The self-evaluation of health in Latvia has recently gained a special awareness, due to the financing for health being among the lowest in the European Union. Latvia has recently faced various difficulties, such as problems paying the salaries of medical personnel, and medical personnel emigrating to work in other countries.The aim of the study is to analyse the self-evaluation of health by inhabitants in the regions of Latvia.Research methods used in the preparation of this paper: the analysis of scientific publications and results of previously conducted research; the analysis of the results of a survey on household income and expenses conducted by the EU-SILC and the European Central Bank, compared with the results from other EU countries. The results of the survey are analysed using descriptive statistics indicators and cross-tabulations for the regions of Latvia. For areas, urban-rural living and ANOVA analysis of variance are used. To analyse self-evaluations by regions, the correlation of the relationship between health self-evaluation and educational level is used. The results of the analysis indicate that the situation of the regions of Latvia in the context of health self-evaluation is very different, and that there are very big demands on decision makers to find the best possible solution.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 87–104
The conception of creativity is introduced and the specifics of development thereof at pre-school age are discussed in the article. It is argued that the pedagogues play a decisive role at this stage when organizing the educational process focused on the development of children’s creativity. A research aimed at revealing the peculiarities of the pedagogues’, who are employed in a pre-school institution, conception of creativity and development thereof in the kindergarten is presented in the article. A questionnaire survey was chosen in order to achieve this objective; 174 pre-school pedagogues took part in this survey. The content analysis method and the descriptive statistics method were applied in order to process the data obtained.
Regional airports play a significant role inpromotion of connectivity and regional development. This is one of reasons whyairports are treated as public assets and in 77 % cases (airportsproviding scheduled air transport services) owned and operated by public sectorin the EU. 71 % of these publicairports have corporatized airport operators. Latviahas threepublic civil aviation airports planned for scheduled flights until 2015: Riga InternationalAirport as well as Liepaja Airportand Ventspils Airport (Kurzeme planning region). Latviacurrently has decentralised operational model of airports. Riga InternationalAirport is owned by state and operatedby a joint stock company.Regional airports are owned by Liepaja and Ventspils municipalities andoperated by 100 % municipality owned limited liability companies. Liepaja Airport and Ventspils Airport plan to certify itsaerodromes and start scheduled flights in 2015. The long term traffic forecastof both airports is short to provide a long term financial sustainability.Regional airports are reliant on public service obligation compensations foroperation and maintenance of airfields as well as diminishing compensations toairlines for operating of scheduled flights. Considering the aerodrome’scertification and financial feasibility risks, alternative operational modelsare worth considering. They include centralised model (joint operation of allthree airports by a state owned company) and semi-centralised model (jointmanagement of regional airports by resource sharing). The main conclusion is that current decentralisedoperational model is not feasible to provide long term operationalsustainability of regional airports and it is worth considering introduction ofalternative operational models (preferably centralised model) subject tofurther analysis.
Organizacijos vykdomos veiklos sėkmė daugeliu atvejų priklauso nuo jos vadovo. Straipsnyje aptariami vadovavimo stiliai organizacijoje. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize, pateikiami vadovavimo stilių – transakcinio, transformacinio ir tarnaujančiojo – apibrėžimai, sudaryta vadovavimo stilių lentelė, kur pagal pasirinktus vertinimo kriterijus teoriškai paaiškinami jų skirtumai. Nustatyta, kad pasirinkti kriterijai yra tinkami vertinti vadovavimo stilius organizacijose. Organizacijose galimi skirtingų vadovavimo stilių deriniai. Palyginus vadovų ir jiems tiesiogiai pavaldžių darbuotojų išsakytus teiginius nustatyti tie patys vadovavimo stilių deriniai, skiriasi tik proporcijos.
In the paper the authors examined key Latvian economy indicators, specifically focusing on trends in development of aviation industry development. In particular, also attention was paid to passengers and cargo volume transportation dynamics, as well as to RIGA International Airport Development Plan through the year 2036. The authors compared operations of RIGA International Airport with available data from other leading Baltic Sea Region airports, specifically within 300 kilometres zone. Another requirement was, a competing airport had to be in the TOP 100 airports globally to be considered.
Based on sixteen Polish provinces the author discusses, explores, evaluates and diagnoses the regional disparities in development of Poland’s provinces. First, four fields are studied, such as: demographic potential, social development, economic development and technical infrastructure. Next, the author compares sixteen Polish provinces in relation to the level of synthetic measure of socioeconomic development. Research covers the years 2006, 2010 and 2015 and has been conducted using statistical material provided by the Central Statistical Office. The research tools used in the article include literature studies, descriptive analysis and selected methods of multivariate comparative analysis. Multivariate comparative analysis has proved that Mazovia Province is a leader in terms of demographic potential and economic development, while Silesia Province takes the first position in both social development and technical infrastructure. The highest levels of synthetic measure of socioeconomic development have been observed in Mazovia Province and Silesia Province. In addition, the author presents theoretical aspects of socioeconomic development and discusses the relevance of regional policy.
Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos (SPĮ) yra ganėtinai uždaros, kompleksinės įstaigos. Čia komunikaciniai ryšiai tarp nutolusių skyrių, įvairių profesijų atstovų ir hierarchinių grandžių yra sudėtingi, kyla konfliktų, nesusikalbama, iškraipoma informacija. Nesprendžiamų vidinės komunikacijos barjerų pasekmės – ne tik kilusi įtampa tarp darbuotojų, darbo kokybės prastėjimas, bet nukenčia ir įstaigos reputacija, galima neatitaisoma žala paciento sveikatai. Siekiant veiksmingos komunikacijos, reikia tam tikrų įgūdžių, abipusio supratimo, pagarbos tiek iš organizacijos vadovų, tiek iš darbuotojų. Straipsnyje analizuojamos SPĮ vidinės komunikacijos barjerų atsiradimo priežastys bei jų šalinimo būdai. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad analizuojama SPĮ neturi vidinės komunikacijos strategijos, vidinė komunikacija nepakankamai kontroliuojama, yra fragmentiška. Personalas susiduria su organizacijos struktūros, fizinio, psichologinio ir technologinio pobūdžio vidinės komunikacijos barjerais. Siekiant juos eliminuoti, pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip gerinti SPĮ vidinę komunikaciją.
The paper is part of a research series for ancient Roman sites in Northern Bulgaria which aim to present the possibilities of creating a specialized form of cultural and historical product that ensures sustainable utilization of the Bulgarian tangible heritage. A study of the Roman fortress Sostra, located on the Via Traiani road as a cultural and historical tourist resource was conducted. The castellum is characterized as an object of cultural heritage in the region of Troyan Municipality in Bulgaria. The methodology applied in assessing the potential of the Ancient Roman fortress Sostra is primarily designed for historical and cultural sites. An evaluation was made under the following criteria: potential for development, degree of impact / interaction, degree of modification with relevant indicators. Also an expedition-field method for terrain research was applied. Summaries and conclusions were made in order to highlight the possibility of forming a tourist product of cultural and cognitive tourism.
The analysis of the article focuses on the process of spiritual growth as integral component of every Christian life. The terminological and theoretical spectrum of this phenomenon is discussed together with elaboration of the dynamics, structure, and stages of spiritual growth. The significance of spiritual growth from the biblical and Church Magisterium perspectives is actualized. From these perspectives the process of spiritual growth is seen as a universal calling of the Church and its members. The possible linkages between theology and psychology are discussed as ways which can help to retain the holistic approach to the personal growth and one’s relationship with God.
The aim of the present research is to analyse and to discuss the linguistic expressions and the semantic paradigm of the images of the sunflower in bloom that have formed in Lithuanian poetry. The methodological basis of the research is cognitive linguistics. The paper verifies that visual features of the sunflower in bloom are emphasized in poetry. The sunflower is perceived as a large in shape object that shines and moves (swings, sways and rises, bends, turns to the sun) or keeps one’s balance. The indicated features are the basis of metaphorical names of the plant.