Maitinimo įstaigų populiarumo Lietuvoje didėjimas pagrindžia vartotojų pasitenkinimo šiomis įstaigomis tyrimo aktualumą. Vertinant itališkos virtuvės atitikimą tradiciniam lietuvio skoniui, tyrimą nuspręsta atlikti picerijų sektoriuje. Tiriant siekta įvertinti vartotojų pasitenkinimą Kauno miesto picerijomis. Tyrimo duomenys leidžia daryti išvadą, kad siekiant didesnio vartotojų pasitenkinimo picerijomis, svarbiausia suderinti vartotojų lūkesčius ir produktų bei aptarnavimo kokybę. Apibendrinus atlikto tyrimo rezultatus, sudarytas vartotojų pasitenkinimo Kauno miesto picerijomis modelis, kuris gali būti taikomas apskaičiuojant vartotojų pasitenkinimą visomis picerijomis arba konkrečia Kauno miesto picerija, taip pat adaptuotas kitų miestų picerijų ar kitų maitinimo įstaigų vartotojų pasitenkinimui matuoti.
Many business leaders agree that their performance depends on the quality of the service they provide and its impact on customer satisfaction. In order to survive in the market or to increase their market share, parcel service providers need to be aware of the key factors that affect customer satisfaction with parcel services. The aim of this article is to analyse customer satisfaction with parcel locker service theories, and create a theoretical model to identify the main reasons for customer satisfaction with parcel locker services. The research problem: What are the main reasons for customer satisfaction with parcel locker services? The research methods are based on scientific literature, and data was collected through the questionnaire survey method and analysed by AcaStat software. The theoretical analysis distinguishes the six main reasons for customer satisfaction as price and quality, location dimension, time suitability, technological friendliness, service reliability, and safety. The research data were collected from 438 parcel service delivery users in Lithuania. The results indicate that the main reasons for customer satisfaction are: no need to wait for delivery at home, easy-to-use parcel lockers, 24/7 service possibility, and location convenience. This research is limited, because it was carried out during the pandemic, and the results would need to be verified if the epidemiological situation changes.