The article analyzes the Christian Church in the first centuries of controversy about the divine mercy and understanding of the operation in the believer’s life. Briefly reviewing the biblical teaching about the divine grace. Highlights the key terms in the Old and New Testaments. It reviews the doctrines of grace in the origins of Gnostic Manichean sects. Discussion about the operation of the grace of one of the greatest the echoes reached the Pelagius and St. Augustine teachings. Their doctrine, especially Augustine, centuries later influenced the development of the Catholic doctrine of grace for the individual man and for the whole Church. Augustine understood the divine grace of anthropological perspectives as a new relationship with God through Jesus Christ’s saving event. This relationship is just a pure gift from God, given to everyone who has faith in the Savior. By their nature the man deserves such a gift, so it is in vain received grace, leads man to the justification, and thus to eternal salvation.
The author discusses current issues of sustainability rural landscape from the perspective of optimal use of economical, ecological and natural resources management in Poland. Agriculture in Poland is one of the most important sectors from an economic perspective and its importance is greater than in other countries in the EU. Rural landscape is not only a place of agricultural production and farming, but also because of favourable environmental conditions, more common place of living, which would be impossible without an efficient modern infrastructure. Rural landscape in Poland is more and more often treated as ‘carbon parks’ assimilating the carbon dioxide emitted by fuel burning. Farmers are changing their role from food producers into environmental guardians.
Bibliotherapy is used in children’s day centers in order to provide assistance to children and adolescents from social risk families. There is evidence found in scientific literature that the application of bibliotherapy at day centers is useful for strengthening self-sufficiency, and if applied purposefully, it enables to cope with psychological problems, promotes spiritual growth and qualitative development, raises self-esteem, self-knowledge, understanding, and frees from perceptions that prevents from recognizing personal unpleasant feelings. The professional application of bibliotherapy at day centers, by working with children and adolescents, creates assumptions to strengthen the motivation regarding self-cognition, self-development and learning. The aim of this research is to answer to the question of how bibliotherapy can be applied in social pedagogical activities at children’s day centers (CDC). After a qualitative research had been accomplished (of social educators, parents whose children attend CDC), it was found that the application of bibliotherapy is justified in solving various social-pedagogical problems of children and youth (especially those associated with dealing with motivation problems of adolescent learning).
This article gives an insight into the vocabulary of one of the sub-dialects of the Central dialect of the Latvian language – namely, the sub-dialect spoken in Bārta, a place in South-Western Kurzeme. The focus of the article is on those lexical units of the Bārta sub-dialect that are included in one of the most important works of Latvian linguistics – the Latvian Language Dictionary (1923–1932) and it’s Appendix (1934–1946), compiled and published by Kārlis Mīlenbahs, Jānis Endzelīns and Edīte Hauzenberga. The material analyzed here is taken from the electronic version of the Latvian Language Dictionary ( The vocabulary of the Bārta sub-dialect is represented there by approximately 660 words, among which there are 330 nouns, 253 verbs, 38 adjectives, 30 adverbs, 7 particles, 2 interjections, 2 conjunctions, and 1 preposition.
The purpose of this article is to find connections between two seemingly unrelated objects in art – the image of sea and the sound of organ. The author believes that an area of semantic overlapping exists between these phenomena: the properties of organ sound production, as well as the technical and artistic means of expression a priori hold certain properties that enable evocative and convincing reproduction of certain characteristics of the image of sea.The article analyses four main parameters for the comparison of the image of sea and the sound of organ: the infinite sense of time, the incomprehensible and vast sense of space, the broadness of dynamic scale and the multitude of diverse colours (richness of timbres). This research is based on the organ music oeuvre devoted to the image of sea by the Latvian composer Romualds Jermaks. However, similar interconnections could conceivably be discovered upon analysis of the sea-theme related organ works by other composers.
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 81–98
The article focuses on the emotional aspects of programs performed by institutions of prenatal music education (PME) in Lithuania and reveals how the content of this education helps pregnant women to experience positive emotions, especially joy, and overcome the increased nervousness and fear of childbirth. We conducted a study where fourteen respondents were interviewed: six women who during their pregnancy attended music education classes for future mothers (the musical educational health promotion school “Sveikutis”, Vilnius; and the studio of music therapy and meditation “Dabartis”, Klaipėda) and eight women who practiced musicianship independently. The experiences of these fourteen respondents of different age (from 20 to 45 years old at the time of pregnancy) and from different cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Pasvalys and Šiauliai) has revealed that all women who during their pregnancy practiced musicianship had deep and significant experiences and felt the decrease of fear of childbirth. However, the women who attended music education classes had a larger spectrum of opportunities: they could play various instruments, perform additional and useful exercises, and receive more beneficial information, which allowed them to feel positive emotions more often. In addition, the women who attended PME classes claimed to achieve the connection with their unborn child faster and they rated their pregnancy with a higher grade concerning the smoothness of the period. It is significant that PME classes had a positive impact on the husbands of pregnant women as well – the received information encouraged soon to be fathers to communicate with their unborn children. The results of our study confirm that the PME classes in Lithuania promote the pregnant women’s positive emotions, especially experiencing joy, decrease the fear of childbirth, and also have a positive effect on couple’s relationships.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 81–93
Research presented in the article reveals emotional expressions of early age children with developmental disorders who are brought up in families. In article discussed emotional state and factors that influence development of emotional expression. It is set up that character of relationships could vary depending on the active communication in the aspect of quantity and quality. Parents communication based on the close emotional interaction is not Always successful; and another implication supports idea that child’s closed environment must ensure satisfaction of basic emotional reactions in the process of forming and development child’s psychosocial needs.
The foundation of the Republic of Latvia in 1918 changed significantly ethnic relationships in the country. Ethnic Latvians became not only the numerical but also the political and cultural majority, and thereby the concept and status of ethnic minorities were created. This article examines the visibility of ethnic minorities in the newly established state, focusing on the case of the Archives of Latvian Folklore, founded in 1924, as one of the core institutions that strengthened national cultural values. The ‘folklore of other ethnicities’ category was introduced and discussed at the archive during the first years of its existence. Volunteer folklore collectors played an active role in the discussions, revealing the bottom-up aspects of the implementation of the archive’s policy. However, rather than pointing to the ethnic affiliation of the involved people, the archival records reflect more often the blurred linguistic boundaries in Latvian society.
Volume 83, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 80–98
At the focus of this article, the motivation of a social worker is presented as an important aspect of effective professional functioning, which approaches the human being as a personality able to create and accumulate unique experiences. A holistic in-depth analysis of the process of motivation is employed to search for links between different motivational dimensions, such as the personality of the social worker, and the behavioural and environmental effects on professional identity. The aim to theoretically ground the motivation of a social worker as a prerequisite for an effective professional functioning requires carrying out research into the theoretical construct of motivation in order to explain it on a poly-systemic level and distinguish its components: stimulus, identification of stimulus, adaptation phase of an identified stimulus, action, and action control. The explanation and fixation of active elements of motivation take place in a vertical system of relations, where most attention is paid to causal ties and continuity of the social worker’s professional motivation.