Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 127–134
Verbal reconstruction of symbols is a factor of overcoming of the state of personality disadoptation. One of facilities that helps to form the new semantic structures of consciousness, exposes unrealized internal processes and conflicts is verbal reconstruction of symbols. The article is discusses different approaches to the use of verbal reconstruction of symbols on the basis of work with words and their systematization for application in the process of work with the system of symbols of personality with the aim of overcoming of the state disadoptation. With the help of following model of verbal reconstruction of symbols is investigates personal system of symbols.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 127–140
The article introduces the theoretical insights relevant to a discussion of the cultivation of cultural consciousness. It relies on the following methodological precepts: Mezirow’s principles of transformational change and experiential learning theories. On the basis of the foregoing principles, the article discusses the concept of cultural consciousness, which various writers define differently, and analyzes the substance of cultural consciousness as well as the methods involved in its cultivation. In the article the cultivation of cultural consciousness is presented as a vehicle for adult education.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 127–142
The article discusses the classic sociological question about the links between poverty and delinquency, whether the urban areas with a dense concentration of people living in social housing, common lodging-houses and hostels are more prone to crimes? Does living nearby such social objects means a higher risk for nearby residents? The article suggests that social housing, common lodging-houses and hostels meant for homeless asylum seekers and their families could only hypothetically be considered to be the areas with higher crime rates. Using the data available at the Department of Social Housing of Klaipėda City Municipality about the location of such housing in the city (localisation structure), the method of crime mapping, and the opportunities provided by a Geographic Information System, we have attempted to evaluate empirically the links between delinquency and the urban areas populated by socially vulnerable and economically disadvantaged people. The article provides the preliminary data of the research. This research has been funded by a grant (MIP-085/2014) from the Research Council of Lithuania.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 127–135
Social work theory and practice today follow a concept born in mid-19th century industrialised society; however, it is not the sole concept. Even since the fourth century, an alternative concept of caritative social work (CSW) has been known, and it is currently embedded in the European Social work model. The article shows the therapeutic potential of the concept of CSW based on the Judaeo-Christian model, which is based on the revelation of Biblical and patristic anthropology elaborated since the first decades of the Christian era (mainly in Alexandria and Antioch, ancient centres of learning). Today, with the Covid-19 crisis, and with European society undergoing traumatic experiences, described as alienation, unemployment, depression, etc, the therapeutic potential of CSW should be recalled by social work professionals. The therapeutic potential of CSW is revealed through an interdisciplinary approach. Patristic anthropology is an interdisciplinary approach showing ways to encourage human social activity, encompassing both personal and societal perspectives. The concept of deification provided by Judeo-Christian anthropology touches the ontological structure of man, and is described as a method for the proper conceptualisation of the complexity of the client’s problem, without ignoring its spiritual aspects. The potential of CSW is helpful for people in a society who are at risk to recover from setbacks.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 125–140
Social pedagogue’s assistance to social risk children is a relevant, complex and difficult topic. Social pedagogue is one of the key figures in country’s schools in terms of ensuring social equality, social integration, socialisation or simply the provision of social pedagogical assistance in the education process. However, currently there is not enough of a deeper understanding about the entire notion of school social pedagogue’s assistance to social risk children: how and in which situations it takes place, how it is organised and what is the role of a social pedagogue as well as which specific activities are carried out. Even though social pedagogical assistance itself is regulated in the legislation, there is still a prevailing lack of the actual situational and in-depth analysis that would reveal the entire process of social pedagogical assistance, allow to have a better look at it and through understanding it, enable the improvement of the situation. In this article, assistance provided by school social pedagogue to social risk children is analysed through narrative approach. In this article is represented one social pedagogues (Sigita) narrative about her assistance to social risk child Rytis. Sigita’s narrative is analysed on the following logic: description (narratives themselves, based on stories told by respondents during interviews, divided into smaller units), interpretation (personal insights about the narratives provided, personal approach, reflections based on memories) and explanation (objective analysis of a narrative provided in the description (or a part of it), based on scientific literature).
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 125–140
Young people with disabilities are one of the most sensitive groups of society because they are discriminated against by stereotypes of disability, sewing in the labor market and education. This is acknowledged by organizations operating in the field of international human rights and disability, which are mentioned in documents protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, are reflected in the researches of Lithuanian and foreign scientists. A child’s autism diagnosis affects every member of the family in different ways. Parents / caregivers must now place their primary focus on helping their child with ASD, which may put stress on their marriage, other children, work, finances, and personal relationships and responsibilities. The theoretical part of the article examines disabilities, conceptual basics of a autism. The empirical part is compliant with a provision that a human life can be understood by analysing one’s experience, opinions, worldview, and context. The justification of the research methodology – narrative analysis – is presented. The study involves demographic characteristics of fourth people – parents (male sex), circumstances of research data collection, the role of the researcher is revealed. Data processing is carried out in accordance with the methodological requirements of the dialogical narrative analysis. Conclusions are drawn with regard to the phenomenon – perception of the career of young people with slight intellectual disabilities.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 125–142
Jūrinių profesijų specialistų darbo rinka pasižymi ypatingais darbo vietų ir teisinio reglamentavimo pokyčiais. Tai skatina atlikti jūrinių profesijų specialistų karjeros projektavimo ir įgyvendinimo veiksnių tyrimus. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama identifikuoti jūrinės profesijos specialistų tolesnės karjeros projektavimo ir įgyvendinimo veiksnius. Teorinėje straipsnio dalyje nagrinėjami profesijos pasirinkimo klausimai, karjeros, karjeros projektavimo sampratos, išanalizuotas jūrinių profesijų specialistų rengimo tarptautinis ir nacionalinis reglamentavimas. Empirinėje dalyje, atlikus kiekybinį tyrimą, nustatyti jūrinių profesijų specialistų karjeros siekį skatinantys ir slopinantys veiksniai. Praktinis tyrimo reikšmingumas sietinas su jūrinių profesijų specialistų karjeros projektavimo kompetencijų ugdymo realizavimu.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 125–138
In this article, I speak of the importance of the symbol of Mary (the Virgin Mary), in particular – of the importance of locating and validating the Shadow of Mary and the instinctual side of Mary. For that purpose, I engage with the ideas of the Jungian authors Marie-Louise von Franz and Clarissa Pinkola Estés. I offer an interpretation of the Lithuanian fairy tale “Agnieškėlė” to show an example of the Shadow of Mary. The main aspect of my article is that I speak of the Virgin Mary in non-Christian terms as of the sovereign female divine who can be the source of the divine power and strength.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 124–136
The article presents the research that reveals the complexity of the patient hospital choice process and, in the context of the research data, enables the evaluation of the patient hospital choice factors influencing their decision. The problem of hospital choice is topical both in Lithuania and other EU and world countries. It is a complex process that requires the evaluation of the poly-functionality of the choice factors: the character of the patient disease and their state of health, the characteristics of the hospital, the interactive relationship between the hospital staff, the patient’s relatives, and Internet access. The research sample consisted of 477 participants aged between 18 and 89, treated in various hospitals throughout the country. Based on the results of the research presented in the article, one can argue that the factors having the greatest impact on patients’ choice of hospital include the advice of friends and significant others, personal experience, and the advice of their family doctor. The main prerequisites for choosing a hospital named by the patient respondents were the qualification of the medical staff, the quality of health care, communication between doctors and patients, the geographical location of the hospital, and its accessibility.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 123–140
The first paragraph is dedicated to theoretical insights into the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in in the process of adult education. It analyzes the significance of ICT application in educational process, functional capabilities of the use of educational portals, educational programs, Google service system in educational process and presents the theoretical model of the realization of ICT in adult education. The second part of the paragraph is devoted to empirical research in order to present the approach of adult learners to the use of Google service system as the possibility of functional application of a separate ICT unit in adult education. The article conceptualizes the realization vista of ICT in adult education. The investigation reveals the aspects of services of Google system as ICT, its usage and realization.