The main aim of the research is to reveal the philosophical foundations of the concept of sustainable development. The scope of this research includes an analysis of the philosophical meaning of the concept of sustainable development, focusing on the revealing of the synergy of metaphysical, ethical and ecological parameters of this concept. To give a deeper understanding about different opinions and approaches to sustainable development, there will be an interpretation of some theoretical perspective both about sustainable development and also about different philosophical theories and how they are related sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development is not only concerned with the well-being of people but also of the world where human live, therefore the concept of sustainable development can be understood as holistic philosophy that includes classical philosophical prospects as well as harmonizes and integrates the activities of economic, sociopolitical and ecological system. Therefore, in this article are raised concrete tasks: to analyze the literature and reveal the philosophical context of the formation of the concept of sustainable development; to analyze classical ethical philosophical theories and argue their significance for the concept of sustainable development; to analyze a holistic philosophical approach and to argue its significance for the concept of sustainable development.
We have to define at least three different regional folk singing traditions in the central part of Dnipro river localities in Ukraine. They are located in the territory of contemporary Cherkasy district. We have Podillia region with much more archaic folk songs genres and enough clear their musical stylistic features. We also have Naddniprianshchyna and Poltavshchyna regions with colourful and various way enriched polyphonic features of regional folk singing traditions. The main goal of our ethnomusicological activities we see here in recording continuity of such singing folklore traditions from all Cherkasy district followed by their scientific research studies in their style, genre, rhythmic and melodic typology aspects, as well as mapping of particular macro- and micro-zones in various mentioned above parameters.
The article examines the theoretical approach of the terms stereotypes and occupational stereotyping. The term “stereotype” is seldom encountered in the sociological or economical papers dealing with farmer, farming and agriculture. There are existing differences of characteristics of stereotypes therefore article will try to detect features described by W. Lipmann, R. Dyer, S. Oskamp, R. W. Schultz and others. Some of the definitions offer thought that stereotypes are oversimplifications or generalizations while they are more complicated as it seems from the first sight. The current article will discover sociological concern of how stereotypes function in social thought and the specific concerns how stereotypes function in urban youth thoughts. Article will distinguish negative, neutral and positive stereotypes. The article will include both qualitative and quantitative research methods in order to reveal Lithuanian and Latvian urban youth perceptions and stereotypes of Farmer and Agriculture.
European Union support for Lithuania undoubtedly makes a positive impact on economic growth and it structure. But there is even more important that a considerable funds flowing to different regions of Lithuania, and are focused to their economic development, the promotion of cohesion and human resources development. From the beginning of Lithuania’s independence the territorial differences of regional development began to emerge, which progressively deepened over time. These differences affected the sector of human resources: the economic activity of the population, education, knowledge, skills and other areas.The development of human resources is one of the objectives of European Union’s regional policy. Therefore, the aim of the study – to analyze the changes in use of European Union funds in Lithuania’ municipalities over the 2007–2013 period.
Regioninė politika laikoma sėkmingu darnios plėtros siekio realizavimo pasirinkimu. Tačiau darni plėtra neįmanoma be atsakingos verslo elgsenos. Dominuojanti verslo forma yra smulkusis ir vidutinis verslas (SVV), tad pirmiausia šio verslo veiksmai gali lemti darnios plėtros spartą. Straipsnyje išskirtas teorinis SVV dimensijų kompleksas, kurio taikymą turėtų inicijuoti regiono valdžia. Deja, atlikta Klaipėdos regiono savivaldybių planavimo dokumentų analizė leidžia teigti, kad regiono savivaldybės negali būti vertinamos pažangios darnios plėtros kontekste. Savivaldybės SVV dimensijų taikymą vertina nevienodai. Analizuotuose dokumentuose planuojama keletas pavienių priemonių, tačiau dimensijos kompleksiškai neintegruojamos, kas leistų išlaikyti pusiausvyrą tarp esminių darnios plėtros sričių. Ypač neigiama tyrimo metu nustatyta tendencija, kad nė viename iš analizuotų planavimo dokumentų neintegruojamas SVV dimensijų kompleksas.
Innovations and innovative activities are becoming themost important feature of a country or region development. For this reason agreat amount of literature highlights this topic. There are a lot of documents,strategies and programs signed which try to enhance business competitivenessand productivity. Formation of regional policy should make that thisdevelopment will ensure a high quality of life throughout the country. Economicgrowth of countries in encouraging to look for more efficienty, which isdirectly related with innovative entities. The significance of innovations isthe focus of EU regional policy. Although the innovation phenomenon is widelyanalyzed, consistent and specified concept is not formulated. Thus, this paperwill primarily discuss the diversity of innovation concept and interface withthe regional concept. Another part of the work aims to reveal the determinantsof the regional development influencing innovation activities by differentauthor’s approaches. The final section of this paper is to present adoptedmethodological matrix for innovativeness evaluation for regions in Lithuania.In Lithuaniainnovativeness is counted just on a country’s level, no territorial importanceis emphasised. Even though innovations are closely related with regionalpolicy. So the main purpose of this paper is to make methodological basis formore detailed (in a territorial contex) analysis of innovativeness in Lithuania’sregions.
The article presents the practice of Capacity Building project (CBP) activities underlining the sustainable development importance in the context of Cross Border Cooperation, which was implemented in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Lithuania. The article is based on the analysis of statistical data and South Baltic Program documents adopted by the European Commission. The knowledge and experience of CBP formulated in this paper could be useful for future capacity building initiatives in the South Baltic region or in other territorial cooperation programmes. Article authors were official representatives of this project in Lithuania Region and actively participated during the Capacity Building project activities implementation process, took responsibilities during the interview and questionnaire givens collecting in Lithuania, were mentoring the Rent-of-Expert process and made individual consultations, organized trainings and workshops.
As the subprime credit crisis has attracted attention to financial derivative instruments, more frequently arises questions about fairvalue calculations. Over the time, different models had been introduced. All of those models take into account factors affectingprices. Mostly, factors used in calculations on the same type of financial instruments are approximately the same. Therefore questionarises, which factor affects price more and which less, with no matter which model would be used for fair value calculations. One offinancial derivative instrument types is options. Options are agreements, which give to option buyer rights to buy or sell underlyingasset. While the seller or writer of option has obligation to buy or sell underlying asset. This research aims to explore the impact offactors on option fair value calculations and evaluate most important ones from those, which could be chosen by option buyer orseller. To reach the aim of research following tasks are developed: 1) review of fair value calculation models; 2) compare results ofusage of different models and changes in affecting factors; 3) highlight differences between option price affecting factors, modelsused in calculations and results provided. Research includes literature review and analysis of option pricing results. Option pricecalculations are based on historical option prices, using black-Scholes and Binomial option pricing models.
Emigracijos procesai, vykstantys Lietuvoje, vis dar kelia nerimą dėl didėjančio masto, todėl svarbi tiek mokslinė, tiek praktinėproblema ir siekiamybė ištirti emigracijos priežastis bei įvertinti galimas pasekmes šaliai. Straipsnyje analizuojamos emigracijosLietuvoje priežastys ir padariniai. Lietuvoje ir užsienyje gyvenančių respondentų atsakymai patvirtino nuomonę, kad išvykstamadažniausia dėl ekonominių priežasčių, deja, kvalifikuoti darbuotojai dažniau išvyksta siekdami didesnių saviraiškos, karjeros galimybių.Padariniai: pablogėjusi demografinė situacija, mažėjantis gimstamumas, silpstanti atsakomybė už artimus žmones, į biudžetąnesurenkami pinigai.
The article focuses on problems of chronology and textual development in the Ruthenian translation of the Czech Lucidarius. This translation is known from five published and one unpublished Cyrillic manuscript copies written between the second quarter of the 16th and the early 19th century. A new explanation of the information contained in these manuscripts regarding the time of the translation and the dating of the Czech original is proposed. Particular attention is paid to establishing the initial structure and sequence of the texts in the Ruthenian translation, which reflect its non-extant Czech printed source.