This paper evaluates the impact of corruption on deforestation in Indonesia. The world’s nature environment and global warming questions are one of the main factors of international concerns. Massive deforestation threatens Indonesian biodiversity. This research paper analyses issues of whether deforestation in Indonesia is caused by corruption and supported by crude palm oil production. This issue was questioned earlier by using Engel Granger cointegration test, three time series of data, specifically corruption perception index (CPI), rate of deforestation and price of crude palm oil that was inspected for a long-run relationship. Yet long-run relationship was not found. The author of this article shows that while answering this question, CPI values are not as important as the very nature of corruption in Indonesia. However, CPI is still extremely high in Indonesia as the nature of corruption is convenient for illegal logging. Thus, international response is needed so that to decrease the level of deforestation in Indonesia. With the new European Union Law that requires legal sourcing of wood products, Indonesia commits to enforce new rules in the Asia’s largest rainforest. For example, FLEGT licensing became operational on November 15, 2016. The European Union is strictly enforcing these rules what is a good step against deforestation in hand with illegal logging in Indonesia. In this way to analyse in detail the FLEGT programme and the EU activities, is beyond the scope of this paper. There stays questioned the Indonesian Presidents’ ban on new palm oil plantations and mining licence, because such approach can potentially increase corruption and unofficial economy at local levels. The author of this paper wants to fulfil the gap in understanding about the link between deforestation in Indonesia and corruption. The level of corruption in Indonesia is not the main issue, but the nature of corruption is the main problem.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 55–74
This article invites for a scientific discussion while discussing the synergy between the process of change and the change management in the system of education and emphasizing that two different factors give larger impact and socioeconomic benefits if they are used together. In this article the concept of the process of change and change management in the educational institutions is analysed. It is noted that in a process of change it is very important to properly plan the changes and to identify the expected results but also it is very important to understand how all above mentioned process will be implemented. Questions to discuss: when the processes of change are implemented properly? Answer: when the changes are managed properly. How to ensure the implementation of the process of change management? Answer: the implementation of the process of change management is held in a field of change management systematically enabling all the processes of change management. The methodological construct of the research is presented in this article, revealing the synergy of the process of change and change management of the chosen school.
Film induced tourism or film tourism is a result of destination image formation and development through film industry with collaboration of other destination image stakeholders (policy makers, private and public investors, scholars and etc.). This postmodern tourism phenomenon links film driven emotions to the filming locations and at the same time is responsible for positive or negative destination image formation. In Lithuanian academic discourses this theory, as well as the impact of films towards local tourism, was not yet recognized. Therefore this article, according to the collected film tourism theoretical material, analyses Lithuanian potential for film induced tourism and how can it be turned into a destination promotion strategy. The conclusions show that there are real opportunities for Lithuania to use film industry as a tool of destination image formation, however it needs further analysis, a clear strategic plan, strong collaboration with Baltic region and the use of two recommendation models, which were presented in this paper. This research can be used for dynamic analysis as well as strategic planning in any specific institution related to filmmaking, tourism and regional image formation.
Banks and insurers as part of financial service industry engage in partnership under the concept of Bancassurance. Several studies are done on this topic, focusing on economies of scale and performance of most Bancassurance common models. The purpose of this study is to identify the key market environment factors that influence the development of Bancassurance for retail banks in Latvia and the level of increase. Aim of this research is to analyse – how market environment factors influence the development of Bancassurance in Latvia. The current paper is focused on the Latvian market where several Bancassurance models are present as we test our propositions by interviewing management representatives of major stakeholders and analysing secondary market data. Main research findings – motives of banks and insurance companies in Latvia for implementing Bancassurance are in correspondence with the academia: new clients and additional revenue for insurers, improvements of customer service and loyalty for banks. Study results highlight the great impact of economic growth and technological development on Bancassurance over other market-based factors and reflect the importance of their integration for achieving better results in each model.
Visuomenė nuolat sprendžia ekologines ir socialines problemas, nulemtas perteklinio vartojimo. Atsakingo vartojimo ir gamybos įgyvendinimas leidžia užtikrinti plėtrą, sumažinti būsimas ekonomines, aplinkos ir socialines išlaidas, didinti ekonominį konkurencingumą ir mažinti skurdą. Atsakingi vartotojai sprendimus priima vadovaudamiesi ne tik noru patenkinti asmeninius poreikius, bet ir atsižvelgdami į galimas priimamų sprendimų pasekmes aplinkai bei visuomenei. Straipsnyje pristatomi tyrimo, kuriuo siekta ištirti akademinio jaunimo atsakingo vartojimo raišką ir galimybes skatinant jų atsakingą vartojimą, rezultatai. Empirinis tyrimas atliktas taikant kiekybinį metodą (apklausoje dalyvavo 264 dviejų Vakarų Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentai), duomenys apdoroti SPSS programiniu paketu. Akademinio jaunimo atsakingo vartojimo raiškos tyrimas atskleidė, kad dauguma apklausoje dalyvavusio jaunimo mano esantys socialiai atsakingi, nors atsakingo vartojimo raiška jų kasdienio gyvenimo praktikoje neįsitvirtinusi. Galima teigti, kad apskritai atsakingas jaunimo vartojimas labiau orientuotas į jų pačių naudą, o ne į aplinkos puoselėjimą ar visuomenės interesus. Ištirta, kad jaunuoliai, studijų procese išklausę socialinės atsakomybės dalyką, geriau suvokia atsakingo vartojimo naudą yra labiau įsitraukę į aplinkai bei visuomenei aktualias veiklas. Vartoti atsakingai jaunimą labiausiai paskatintų rūpinimasis savimi ir kitų žmonių gerove, atsakomybės jausmas bei kaltės jausmas dėl aplinkai daromos žalos. Atsakingą akademinio jaunimo vartojimą skatina aktyvi reklama, lengvai pasiekianti vartotojus.
Field section for the delivery ceremonies village Veremiivka Chernobai District, Cherkasy Region of Ukraine allows to conclude that the individual local community ritual actions and folk beliefs associated with the birth of the child, with the all-Ukrainian tradition. At the same time, it is possible to ascertain the presence of a number of locally-territorial peculiarities that distinguish itself Veremiivka’s maternity rite among others. In addition, the opportunity to interview a significant number of inhabitants of the village for the study enabled the implementation of a quality slice of existence of traditional birthing rituals and its transformation that allows you to make a monographic study of certain areas.
In diesem Artikel, auf Grund der systematisch durchgeführten Forschungen und zusammengebrachten Archivalien, erforscht man die Wirkung und die Geschichte der Evangelisch theologischen Fakultät der Universität Vytautas der Magnus in Kaunas als Beispiel den konfessionellen Politik die war geführt von der Seite der Litauischen Regierung in dem Gebiet Klaipėda / Memel in der zwischenkrieg Zeit. Das ist die Forschung derer Ziel ist zu erforschen wie durch die Entwicklung der Fakultät waren verwirklicht die Ideen und Modellen des nationalen litauischen Bewusstseins die waren entwickelt von den Stellvertretern der selber Nation aber in den Verschiedenen historischen und konfessionellen umständen. Dieser Artikel ist vorbereitet im Jahre 2014 in Rahmen des Nationalen Projektes „Transfer der Ideen in dem Kontexte der nationalen Wiedergeburt. Dialog zwischen Preußisch Litauen und Litauen.“ – Förderung des Wissenschaft Rates Litauens. Projekt MIP-14122.
Vykstant demografiniams pokyčiams visuomenėje, jie neišvengiamai paveikia ir organizacijų darbuotojus, tai ypač svarbu XXI amžiaus Europos organizacijoms. Straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip ir ką turi daryti organizacijų vadovai, kad darbuotojai jos nepaliktų. Remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkų įžvalgomis sudarytos schemos ir pateikiami veiksniai, kuriuos pasitelkus įgyvendinamos lygios skirtingo amžiaus darbuotojų galimybės, sudarant vienodas karjeros galimybes, užtikrinamas pasidalijimas žiniomis. Nustatyta, kad šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje vadovai, siekdami užtikrinti veiklos tęstinumą, turi pasitelkti skirtingo amžiaus darbuotojus. Pateikti nepagrįsti stereotipai apie vyresnio amžiaus darbuotojus, atskleisti šių darbuotojų galimi privalumai ir trūkumai. Apibūdintas psichologinio įgalinimo veiksmingumas, galintis lemti darbuotojo apsisprendimą likti organizacijoje.
The paper focuses on the concept ‘new’ and the reasons of its great influence on modern advertising discourse. This concept is of special significance for the production of modern advertising texts. Most of the goods, which are advertised in the magazine ‘Cosmopolitan’, are positioned as new, recently launched, non-existent before.A good may be advertised in two ways: as reliable, durable and as new. The first method is rarely used, while the second is becoming more dominant – the word ‘new’ does not only appear on new goods, but it is also observable on the goods that have been already existing in the market for a long period of time.A considerable frequency of words meaning ‘new’ indicates that the concept ‘new’ is very important for modern society. Despite the ‘newness words’ (новый, новинка, новшество, инновация), there is a group of lexemes, united by the newness semantics, in advertising texts: these are words that acquire such meaning only in the context.
Volume 83, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 54–79
The aim of the article is to give a social portrait of Lithuanian youth in the context of youth policy, and to consider such unsettled segments as unemployment, emigration (migration), the attitude towards family, social participation in societal possibilities, and the strengthening of intergenerational solidarity. These problematic segments cause the social exclusion of young people, thus requiring an appropriate strategy for training professionals who work with young people and who can develop models for the positive (skilful) socialisation of young people. The article evaluates Lithuanian and European youth policy guidelines and success in solving problems, as well as the response to public expectations regarding participation in future life. It provides an analysis of existing feasibility studies that reveal the current situation, and insights into the question. The results obtained foster the formulation of a strategy for training social professionals focused on youth work. The article concentrates on a new European Union programme, the ‘European Solidarity Corps’, which aims to give young people opportunities to contribute to local and global problem-solving within the framework of personal and professional career design for youth. It has been prepared within the framework of the project ‘Social Professions for Youth Education in the Context of European Solidarity’*, with the participation of Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Swedish universities that deliver programmes for training social professionals.