Besiekiant normalumo. Kaliningrado sritis tarp tarybinio pokario pretenzijų ir tikrovės (1945–1970 metai) | In Search of Normality. The Kaliningrad Oblast between Aspirations and Reality of the Soviet Post-War Period (1945-1970)
Volume 24 (2012): Erdvių pasisavinimas Rytų Prūsijoje XX amžiuje = Appropriation of Spaces in East Prussia during the 20th Century = Prisvoenie prostranstv v Vostochnoi Prussii v dvadtsatom stoletii, pp. 78–91
Pub. online: 5 June 2012
Type: Article
Open Access
5 June 2012
5 June 2012
The use of the “bright tomorrow” mythologeme in Soviet propaganda and the claims to turn Kaliningrad Oblast into a “normal”, standard region of Russia are discussed in the article as the principal strategies applied to Kaliningrad Region that aimed to form the identity of the local population and the growing intimacy with the new place of residence. The author seeks to demonstrate the fact that Kaliningrad images, as depicted by the Soviet propaganda, were evoking increasingly diminishing trust and failed to ensure the desired certainty about the future on the new territory primarily due to the confrontation with reality: a difficult post-war situation in the region and the problems caused by the remoteness from Russia, as well as the feeling that Russia did not take proper care of them.