Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 29–48
The goal of the research presented in this paper – to characterize effective mentoring in the context of nursing studies. Modified evolutionary concept analysis method, that includes theoretical and empirical analysis of the concept, was used to achieve this goal. The group discussion method was employed to conduct the empirical research. Three groups of discussion composed from the 7 members of nursing faculty and 18 nursing students were created to collect data. The research has revealed concept of the effective mentoring in the context of nursing studies. The performed concept analysis lets state that the effective mentoring of nursing student is a complex process, because it includes integration of individual needs and curriculum objectives, highlights importance of relationship, mentor’s pedagogical knowledge, personal qualities, self-motivation, professional competencies.
Organizational learning is evaluated as issue of essential importance in modern organizations performing in contemporary society of knowledge. It is claimed that organizational learning is a very appropriate tool for adapting to the changing environment and for integration of various innovations into organizational activities. Different authors emphasize that learning in organizations occurs in individual, group or collective and organizational levels. But only learning formalized and documented in official organization legislation is named as organizational learning and is meant to be necessary for an organization for gaining its new knowledge.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 29–38
The scope of theoretical research on organizational change, which is characterized by fragmentation and interdisciplinary, is inevitably expanding. Such vision requires a deeper, complex analysis of the organization’s activities, identification of directions of strategic changes in the organization and the management of the proper preparation for strategic changes. The classical management focuses only on the issues of the management of the change processes, but the leaders of the present-day organizations must refine the strategic directions of change and follow them, and construct a change management strategy in the organization. This article presents theoretical aspects of the identification of directions of strategic changes in organizations based on the ideas of other researchers and theoretical insights created by the authors themselves.
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 29–40
The article examines sociocultural contexts of the genesis of the processes of the professionalization of performance within the paradigm of specificity vs generality. It emphasizes the increasing specialization in the area of human-human interactions inherent in the medical profession that are pertinent to the conditions of modern consumer society. The authors analyze the consequences of professional specialization in relation to the shifting physicians’ worldview and through individual self-expression explore professional deformations associated with moral and spiritual phenomena within the context of doctor-patient interactions that, on the one hand, are oriented towards missionary nature of the medical profession and, on the other, towards the opportunities of individual professional development. In the examination of occupational continuum, the authors utilize a phenomenological approach that enables to characterize different aspects of professional and personal deformations, as well as to analyze the meaning of professional opportunities through recognition and comprehension of their essence.
Straipsnyje pateiktas naujas požiūris į ekonominių procesų valdymą, akcentuojant grįžtamąjį ryšį ekonomikoje. Požiūris grindžiamas nauja holistine bendrųjų procentų idėja ir iš jos kylančiu soties (užpildymo) fenomenu. Parodoma, kad viena silpniausių vietų ekonomikoje yra neteisingas finansinio burbulo supratimas, teigiamo grįžtamojo ryšio nepakankamas ištyrimas ar netinkamas jo taikymas. Nustatyta, kad neigiamas grįžtamasis ryšys virsta teigiamu esant soties efektui, kurį lemia rinkos finansinis prisotinimas. Parodoma, kad atsiradus teigiamam grįžtamajam ryšiui formuojasi ekonominis burbulas. Pateikiamas patikslintas finansinio burbulo apibrėžimas. Taikant fenomenologinį metodą daroma prielaida, kad minios efektą gali paaiškinti susiformavęs soties efektas ir teigiamas grįžtamasis ryšys. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad ekonominių procesų valdymo analizėje, orientuojantis į bendruosius procentus (bendrąsias palūkanas), atsiskleidė nauji jo aspektai, leidę geriau paaiškinti teigiamą grįžtamąjį ryšį, prisotinimą, soties paradoksą, finansinius burbulus, infliaciją ir kitus ekonominius reiškinius. Darbe taikyta sisteminė ir lyginamoji mokslinių šaltinių analizė, modeliavimas, ekonominė logistinė analizė ir sintezė, fenomenologinis tyrimų metodas.
The article focuses on short-rooted infixal and sta stem verbs ending with sonants l, r, m, n, v, j which were attested in old Lithuanian scripts dating back to the 16–17st century and representing different written variants. The aforementioned verbs typically have a wide spectrum of constructional alternations. The morphological structure of verbs attested in the old scripts alternates similarly to those forms found in Lithuanian dialects, however, there are some notable differences as well, that is why the verbs found in old scripts are compared to those found in Lithuanian dialects and contemporary Lithuanian in order to determine the localization of alternating forms, their chronological and areal distribution as well as the tendencies and motives for their structural change.
Straipsnyje sprendžiama etnografinio regiono sampratos problema. Nors Etninės kultūros valstybinės globos pagrindų įstatyme apibrėžiama, kad etnografinis regionas – istoriškai susiformavusi teritorijos dalis, kurioje išlaikyta savita tarmė, tradicijos ir papročiai, integruotas baltų genčių palikimas, sunku suderinti kalbininkų, istorikų ir etnologų duomenis ir požiūrius, o analizuojant Vilniaus ir jo apylinkių priklausomybę etnografiniam regionui, straipsnyje parodoma, kad skiriasi tradicinėmis kultūros reikšmėmis paremti etnografiniai žemėlapiai, daugeliu atvejų priskiriantys Vilnių Dzūkijai, ir šiose vietovėse gyvenančių žmonių suvokimas, kad ši teritorija yra Aukštaitija.
Huge impact on the education system based on the universal Catholic pedagogics, and has too much emphasized working activity of the human and underestimated the nature of the personality’s expression, is analyzed in the paper. The mentioned issues are considered regarding the contemporary preparation of seafarers. Aim of the research is a revelation of the universally anthropological value of the education at conditions of protestant pragmatism and technocratism. Social influence of the protestant mentality is discussed. The preparation of seafarers is anthropologically evaluated. Methods such as retrospective analysis of scientific literature, comparison, heuristic analysis, interpretation and systemization were used in the research. Methodological principle of the research is neotomism. Theological tendencies of the protestant technocratism depreciated the personalistic culture that is psychologically compensated emphasizing the modern progress of the technological preparation of seafarers ignoring the broad approach to the valuable potential of the seafarer’s personality self-development. This approach lets create the universal local systems of the seafarers’ higher vocational education, and adequately combine the conditions of the complex human nature development and of the extreme work based on the European culture and authentic Christian heritage of education.
This article briefly presents the history of digitization of public administration in Poland. Statistical data of GUS and Eurostat (especially from 2012 to 2016) is used, based on which the profile of the Internet user and his/her expectations for the authorities and experience with e-government are described. The author attempts to understand why citizens–internet users (including the unemployed) do not use the Internet. The author points out three IT projects that were implemented in the citizen services sector under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. However, the first attempts at computerization of the administration were not effective enough and – as it could be expected – they were not cheap either. The situation changed in April of 2016 when the family assistance program “Family 500 Plus” was introduced. It turned out that with 2 million applications submitted, almost 0.5 million were received electronically, 95% of which were sent via the Internet banking system. The author concludes that the simplest way to popularise e-government is to combine Internet banking systems with state administration systems.