Quality is the important issue in today’s competitive world. In modern institutions, regardless of the type of business, it becomes the basis for its effective functioning; it is a determinant of organizational culture and the success factor. The organization, which offers products or services of poor quality – has no reason to exist as the consumers are becoming more aware of their needs and decide not to purchase products and services of poor quality. The article presents another proposal to assess the quality of maternity services, using the SERVQUAL method.
Countries and businesses focus on processes optimization aiming to cut cost and increase profit. The main keyword for achieving it is usually “innovations”. Innovations is one of the most popular trends in most economies and businesses. The paradox is that there is the lack of understanding the concept both in business and science. The term of innovations is not a new topic in the research literature. However, the problem is that the definition of the concept of innovations is constantly evolving and there is no clear definition. The paper aims to define the concept of innovations and identify the changes in the concept by reviewing the scientific literature.Literature analysis revealed that the development of innovations concept started in 1934, approaching the concept from the novelty perspective. Later new perspectives were introduced such as interaction processes, value creation and social progress. Today the concept can be defined as following: innovation is a company or consumer-initiated economic, managerial, psychological or technological process of renewal within a company, which results in greater added value and a competitive advantage.
Over recent decades, speaking in dialects has lost its aspect of comic expression, and attained a much greater degree of prestige. In fact, owing to processes of globalisation, dialects are no longer tied to a clearly defined habitat: they have transcended traditional geographical boundaries, and have become an instrument of creative work and communication on social media. Furthermore, the public have a clear inclination to abandon the dichotomy of the dialectological and ethnographic segmentation of Lithuania, and to match dialects to ethnographic regions as closely as possible. Therefore, by distancing ourselves from perceiving a dialect as a static and closed-ended system, we can assume that dialects have every opportunity to survive and evolve, if they adapt to the needs of modern society.
The paper presents the corruption issue by highlighting the actual situation of corruption in the Slovak society. This problem has a historical background when after 1993 the Slovak Republic was separated from the Czech Republic. The author offers theoretical attitudes which are necessary to apply in practice for to improve situation in Slovakia. Theoretical information was gained from relevant sources. The author tries to apply official results from Transparency International and other institutes. The media has great effect on public opinion and therefore investigative journalism should be developed which could uncover media property and corruption in the whole society. Journalism should be independent of politicians. It should be objective, full of truthful information with verifiable sources. In the last part of the paper some solutions are suggested which should be applied in practise as they can help to address corruption solutions. In other words, necessary measures may support the healthy environment with social welfare and spur development of the society.
The aim of the article is to analyse the determinants and good practices in using knowledge as a factor in the development of entrepreneurship at local level. The article consists of three sections. In the first section, the authors discuss the genesis of perceiving knowledge as a factor of socio-economic development. In the second part, the understanding of the concept of local development in the view of various economic theories is presented. Finally, section three provides an overview of international research and experience in the modelling of development based on knowledge and entrepreneurship.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 49–66
The aim of the research is to explore the application of health promoting PA education methods applied by teachers of physical education in basic school. The survey included 136 teachers of physical education working in comprehensive schools of five Lithuanian cities and districts (Klaipėda, Kaunas, Kretinga, Šilalė, and Mažeikiai) selected by the convenience sampling method. Teacher survey was conducted in November – December 2012 by the academic staff of the Department of Physical Education of Klaipeda University. The article deals with some aspects of health promotion of non-exercising schoolchildren by physical activity in the context of the contemporary society. The outcomes of the conducted qualitative research and their interpretation are presented. The views of teachers of physical education on the physical activity promotion methods are analyzed, as well as their insights into the issue of physical activity promotion methods at school and major motives of schoolchildren’s exercising.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 49–62
Society’s value system forms gradually, and every society has its own culture, its own dominant value system. Fundamental values such as honesty, fairness, compassion and kindness have been preserved through the centuries, and they are the core values of today. Organization values are invisible organizational culture, the deepest layer of the organization. The internal culture of institutions is the system of values and traditions, work environment, which is an important condition for staff satisfaction and performance efficiency. Latvian public administration declared value is incorporated into the code of ethics, also included in the organization documents, thus addressing not only their employees, but also society as a whole, what is the profession of the required values, as well as what human values should be never lost. In this study, in order to identify the predominant values and intrinsic values of institutions based on publicly available data and information sources, Latvian State Administration Policy declared value are discussed and analyzed.
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 49–60
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas pacientų sveikatos priežiūros tinkamumas ir kokybė, jų pasitenkinimas sveikatos priežiūra ir lūkesčių išsipildymas didelėje daugiaprofilinėje universitetinėje ligoninėje. Pateikiama individualių, institucinių ir sociodemografinių charakteristikų įtaka pacientų sveikatos priežiūros vertinimui bei jų elgsenai. Tyrimas vykdytas 2004–2015 m. anketinės apklausos metodu. Jis atskleidė, kad absoliuti dauguma (93,8 proc.) pacientų sveikatos priežiūra buvo patenkinti ir jos rezultatai atitiko ar viršijo daugumos (83,8 proc.) jų lūkesčius. Tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu suformuluotos motyvuotos išvados.
Straipsnyje analizuojami darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai ugdymo įstaigose. Atliktas ugdymo įstaigų veiklų ekspertinis ir poveikio aplinkai vertinimas, taikant ekologinio pėdsako metodą. Skatinant ugdymo įstaigų bendruomenes domėtis aplinkos apsauga ir ugdyti darnaus vystymosi įgūdžius, nuo 2015 metų vykdoma Darnios mokyklos programa, kur dalyvauja įvairių lygių Lietuvos ugdymo įstaigos (nuo ikimokyklinio, bendrojo, profesinio lavinimo iki neformaliojo ugdymo) ir joje dirbantys (besimokantys) bendruomenės nariai. Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžiai analizuoti, įgyvendinant naujas praktines veiklas, kurios mažino ugdymo įstaigų ekologinį pėdsaką. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad aktyviausios bendruomenės buvo tos, kurios į veiklas įtraukė daugiau dalyvių ir socialinių partnerių. Darnaus vystymosi įgūdžių formavimo procesas sudarė sąlygas į aplinkosauginio ugdymo veiklas įtraukti įvairaus amžiaus ir grupių žmones. Vykdytos aplinkosauginės priemonės bendruomenėms padėjo aktyviau dalyvauti vykdant aplinkosauginius projektus ir suprasti poveikio aplinkai pasekmes. Dalyviai atsakingiau vertino aplinką ir stengėsi labiau tausoti išteklius.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 48–66
The article analyzes the motivation for military service of the soldiers the Lithuanian Armed Forces based on their opinion. It presents the theoretical approach to motivation for military service, emphasizes the significance of values in the process of motivation, identifies the expectations, based on V. H. Vroom’s expectancy theory, which determine the motivation of soldiers under continuous mandatory service. According to the analysis of the completed research, it is stated that the soldiers are only partly satisfied with the current motivation system. In addition, the results of the research confirm the hypothesis that the motivation for military service differs between volunteer soldiers and conscript soldiers.