Regional Development Issues and Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Experience and Possibilities for Remote Work
Volume 33, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 137–144
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
We are living in world of dynamic changes, and transformations of global systems and the environment around us leave an impact
on how we define our goals, strategies and values at a professional level, and also in everyday life. The ecosystems of innovation and
economic development are related to human resources. In that case, some simple questions arise: What? How? Why? But the answer
is never too simple. While changes are small and do not interrupt our everyday life, it is simple to overcome; but there are changes
that immediately have a big impact on people’s lives. And the Covid-19 pandemic is that kind of change. A Smart Specialisation Strategy
defines the prospects for economic development for each region. It is necessary to develop and implement strategic plans and policies for
development at a regional and national level, and include social capital, cooperation and innovation. And there are usually some companies
that lose and some companies that win, due to the different types of crisis and unexpected conditions. The aim of this paper is to analyse
how the dynamic environment impacts on regional development and entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The aim
of this paper is to study possible changes and solutions in different industries at a regional level, and develop recommendations The
materials and methods used are monographic method (literature studies), statistical data, and the analysis of a survey of companies in
the region in order to analyse the transformation process of the regional economic environment. Conclusions: cooperation, innovation
and local entrepreneurship at a regional level have an important impact on economic development at a national level.