Visuomenės saugumo ir asmenybės psichikos savybių sąsajos: ugdančiosios meno terapijos poreikis
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 120–133
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
Social phenomena, documented in newspapers’ articles, and the publications for public enlightenment were analysed by hermeneutic – interpretative, content analysis and grounded theory methods. The components of unstable human environment were found: envy, abrogative behaviour of people with highest position in life, a lack of social confirmation, negative influence of parents, and the cruelty. Reaction to unstable surroundings was the retirement from public and civic life, the usage of alcohol and drugs abuse accompanied by violent outbreaks, and emigration. Retirement from civic life is strengthened by self – criticism, self – isolation, big sensitiveness for critics, inactivity; usage of alcohol and drugs are tied with inner emptiness, social and psychological vulnerability; real emigration linked to belief in possibility to run away from unstable and cruel surroundings.