Organizacijos didelį dėmesį skiria išorinei komunikacijai su klientais, visuomene, suinteresuotomis grupėmis. Tuo tarpu vidinė komunikacija reikšmingai mažiau akcentuojama. Vis dėlto ją būtina analizuoti ir vertinti kiekvienoje organizacijoje, nes vidinė komunikacija užtikrina sklandžią veiklą, darnius darbuotojų ir vadovybės santykius. Straipsnyje keliamas tikslas: nustačius logistinės įmonės vidinės komunikacijos poreikį, pateikti tobulinimo kryptis. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad vidinė komunikacija įmonėje atlieka reikšmingą vaidmenį. Darbuotojams svarbu tiksliai žinoti savo darbus, turėti galimybę pasitikslinti informaciją, laisvai išsakyti savo nuomonę, išreikšti nepasitenkinimą, pateikti pasiūlymų, idėjų. Daugumai apklaustųjų informacijos netrūksta nei iš vadovų, nei iš administracijos. Tačiau tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad ne visi apklaustieji laiku ir ne visą reikiamą informaciją gauna tiesiogiai. Siekiant gerinti logistinės įmonės vidinę komunikaciją aptartos tobulinimo galimybės.
The tasks of the article are: 1) to survey of the scientific literature in the field of the development of scientific-technical progress and the main entrepreneurial concepts; 2) to survey the EU and Lithuanian documents about R&D priorities and initiatives; 3) to analysis the situation of published applications according to date of filing application In Lithuania regions; 4) to determine the main R&D smart specialization directions in the Lithuanian regions according to published subclasses of International Patent Classification.
Globalisation and demographics, trends and innovation, for example, environmental protection technology, biotechnology and health care, can be the basis for the sixth Kondratieff’s wave. Applied research is fundamental for the adaptation of research results in the activities of the organization. Created a technical object can be protected under patent law. Application of knowledge management tools and techniques of intellectual knowledge are being converted to an organization's competitive advantage. In today’s business more business part is realized with innovation activities, R&D works.
The most important principle of the Paris Convention is a national regime. The second important provision of the Paris Convention − the priority of the conventional rate. Patent documents provide a lot of information about the invention that helpful elsewhere, so it is an important complement to traditional sources of information in terms of the dissemination of technological and scientific information. Patent documents provide information about the technical characteristics, applications history and information about the invention.
In “Horizon 2020” will be funded by all parts of the innovation chain-from the idea to the market, in accordance with the 3 main evaluation criteria: high quality research, competitive industry and the benefits to the public.
After analyzing the scientific literature and the data from the survey research we came to the following conclusions: the main R&D smart specialization direction in the Lithuanian region according to published subclasses of International Patent Classification is C05G, F23B, A23L, B65D, E05B, F03G.
The article examines the main approaches to the analysis of A. Bely’s poetry, determines the most relevant and productive strategies, and critically comprehends the religious and philosophical views, motifs and images of his contemporaries. It presents an analytical review of articles, reviews, and the first monograph, as well as diaries, memoirs and notes of contemporaries, allowing us to consider Bely against the background of the era, and to identify features of his religious and poetic consciousness.
The article presents the analysis of onomasiological system of one group of infixed and sta-stem verbs attested in the old Lithuanian scripts, denominative verbs in particular, derived from adjectives and nouns. The analysed verbs belong to the type of fientive word formation: their derivational meaning is ‘to become or to acquire/experience something which is denoted by the primary word’. The primary words are specific and abstract adjectives and nouns which by the means of affixal nomination – paradigmation – are used to form fientives or, more rarely, stative verbs. What is more, in the process of verbalization, additional means of derivation, namely, the infix and affix sta, play a significant role in attributing the verb to the derivational model of fientives. The centre of fientive derivational type is comprised of deadjectives, while desubstantives stand in the periphery of this type. The semantics of the denominatives analyzed is determined explicitly (in rarer cases, implicitly) by semantics of primary adjectives and nouns. According to properties/objects denoted by the lexical motivator, seven motivational models of denominative verbs have been established: colourative, morphological, physiomorphological, psychomorphological, the model of possession and social relationship, gustatory, and thermal one.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 61–76
Sustainable development philosophy leads to meaningful human and social development. Sustainable development concept and perception is very important, it should influence the practical application of human life. The article deals with modern problems of ecological culture scientific reasons, currently monitored social-natural contradictions aggravation, sustainable development with emphasis on the ethical aspects of ecological consciousness, ecological, cultural and spiritual importance of sustainable development for future development prospects. The article emphasizes on spirituality, because in each culture existing distinctive values and values orientation affect not only the worldview of society but also the perception of life.
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 61–76
Šalies finansinio stabilumo analizės ir vertinimo reikšmė ypač išaugo paskutinės pasaulinės finansų krizės kontekste. Šalies finansinis stabilumas – ganėtinai naujas ir įvairialypis tyrimo objektas, todėl svarbi jo tyrimų sritis yra finansinio stabilumo matavimo metodai. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama identifikuoti svarbiausius ir plačiausiai pripažįstamus finansinio stabilumo matavimo metodus. Iš pradžių pristatoma finansinio stabilumo samprata. Tada apžvelgiami svarbiausių organizacijų finansinio stabilumo tyrimų srityje išvystyti finansinio stabilumo matavimo metodai. Pirma aptariami Tarptautinio valiutos fondo finansinio patikimumo rodikliai, tada pereinama prie Europos centrinio banko makroprudencinių rodiklių, abu rinkiniai tarpusavyje palyginami. Siekiant išsamios finansinio stabilumo analizės rekomenduojama derinti abu rodiklių rinkinius. Paskutinėje dalyje aptariami bandymai sukonstruoti agreguotą finansinio stabilumo indeksą. Tačiau galima teigti, kad dėl finansinio stabilumo kompleksiškumo sudėtinga suformuluoti vieną indeksą, todėl apžvelgti bandymai yra lokalūs ir neturi tarptautinio pripažinimo.
Klasikinė logistika akcentuoja produktų judėjimą nuo gamintojo iki vartotojo, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant transportavimui, sandėliavimui ir atsargų valdymui. Krovinių vežėjai siekia teikti transporto paslaugas mažesnėmis sąnaudomis, tuo suinteresuoti ir jų klientai, tačiau galutiniai vartotojai mažai domisi tuo, kaip produktai gabenami, kokios miestuose spūstys, oro tarša, triukšmas. Ypač neigiamai miestų aplinką veikia dabartinis miesto prekių paskirstymo organizavimas. Žalioji logistika bando suderinti veiksmingą transportavimą su aplinką tausojančiomis miesto logistikos sistemomis. Šiame straipsnyje siekiama ištirti žaliosios logistikos svarbą vartotojų požiūriu. Norint atskleisti Lietuvos vartotojų požiūrį mažiau taršios logistikos taikymą transporto įmonėse, atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad vartotojai menkai suvokia žaliosios logistikos termino esmę, nors beveik visi apklaustieji teigė, kad transporto įmonės privalo prisidėti prie aplinkosaugos problemų mažinimo.
The aim of the article is to analyze the results of the Bulgarian renewable energy policy in the context of the EU aims and global renewable energy system (RES) investments till 2014. The policy is examined through comparison of the aims as stated in the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) of Bulgaria and the achieved results. They are evaluated in respect of renewables share in final energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and household access to green energy sources. The main outcomes show a low level of decentralized energy generation and pressure upon electricity price increase.
Motiejus Valančius paid attention to the depiction of the relationship between a man and a woman (husband and wife) in his didactic creative work. The main aim of the Bishop of Samogitia was to educate people in the spirit of religion and morality. In Valančius‘ opinion, a good relationship between spouses is determined by equality between a man and a woman, cooperation, and equal responsibility for the children‘s upbringing. For this reason, the compatibility of social-caste, cultural and religious features between both spouses is important. The report reveals how Valančius created didactic precepts in order to create a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman.