This article analyses the correct use of phrases with the verb taikyti. It discusses the semantic structure of the word, and its different interpretations in dictionaries of the Lithuanian language. Data is collected from the ‘Corpus of the Modern Lithuanian Language’, sources about various functional styles, and a survey. It shows the real contemporary usage of the verb taikyti in texts related to health. The correctness of the use of the examples collected is analysed, and special attention is paid to problematic cases that require a more detailed analysis. The research indicates that for some phrases with taikyti which users view as correct, better contextual equivalents can be found.
The paper presents a statistical assessment of interregional differences in youth unemployment in Russia. The unemployment rate was decomposed into fundamental and cyclical components, which was essential for deeper understanding of the specificity of the youth labour market. We made a typology of the regions of RF according to similar trends of youth unemployment and an empirical analysis of the rates, dynamics and factors of unemployment among the young people aged 15–19 and 20–29 years for 77 regions of Russia between 2005 and 2013. We also analyzed the response of the regional rates of youth unemployment to crises. For analyzing the regional parameters of youth unemployment, we employed economical-statistical methods. We identified the interregional differences in the youth labor market and the nature of their changes in the time of economic crisis. The statistical database for this study was the Rosstat data posted on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service. We found that in the time of crisis the interregional differences in unemployment rates decreased and in the period of recovery growth, they increased. The interregional differentiation was on the rise because some individual regions used new points of growth. The study was conducted at the Institute of Agrarian Problems of RAS with the financial support from the Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF), project # 14-18-02801.
Straipsnyje analizuojami verslo konkurencingumo veiksniai ir jų vertinimo metodikos bei finansinės analizės taikymo teoriniai aspektai. Išanalizavus autorių siūlomas metodikas ir vertinimo modelius, pateikiamas autorės sudarytas uostų veiklos ekonominis vertinimo modelis. Siūlomas modelis leidžia įvertinti uostų finansinę-ekonominę būklę, remiantis apskaičiuojamu vertinimo indeksu leidžia nustatyti konkretaus uosto padėtį konkurentų atžvilgiu ir koreliacinius ryšius tarp įvairių vertinimo aspektų.
Maintaining the stability of financial leverage is a task in macro-economic management and also a challenge to be faced. Financial amplification characteristics dominate financial leverage system with low risk of capabilities, and the efficiency of this ability has two-sides results and proposes a lot of risks, however, most researchers have not found the best ways to solve this problem. Therefore, taking positive measures to strengthen the management of the financial system leverage feature becomes very important. In this paper, authors use comparative study and data analysis to illustrate the main problems of financial system leverage, the effect of leverage amplification characteristics, bi-amplified comparative analysis of profit and loss, and bi-amplification characteristics of the risk analysis. Meanwhile, based on five classified management methods, authors put forward countermeasures to the management of leverage properties in financial system.
Kaimo vietovių vystymosi procesas tampa vis labiau atviras ir kompleksiškas. Aiškesnis ir skaidresnis suinteresuotų veikėjų poveikis kaimo vietovėse priimamiems sprendimams ir atliekamiems veiksmams. Vystymosi iniciatyvų sėkmę ir efektyvumą garantuoja suinteresuotų veikėjų tikslai, neatsiejami nuo kaimo organizacijų vystymosi tikslų. Kaimo vietovių vystymosi organizacinis mechanizmas sinchronizuoja suinteresuotų veikėjų ir kitų mechanizmo elementų veiksmus, jų sąveiką, organizacinius pokyčius: derinami suinteresuotųjų interesai ir motyvuojama prisidėti prie kaimo vietovių vystymosi iniciatyvų, siekiant spręsti esamas problemas. Šio straipsnio tikslas – apibrėžti kaimo vietovių vystymo organizacinį mechanizmą ir nustatyti jo funkcionavimu suinteresuotas šalis. Atliekant tyrimą išanalizuota mechanizmo sąvokos raida, kuri sudarė prielaidas sukurti kaimo vietovių vystymo organizacinio mechanizmo sąvoką. Išanalizuotos Lietuvos 2007–2013 m. vietos plėtros strategijose numatytos 51-os vietos veiklos grupės misijos, leidusios identifikuoti kaimo vietovių vystymo organizacinio mechanizmo funkcionavimu suinteresuotus veikėjus.
Unemployment stands out as a major concern of policy makers, particularly in the case of youth unemployment. We intend to depict the reality of youth unemployment among university graduates in the Guar Municipality, as well as ascertain the possible causes and consequences of the phenomenon. We also aim to give some recommendations for decisions makers, so that these young people would take up residence in this region, which suffers from aging and depopulation issues. The main respondents of a questionnaire reported that it is not easy to get a job in a depressed area, i.e., the Guar Municipality, because labour supply has been reduced due to the closure of industries and companies in traditional sectors and to the lack of incentives for people and companies to take up residence in the area.
The purpose of the article is to present the results of an empirical study on the level of social integration of internally displaced persons in the host community. Social integration is seen as an active process involving both parties: migrants and the host population. The process is continuous, so the focus is on the degree of integration of internally displaced persons, reflected at three levels, high, medium and low. The degree of social integration of IDPs in the local community is an aggregate indicator of socio-economic, socio-psychological, cultural-communicative and socio-political elements. The study applied a set of standardised methods, as well as correlation, factor and variance analysis (Fisher’s criterion). The results show a positive tendency for integration by the vast majority of internally displaced persons who participated in the study: only 26 respondents (12.9%) had a low level, 121 respondents (60.2%) had a medium level, and 54 respondents had a high level (26.9%).
Using the relational database of KN morphology inflection of adjectives is investigated: masculine (and non-gender forms) stems, feminine stems and their correlation. The unique and well-established paradigms of inflection types are reviewed. The variation of stems and its causes, the language differences in the individual parts of the KN are dicussed.
Having analysed the forms of the shapes of the ethnic musical instruments of the mankind, the data of the research leads to the presumption that the musical instruments convey the images of the fauna, mode of life, which reflects on very ancient processes of the humanity. The great part of the images of these instruments shows not only the animal kingdom and tools of everyday life, but also the ancient totemic world outlook and the means of burying – process of traveling to ‘another’ world. These means were canoes, boats and even sea ships. Connection with the water and sea propose the idea about the features concerning two cultures – fishing and shipping. The reflections and relics are evident in the shapes of the ethnic musical instruments of mankind. However, the ‘Sea’ culture is noticeable only in the civilisations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece and in the traditions of using the musical instruments of the current people living in these areas. The ‘Water’ culture relates with fishing in the local rivers and lakes and is evident in the traditions of many nations of the world. The images of the fishing culture are the most noticeable feature of the instruments of the Baltic people.
Migration for children is a very challenging period. In the article children migration is looked through the phenomenological lens and expressed through the existential of lived body. Therefore, the purpose of article is to describe the nature of child migration through the existential of the lived body. In the lived experience descriptions or anecdotes the examination of human experience is presented. In such stories lies the essence of the children migration phenomenon. The results are presented in four three sections: unmanageable fear; otherness as abnormality and dissonance of body and language.