Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 77–100
The aim of the article is to review the features of the management of the vaccination process during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the importance of the health care systems in different countries. This is one of the most relevant research topics in recent years in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the number of scientific publications is increasing daily with geometric progression. The authors of the article analysed and summarised over 160 scientific publications. A detailed analysis of the development, clinical research, approval and registration procedures, reliability, safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine presented in the articles is presented. In this context, it was particularly important for the authors to present the doubts about the advantages of vaccination, and the reasons for refusing vaccination, evaluating the public information context. The role of the health care system is presented in the disclosure of the organisation of the vaccination process in the country, especially in the identification of priority groups of vaccinees, and in the monitoring of vaccinated people. The results of the research analysed in the articles suggest that all registered Covid-19 vaccines are sufficiently reliable, safe and effective, and timely public information is of great importance for vaccination coverage. The central role of the health care system in organising and managing the vaccination process has proven its worth. The vaccination process is managed and controlled in the country.
Since early nineties, Latvia has remained a net importer of agri-food products. At the same time, both exports and imports of agricultural commodities and processed food products has consistently grown, with total trade turnover increasing. The objective of the study is to determine the trends in development of barter terms of trade in Latvian agricultural commodities and food products. To reach the research objective, barter terms of trade indices were compiled with various levels of data aggregation over the period from 2002 to 2012. The research results in general show consistently higher terms of trade in agricultural commodities in comparison with terms of trade in processed food products. The differences exist between the terms of trade for the same products or product groups depending upon the level of aggregation. Trends in development of barter terms of trade indices for agricultural commodities and processed food products are different. In general, barter terms of trade for whole agri-food sector is not deteriorating.
Straipsnyje analizuojama persiliejimo reiškinio kilmė organizacijose aplinkos pokyčių kontekste ir tarporganizacinių veiksnių įtaka inovatyvių produktų (paslaugų ir prekių) kilmei. Straipsnyje didelis dėmesys skiriamas potencialių, turinčių persiliejimo potencialą veiksnių, tarpusavio ryšiams, naujų produktų kilmės poveikiui ekonominės plėtros procesams. Nustatyta, kad žmogiškųjų išteklių kuriami persiliejimo veiksniai sietini su inovatyvių organizacijų veiklos procesais, užduočių atlikimo laiku ir efektyviu technologijų diegimu.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 75–88
Article examines Klaipėda city and its suburban areas territorial change, as well as population change during the year 2005–2013. During these decades, cities experienced major changes because of previously created city models. Because of this, on these days it is still important to predict city’s future development, expansion and metamorphosis. Today it is very important to predict and make future prognoses of city development in case to avoid spatial planning failure, rising from social and demographical economical problems. Even today cities are facing sub-urbanization which leads to city emptiness. Therefore, article’s main aim is Klaipėda city and its suburban zones together with population future analysis and development. According to received Klaipėda city, city suburban areas and population change results during these eight years, the most important thing was to create and understand future of the city, suburban areas and population development in this area till the nearest 2020 year.
Customer satisfaction is considered as key factor determining organization’s success in today’s competitive market place. The growthof popularity of catering services in Lithuania substantiates the necessity of evaluation of their customer loyalty. Accordingly, theresearch was provided endeavouring to evaluate customer satisfaction with catering services in Lithuania. The obtained resultsreveal that evaluating either customer satisfaction with overall catering services in Lithuania, or customer satisfaction with particularcaterer, Customer Expectations and Image has no direct effect on Customer Satisfaction, in addition Complaints has no direct neitherindirect effect on Loyalty. Furthermore, the created model of Customer Satisfaction with catering services in Lithuania can be usedfor any type of research that evaluates customer satisfaction with catering services in Lithuania: any the place in Lithuania and / orthe type of catering facility.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 75–84
In the article, the importance of the physical environment of the organisation, the office, in achieving the efficiency of various management processes, is analysed. The article explains the concept of the physical environment of the organisation and its essential classification methods, and analyses the essential advantages of a closed and open office for internal communication, conflict resolution, organisational culture and subcultures, employee productivity, and other organisational phenomena. Twenty-first-century trends show that more and more business organisations are moving towards open office trends, in order to distance themselves from the physical environment of a traditional bureaucratic organisation. The authors of the article seek to critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a closed and open office, and to review possible future trends and prospects for research into the physical environment of organisations. Nevertheless, research into these complex factors requires primarily an interdisciplinary methodological approach, combining a knowledge of management, economics, psychology, architecture, and other fields, and this topic does not receive sufficient attention in the Lithuanian scientific discourse. The authors of the article seek to define the concept of the physical environment of the organisation, identify its essential features, compare the differences between closed and open physical environments, and discuss possible perspectives for future research.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 75–84
This article is the overall review of photovoice, the strategy of participatory action research hat relies on potential of photography. Therefore, the history, inspirations and application examples are discussed. The notion of the article is the argument that photovoice is a valuable method that could be applied in social work, which is focused on empowering people and supporting them in life challenges.
In the paper market situation of domestic steelworks during restructuring process was characterized. In the analysis the key elements of enterprises competitiveness were presented. Moreover the organizational changes in the steelworks plants and their influence on the sustainability were presented too. In the paper two kinds of restructuring were described: repair and development.
В статье исследуется жизненный путь одного из аристократов Великого Княжества Литовского позднее ставшего подданным Российской империи Людвика Скумин-Тышкевича (1748–1808). Это был человек, которому повезло не только избежать репрессий или лишений во времена суровых перемен, но и войти в элиту тогдашнего общества, получить доверие новой власти. В исследовании анализируется карьерные траектории аристократа и изучается причины, благодаря которым представитель не самого могущественного рода Литвы сумел попасть в элиту тогдашнего общества.
Daugelis organizacijų, siekdamos patikimų tyrimo rezultatų, pasitelkia instrumentus, kurie gali padėti išanalizuoti bendrąsias vadovaujančio asmens elgsenas ir užtikrinti tikslingą grįžtamojo ryšio duomenų interpretavimą. Atlikus tyrimą, remiantis moksline literatūra, siekta apibendrinti 360° grįžtamojo ryšio tyrimo metodo esmę ir naudą bei jo įgyvendinimo etapus vadovaujančių asmenų kompetencijų ir lyderystės tyrimuose. Straipsnio autoriai siekia teoriniu lygmeniu apibendrinti pradinę informaciją, kuria remiantis būtų galima formuoti 360° grįžtamojo ryšio tyrimo metodologiją, būtiną tam tikros organizacijos konkrečiai situacijai tirti. Taikant sisteminės mokslinės literatūros analizės, lyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodus straipsnyje apibendrinama 360° grįžtamojo ryšio tyrimo esmė bei nauda, kuri sugrupuota į keturias kategorijas; konkretizuojami du pagrindiniai 360° grįžtamojo ryšio tyrimo tikslai: grįžtamasis ryšys, siekiant tiriamo vadovo asmeninio tobulėjimo; grįžtamasis ryšys, siekiant tobulinti tiriamo vadovo veiklą. Detaliai aptariama 360° grįžtamojo ryšio tyrimo, kuris vyko trimis etapais, eiga: 1) pasirengimas; 2) administravimas; 3) stebėsena. Atliekant analizę remtasi daugiau kaip 30 mokslinių straipsnių, kuriuose tyrėjai pristato argumentus ir apibendrina tiriamo vadovo savęs vertinimo ir to, kaip jį vertina kiti organizacijos nariai, skirtumus. Straipsnio išvadose argumentuojama, kad atlikus 360° grįžtamojo ryšio tyrimą gaunami rezultatai laikomi patikimais, nes šis metodas susistemina daugybę aspektų ir padeda apsispręsti dėl elgsenų tobulinimo ir / arba keitimo veiksmų. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia realią respondentų vertinimų (nuomonių) pusiausvyrą, suteikia validžią ir konstruktyvią informaciją, siekiant įgyvendinti besimokančių organizacijų tikslus, padeda planuojant asmeninę individo karjerą bei jo veiklą.