ABSTRACTThe topic of welfare sector development in Belarus nowadays is of huge interest since by means of the welfare development level it is possible to judge the level of the country’s economic system and the quality of public sector services as well. In recent years, especially in times of recession, the welfare sector positions in Belarus have been considerably weakened. This is partly explained by the aspiration to keep the old Soviet designs in the welfare system construction. At the same time, when national and subnational budgets are planned, governments try to hold with great difficulty the budgetary indicators of the welfare sphere at the level of last years. Such attempts, however, lead to the saving of budgetary funds only and they influence the deterioration of the welfare quality. The present paper pursues the aim to show: (i) what tendencies of social budgetary policy can be observed in the time of economic recession, (ii) how consistent was the welfare orientation of the central and local budgets in practice, and (iii) prospect ways for the welfare sector financing and what new financial tools and mechanisms are to be introduced. In the paper, methodology is linked with the suggested approach to evaluate the authority’s fiscal efforts in welfare branches development using the elasticity coefficient in which exists the correlation between expenditure on welfare sphere branches and total budget revenues. By inserting the authority’s financial reports data into the elasticity coefficient there is an opportunity to assess the authority’s fiscal efforts in welfare policy. The main methodology background is based on financial reports of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus and on-line databases present in the public finance area. The author considers the Belarusian welfare branches in national and subnational budgets, their structure, dynamics and other important indicators. A comparative analysis of the welfare sector branches with other European countries is submitted. The paper highlights the inconsistent policy of the Belarusian authorities in the sphere of the welfare branches’ funding. Also, there are considered debatable issues of the welfare sphere finance reformation in Belarus during the economic crisis.
The article is aimed to clear out the cognitive significance of the concept SEA for the Ukrainian mentality, and culture. Turning to the characteristics of Ukrainian cultural concept SEA, the author identifies two main aspects of it: “external” (related to the territorial and geographical self-identification of the Ukrainians) and “internal” (cognitively associated with the “external”, representing the emotional sphere of romantic personality). The study is based on the Ukrainian dooms of the XVI–XVII centures, collected and published in 1927–1931 by Ukrainian researcher Catherine Hrushevska, and on poems about the sea written by outstanding Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka and poets of the “Executed Renaissance” (A. Vlizko, J. Pluzhnyk and others).Comparison of two dimensions of the Ukrainian concept SEA (external and internal) gives an opportunity to carry out certain parallels between their cognitive and axiological characteristics. Both in its internal and external dimensions the concept SEA reveals the duality, axiological ambivalence, correlation with the idea of primary chaos, danger and overcoming.
In the article, separate stages of the evolution of the cupboard («mysnyk») in the Polissia dwelling are considered. It was established that at first its functions were performed by a system structurally connected with a log-house «hriad» (decks or beams), which were gradually transformed into «hriady»-shelfs. The shelves placed on the threshold and facial walls were one of the oldest, and the initial stage of the genesis of «myshynyk», which later took their place, is connected with them. At Polissia two types of «myshynyk» has been developed: stationary – structurally associated with a log-house or «lava» (older), and mobile, mostly hinged (of a new origin).
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 67–86
The study analyzes the healthy nutrition education in younger school-age children. The focus is on healthy eating habits education at primary school level, emphasizing the importance of healthy eating habits and its education at primary school. The research studies conducted over recent years revealed that children nutrition nowadays is incomplete, insufficient or intemperate. It enforces to analyze the assumptions of healthy eating habits education in children and to investigate the effective methods of education. The qualitative empirical study was accomplished, and primary school teachers were interviewed. The study revealed the opinion of teachers about children eating habits, parents care of children nutrition, healthy eating habits education at primary school, and the possibilities of improvements in educational process.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 67–85
Scientific literature, LR legal acts and analysis of research conducted in Lithuania shows that the process of teachers’ qualification development is related to adult education and organization of teaching / learning, is relevant as a source of improvement of teachers’ pedagogical as well as andragogical activity and acquisition of new competences. But this process is complicated and consists of professional activity’s self-assessment / assessment, planning, self-improvement / improvement, practical application, reflection and as an aspect of quality assurance it is a repeated cycle of actions to improve quality. Knowing that andragogue organiser’s professionalism is one of the most important conditions for this process to be successfully and qualitatively implemented, the issue raised in this article is: what is the role of andragogue organiser’s professionalism in striving for effectiveness of teachers’ qualification development? The conducted quantitative research confirmed the importance of andragogue organiser’s professionalism for the effectiveness of this process. It is found that the main objective of teachers’ qualification development, that is, the quality of their professional activities and the acquisition of new competences will be achieved if the andragogue organiser will professionally implement the teachers’ qualification development process beginning with analysis of learning needs and ending with practical application of acquired competences. In the practical approach empirical data presented in this article can be significant in: 1) seeking to reveal the effectiveness of activity of Klaipeda District Education Centre that provides teachers’ qualification development services; 2) improving and ensuring the quality of this process; 3) achieving andragogue organiser’s professionalism (internal professionalism – improvement of professional competences by examining the analysis of research results, external professionalism – justification of andragogue organiser’s role of professionalism in the effectiveness of teachers’ qualification development).
Volume 81, Issue 3 (2018), pp. 67–80
Naratyvinės terapijos, kaip tarpdisciplininio metodo, socialiniame darbe ir psichoterapijoje ištakos glūdi XX a. pradžioje. Jis svarbus karitatyviniame socialiniame darbe, kai siekiama padėti žmogui ištikus krizei, sprendžiant asmenybės ir socialines problemas. Straipsnyje pristatomas naratyvinės terapijos kontekstas, išryškinant dominuojantį ir alternatyvų naratyvus. Praktinis metodo pritaikymas aptariamas kompleksiškai atskleidžiant eksternalizacijos procesą, kurio metu klientas identifikuoja savo problemą, o terapeutas suvokia savo požiūrį. Naratyvinė terapija gali būti taikoma dirbant su individu, šeima, grupe. Karitatyvinio socialinio darbo praktikoje šis metodas įgalina geriau suvokti asmens tapatumo klausimus.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 67–78
This article discusses non-salaried work in the household. The definition of non-salaried work in the household is formulated by the author, changes in the household are analyzed along with the structure and diversification of the varieties of household work. In research the family is interpreted as a household. It is proposed to evaluate work in the household as a section encompassed by social work in the manner that a composite product or an encompassed part of a social product is evaluated, and therefore up to the present time the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for a single inhabitant without the income of a household, as a universal indicator, is unable in itself to show the level of people’s welfare. Work, carried out in the household and performed as non-salaried, household labor, would be included, though not insured, as the calculated length of service of the working activity of the person. In evaluating the features of the welfare of inhabitants, it would be more accurate to analyze non-salaried household work carried out in the household along with the characteristics and the structure of consumer requirements and their level of satisfaction and opportunities. This analysis will appraise the extent of the well being of society and its changing trends.
The article is dealing with problems of emergence of green tourism in Ukraine, analyzing trends of eco-tourism in the world and in Ukraine. The research presented in this paper is the initial step of complex research of green tourism on the theoretic basis of social geography. The green tourism we consider as phenomenon that affects the development of rural areas, and makes a multiplier effect in the socio-economic and cultural spheres of rural areas. The paper is focussing on the regional difference in the development of tourism. The findings of O. Beydyk who created the recreational ranking methods, were taken as a methodological basis for this research. The economic estimation of GDP and the index of recreational and tourist potential of the regions in Ukraine are compared during this research stage.
Straipsnyje regiono valdysenos diskursas analizuojamas lyčių lygybės aspektu. Dėmesys sutelktas ties Klaipėdos regiono valdysenos atveju. Sąlygos yra specifiniai gyvenimo ir kalbėjimo būdai. Kokie yra šie būdai? Siekiama ne tik atskleisti esamas sąlygas, bet ir plėtoti lyčių lygybei palankią atmosferą, gaivinti žinomas istorijas, tai padeda suvokti reiškinį, įgalina veikti tiek regionų valdysenos, tiek ir lyčių lygybės srityse. Kol tebėra aktualus lyčių lygybės valdysenos institucijose klausimas, jis vis iš naujo prisimenamas ir svarstomas, siekiant pažangos. Straipsnyje aptariama postmodernioji polifoniška diskursyvaus tyrimo metodologija, eksplikuojama mokslinė diskusija lyčių lygybės užtikrinimo valdysenos institucijoje tema, paminėtos regionų valdysenos organizacinės institucijos, siekiant supažindinti su kontekstu, kuriame vyko Klaipėdos RV atvejo tyrimas: apklausa raštu ir žodžiu (interviu), aptartos apklausos procedūros ir rezultatai. Apklausų duomenys ir išvados papildo viešąjį diskursą naujomis žiniomis apie RV lyčių lygybės lokalitetą, t. y. lokalaus konteksto lyčių lygybės diskurso sąlygas.
The article presents the Lithuanian fishing glossary in the text of 1792 Curonian lagoon fishing rules. It discusses the problems of creation of this source, authorship, the historical context. It is analysed ethnographic content in glossary of Lithuanian fishing terms. The Baltic linguists haven’t noticed it earlier. New publication of this source could encourage scientists to broader analyze of 1792 fishing rules. It is intended to draw attention to Lithuanistic material in Prussian law documents in German language.