Volume 83, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 54–79
The aim of the article is to give a social portrait of Lithuanian youth in the context of youth policy, and to consider such unsettled segments as unemployment, emigration (migration), the attitude towards family, social participation in societal possibilities, and the strengthening of intergenerational solidarity. These problematic segments cause the social exclusion of young people, thus requiring an appropriate strategy for training professionals who work with young people and who can develop models for the positive (skilful) socialisation of young people. The article evaluates Lithuanian and European youth policy guidelines and success in solving problems, as well as the response to public expectations regarding participation in future life. It provides an analysis of existing feasibility studies that reveal the current situation, and insights into the question. The results obtained foster the formulation of a strategy for training social professionals focused on youth work. The article concentrates on a new European Union programme, the ‘European Solidarity Corps’, which aims to give young people opportunities to contribute to local and global problem-solving within the framework of personal and professional career design for youth. It has been prepared within the framework of the project ‘Social Professions for Youth Education in the Context of European Solidarity’*, with the participation of Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Swedish universities that deliver programmes for training social professionals.
Iceland is a small, resource rich country in Europe that is highly dependent on foreign trade. According to the World Bank classifications, Iceland is a high income economy, but with a population of a little bit more than 300 thousand inhabitants, is the smallest economy within the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Iceland is highly dependent on foreign trade, especially on trade with the European Union, where economic and political integration is evolving and the question about the most feasible level of participation is a future challenge for the country. Iceland is a member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Schengen area, and the European Union (EU) candidate country until recently, when its government decided to withdraw its EU membership application. Currently, the EEA agreement ensures Iceland access to the EU common market. The question remains, what is the most feasible arrangement for Iceland’s prosperity in the long term? Should it continue to rely on the current arrangement? Should it seek the EU membership in the future and, perhaps, subsequently become part of the Euro Area? What are the possible benefits and disadvantages for Iceland joining the EU and the Euro Area?
The rapid development of internet and technologies in the 21th century is providing an opportunity for the development of digital democracy – citizen engagement in the decision-making process in an easier, faster and more contemporary way. The paper analysis Latvian public administration’s attitude to the development of digital democracy in Latvia, looking into digital engagement as a possible solution that could foster the low rates of civic and political participation in Latvia. Research methods of the paper consists of an analysis of academic publications on digital democracy and political engagement, and survey to the representatives of the public administration in Latvia. Conclusions of the paper suggest that there are good preconditions for the development of digital democracy in Latvia, however, there is a need for a common regulation for how digital communication and online participation is coordinated. Public institutions should pay more attention to Latvian youth, educating them about public administration and political engagement, thus ensuring that gradually Latvian citizens become more knowledgeable about advantages and necessity to participate in the decision-making process of public administration in Latvia.
The article proceeds with the issues of the origin and evolution of the Lithuanian prayers and analyzes the beginning of the Sign of the cross and the Crossing formula. The linguistic analysis of the prayers was conducted by Zigmas Zinkevičius in the scientific study of language Lithuanian prayers in 2000; however, the features of the Sign of the cross or the Crossing formula and their relation to the Gospel were not highlighted, the wider context and the question whether the authors, translators and publishers have written the prayers in translations or original or semi-original writings, such as the cathechisms, theological treatises, postillas (educational writings) or the collection of prayers and prayer-books, also hymnals, were not taken into account. It is essential whether the text of the prayers is written in the translation of the Bible text, found in the citation from the Bible or freely recreated paraphrasing or remaking extracts or prayers from the Bible. The text of the Gospel in which Jesus Christ tells his disciples the christening formula (Mt 28, 19–20) is not the Crossing formula yet. It is necessary to perform the textual analysis and compare the respective passage with the originals.The object of research consists of the translations published in Prussia and GDL in the 16–17th centuries with the sources and original and semi-original texts.The aim of the article is to determine the origin of the variation of the beginning phrase of the Sign of the cross (Crossing formula). The tasks: 1) compare the beginning of the Crossing formula or the Sign of the cross with the originals, 2) examine the effect of various languages (Latin, German and Polish to begin with), 3) determine the origin of the insert God in the Lithuanian Crossing formula, 4) systemize and describe the results of comparative analysis.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 53–70
This article presents the analysis of the results of qualitative research about large families’ social, economical situation and possibilities of support in the community. There were 14 respondents of large family members. All families of respondents consist of both parents and three or more children. Respondents answered to open questions. This paper presents research participants’ opinion about the economic situation of large families, family members’ economic migration problems and opportunities of community support for these families. It was found that large family experience finances’ limits and it causes the migration. The activity in community enlarge and it enable support for large families.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 53–74
The article deals with the problem of spatial and numeral changes of rural settlements. Definition of the rural settlement and rurality is discussing at the context of the settlements developing. Appropriate place is devoted to the question of the size classification and density of settlements. The research deals with the methodological problem of the index of the nearest neighbourhood of the settlements, its distance from main services centres. The question of the influence of the transport system to development of regional rural settlements is discussing as well as the future of its.
Expression of business environment in trading company is being analysed in this article. Theoretically it was determined, that by supervising own business environment the companies must accordingly react to its changes and envisage what influence one or another factor of business environment have on them as insufficient attention to this area may determine inability to adapt to changing business environment. Therefore it may be baneful for trading companies and this topic must be analysed as much as possible. After quantitative research was made and 65 users of trading company were interviewed (customers of services or production), it was determined that alternation of supplies, employees and financial institutions as well as changes in legal, political and technological environment have the greatest influence on the environment of trading company. Obtained results of the research showed practical significance when solving management tasks of changes in business environment under development conditions. In accordance with this information, more rapid and better reaction of trading company into satisfaction of needs of the users is possible. The most important aspects, which must be considered, and which are necessary for managers of trading companies in order to make effective decisions are having of such information, accuracy of information, effectiveness of existing measures to receive and transfer information.
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 53–72
The qualitative and quantitative analysis of canine therapy with children with special educational needs is presented in this article. Canine therapy sessions were carried out in two groups of participants. The 1st group consisted from children with behavioural-emotional problems, the second group – consisted from children who have disability of intelligence and have diagnosis confirmed by physicians. The qualitative and quantitative analysis confirmed positive social, emotional, psychological and educational changes in both groups of children. Relatively greater changes are observed in the group of children with disability of intelligence. The parents of first group of children evaluated their behavioural-emotional difficulties before and after canine therapy sessions. There were no significant differences in mothers scores of children behavioural-emotional difficulties before and after canine therapy sessions, fathers’ scores of behavioral-emotional difficulties of children are lower after canine therapy sessions, and significantly lower are scores of anxiety / depression difficulties after canine therapy sessions.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 53–62
Bendrojo ugdymo mokykla išgyvena sudėtingą laikotarpį – 2015 m. priimta Geros mokyklos koncepcija, kurią mokyklai dera įgyvendinti. Tačiau tai ne taip paprasta, nes reikia keisti mokyklos veiklos atramos taškus, orientyrus, modeliuoti jos veiklą, kuri turėtų atitikti minėtą koncepciją. Vienas galimų kliuvinių gali būti Geros mokyklos koncepcijos supratimas. Todėl 2016 m. atliktas empirinis kokybinis tyrimas, siekiant išsiaiškinti šios koncepcijos akcentus, kaip ją supranta ekspertai ir kokie yra jų akcentai. Paaiškėjo, kad ekspertų geros mokyklos samprata iš esmės atitinka Geros mokyklos koncepcijos turinio lauką. Tik ekspertai neakcentuoja vertybinio aspekto. Tai yra signalas susirūpinti pamatiniais vertybiniais ugdymo mokykloje dalykais, juos išsiaiškinti ir veiklą mokykloje konstruoti vertybiniu pagrindu. Be to, dera mokyklos veiklos kryptis reflektuoti ir jas modeliuoti, remiantis Geros mokyklos koncepcija, kaip veiklos žemėlapiu.