for communication between the seller and consumer. More and more companies rely on the internet and increases the budget for the next generation strategies. However, the channels (Search Engines Optimization, Search Engines Marketing, Email Marketing, Invasive Marketing, Syndicated content Marketing, Social Media Marketing and etc.) are chosen intuitively. There is no proven efficiency of different channel or tool. Marketers know the technical description, can calculate budgets but the efficiency differences are unclear. The purpose of the article is to analyse and describe the efficiency of each online marketing channel. Quantitative research method was used to analyse the efficiency of online marketing channels. A survey of Lithuania’s internet users reveals the most acceptable (efficient) online marketing channels. The article scientific aim is to identify which online marketing channels are the most efficient. The findings are valuable at least for Lithuanian market as it reveals the efficiency of different online marketing channels. Companies can make the strategic decisions and choose the most powerful and money efficient channels combination to achieve their marketing goals.
Film induced tourism or film tourism is a result of destination image formation and development through film industry with collaboration of other destination image stakeholders (policy makers, private and public investors, scholars and etc.). This postmodern tourism phenomenon links film driven emotions to the filming locations and at the same time is responsible for positive or negative destination image formation. In Lithuanian academic discourses this theory, as well as the impact of films towards local tourism, was not yet recognized. Therefore this article, according to the collected film tourism theoretical material, analyses Lithuanian potential for film induced tourism and how can it be turned into a destination promotion strategy. The conclusions show that there are real opportunities for Lithuania to use film industry as a tool of destination image formation, however it needs further analysis, a clear strategic plan, strong collaboration with Baltic region and the use of two recommendation models, which were presented in this paper. This research can be used for dynamic analysis as well as strategic planning in any specific institution related to filmmaking, tourism and regional image formation.
The aim of this study is to compare the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and Hungary’s economic and social terms in the period from 2004 to 2015, with an emphasized character in the tourism processes. Each of the four countries joined to the European Union (2004). The 2008 economic crisis seriously affected these areas at both national and regional levels. We try to find the answer to what kind of processes took place in the economy and in tourism; and what kind of role has the regional marketing toolbar in each countries’ prosperity; and it is still possible to enhance the affirmation of the tourism potential with the online marketing tools.
The author discusses current issues of sustainability rural landscape from the perspective of optimal use of economical, ecological and natural resources management in Poland. Agriculture in Poland is one of the most important sectors from an economic perspective and its importance is greater than in other countries in the EU. Rural landscape is not only a place of agricultural production and farming, but also because of favourable environmental conditions, more common place of living, which would be impossible without an efficient modern infrastructure. Rural landscape in Poland is more and more often treated as ‘carbon parks’ assimilating the carbon dioxide emitted by fuel burning. Farmers are changing their role from food producers into environmental guardians.
The sustainable city debate is gaining ground in recent years, featuring as a prominent issue in several policy documents of the European Commission, and enjoying support by the main organisations and institutions at international level. At the same time, improving local governance standards by involving citizens in local decision-making is a recurring issue in the debate on local democracy and enhancement of community cohesion. This paper presents an analysis of the European experience and best practice relating sustainable development to the day-to-day practice of spatial planning. The overall purpose is creating a proposal of indicators for measuring the sustainability of planning actions in urban environments.
Organizacinės kultūros teorija svarbi atliekant mokslinius tyrimus, siekiant gerinti vadovų supratimą apie darbuotojų elgesį organizacijoje. Straipsnyje išanalizuotos organizacinės kultūros vertinimo metodikos. Taikant sudarytą metodiką atliktas tyrimas UAB ,,Yazaky Wiring Technologies Lietuva“. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad organizacijoje mažiausiai dėmesio skiriama ritualų kūrimui ir taikymui, herojų vertinimui. Tačiau bendra analizė atskleidė, kad organizacinė kultūra yra stipri ir ji puoselėjama. Pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip gerinti organizacijos organizacinę kultūrą.