The article presents the main ideas of sustainable tourism – new form of tourism promoted by authorities, environmental and social institutions and international organizations. It implies taking into account economic, environmental, and socio-cultural aspect by planning and management of tourism. The article presents historical background of the idea of sustainability and main international events concerning this topic. The author highlights negative effects of tourism that can be prevented by applying the principles of sustainable development.
The article deals with the anthropometric measures that have been used in the dwellings construction, determined different types of measurement. Dwelling parameters and its components were analysed based on human body.
This article analyzes the question of the usage of the descriptive phrase žmogus su negalia and its syntactic competitors. The origin and spread of the phrase žmogus su negalia and variations of its evaluation by the language norm is discussed. Data that was collected from the Corpus of Modern Lithuanian Language, other sources of various functional styles, and a survey shows the real usage of the language components that describe people with disabilities. The research analyzes the correctness of the various language examples and problematic cases of usage are explicitly discussed. This article questions the causes and validity of the change of the level of correctness of the phrase žmogus su negalia.
Aim of this work is to discover the usage of foreign words in textbooks for primary schools because foreign words are more crucial components of vocabulary. As figures of statistics show there are too many of foreign words used in textbooks for children in primary classes. Teachers consider that foreign words should be included in the textbooks in a more limited amount. Yet time has come to consider young learners self-assessment as well. The main attention at the teachers’ studies courses is paid to teaching foreign methodology.
Creation of strong brand and increment of brand’s equity in the market is main goal of business. Usage of brand equity concept allows brand owners to sell branded products at higher price, gain greater market share, better promote products in the market, penetrate in market more easily, acquire more loyal consumers, improve effectiveness of marketing communications and enlarge product lines more successfully. Therefore for last 20 years brand’s equity conception, that consists from financial and consumer perceived brand’s equity, has become increasingly actual. It is also important task for brands in Latvian cosmetics market, because market itself is strongly saturated, highly competitive, and brand communication is very active, and therefore this kind of market requires brands to create their own unique approach, so they could stand out and successfully compete with other brands.
The aim of the paper is to study the influencing factors and to identify the ways of improving the effectiveness of regulation in theLatvian Bank system (LBS). Basing on the systemic comparative and logical analysis data of the efficiency of regulation in differentstages of LBS development article demonstrates that its key factor is the level of business ethics and professionalism of majorshareholders and top management of the banks, but the main directions of improving its efficiency is an increase of the role of contentapproach to control in comparison with the formal approach.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 155–158
Jūratė Sučylaitė. Prieš srovę. Psichikos sveikata ir vertybės šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje. 2021. Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla
Gydytoja, psichiatrė, poezijos terapeutė pristatė šiemet išleistą monografiją „Prieš srovę“ (recenzentai: dr. Laima Sapiežinskienė, socialiniai mokslai, Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Neuromokslų institutas, ir prof. dr. Tony’is Wall’as, Česterio universiteto Europos darnaus vystymosi ir verslo tyrimų padalinys, Jungtinė Karalystė).
Savalaikė monografija, kurioje autorė analizuoja keletą aktualių ir subtilių temų. Visos jos aktualizuotos COVID-19 pandemijos, kuri ne tik alina žmonijos psichosocialinius išteklius, bet ir kelia sudėtingus iššūkius žmogiškumui, ieškant savojo Aš, laikotarpiu. Šiandieniniame pasaulyje stebimas psichikos sveikatos klausimų aktualizavimas: apie tai kalbame, analizuojame augančius susirgimo skaičius, aptariame priežastis, ieškome žmogaus atsparumo taškų būties, gilesnių pajautų kontekste.
Simple and clear at the first glance, the word sea, having Indo-European parallels which have practically the only meaning ‘sea’, on a closer examination turned out to be not so clear. Linguistic and ethno-linguistic, including folklore, data of Slavic traditions make it possible to interpret the word sea in Slavic languages and dialects in the sense of ‘water’ in general, and especially – the vast expanse of water – regardless of salinity, flowage and other properties of water. Moreover, the same semantics are characteristic of many, if not all, Indo-European denominations of the sea, and many words of non-Indoeuropean languages as well. Aspects of future studying of this topic can be seen in the explanation of other words with root *mor-/mar-, identification of their semantics, motivational relations and etymology, as well as other lexems, denoting the sea, the causes of their emergence or preservation in i.-e. languages and solving a number of other problems of diachronic aspect.
Increasing demand on blood supply and attempts of blood collecting agencies in recruiting and retaining blood donors require deeper knowledge of existing factors driving donor behaviour. This research address the need to explore the relationship of factors driving donor behaviour – motivation, satisfaction and loyalty. The objective of this study is to explore the conceptual model representing the effect of donor motivation on satisfaction, attitudinal loyalty and behavioural loyalty in the specific context of social marketing impact. Model, based on structural equation modeling technique was developed using the data of donor population of the nationwide blood collecting agency. Study empirically confirmed the causal positive effect of donor motivation on attitudinal loyalty, behavioural loyalty and relationship satisfaction. Study also revealed the main motives for donation relevant to the surveyed donor population. The power of motivation towards donor satisfaction and loyalty have increased during the period of five years due to the positive moderating influence of social marketing (Non-remunerated donorship promotion program).