The article deals with the organization of festive celebrations in co-workers’ environment. Based on field studies, co-workers’ gathered on the occasion of the holidays, the organization’s place, both internal organization itself and its surrounding external – local, national culture, the influence on their manifestation. Two traditional and two modern holidays are being analysed, where the habits of celebrations, formal and informal channels are compared between the city and its environs co-workers’.
A person is a sexual being expressing oneself as a man or a woman. People exercise relationships and possess a certain gender identity. However, as a result of the sin and damaged sexuality, there is an incentive to use oneself and others as instruments whereas it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to build and maintain relationships and to experience sexuality (femininity or masculinity) and one’s gender the way that the Creator has planned for the human nature. Restoration of these sin-damaged abilities of relationships, sexuality and gender identity is possible by turning to God, recognizing His plan for people and believing in His power and willingness to restore within a person what has been ruined. Different practices of Christian faith, psychotherapy or self-help groups serve this purpose. One of the ways to render assistance is programs of “Living Water”. In Lithuania there are two active programs: “Living Water” and “In the Beginning”. In a number of cases these programs have a positive impact on personal relationships, sexuality and gender identity.This article focuses on God’s plan, personal relationships, sexuality and gender identity, which were all corrupted by the sin, discusses possible solutions to restore what has been damaged by the sin, as well as presents the analysis of the outcomes of the research on the influence of the programs of “Living Water” on women’s personal relationships, sexuality and gender identity.
Personality profiling nowadays is a common organisational practice aiming to identify a set of traits of an individual, which distinguish him/her among other people. Based on the assumption that personality factors constitute a fundamental indicator of development potential of a particular person, it is possible to depict his/her functioning style in a job position and hence predict professional suitability in performing a given professional role. The research project was conducted by the means of the 2010 Polish adaptation of the NEO-FFI Personality Inventory. The analysis pointed out the differentiating effect of a professional group under the influence of the results obtained in Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience, and Conscientiousness. The major differences between the groups of managers and specialists occurred in Neuroticism, the lesser ones in Extraversion and Conscientiousness and the least in Openness to Experience. However, the analysis did not reveal any interaction effects between professional group and gender. However, it showed a concurrent influence of age and professional group on the level of Extraversion and Conscientiousness.
For twenty years, as soon as the talking about the possibilities brought in by cycles and attractiveness of the cycling related activities had started, the party of skeptics immediately appears arguing that absence of good bicycle paths means absence of bicyclists per se. Or, on the opposite – as long as the cycling mainstream is weak there is no need for paths. Therefore this dilemma goes on for more than 20 years in Lithuania, thus at least one generation in the country has lost its chance to appreciate the joy of full-scale cycling. On the other hand maybe we shouldn’t have to complain thoroughly, as fragmented cycling trails are constantly being fitted. But how the fragmentation and mostly unplanned trail scattering may be associated with regions remains unclear. Even more specific question – can trips on bicycles lead to more integrated regionalization and who are those using cycling paths in the future – the authors try to answer in this article.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 77–94
Higher education curriculum has been a subject of various disputes in the scholar literature. Official curriculum (such as study programme description, syllabus, study material) and unplanned hidden curriculum that occurs in during the learning process. Official curriculum defines learning goals, tasks, methods and learning outcomes. Meanwhile actual learning process contains not only the official parts of the curriculum, but also knowledge that is created and shared during learning process, especially in collaborative learning environments. That leads to assumption, that collaboration between learners and knowledge sharing is a condition for hidden curriculum to appear. In this article, a problem question is analysed: what elements of collaborative learning enables hidden curriculum in study educational environments? Main goal, using scholar literature analysis, to define the balance between official and hidden curriculum in collaborative learning environments. The article looks into the definitions of official and hidden curriculum and applications in study environments. Certain variations of collaborative learning allow to reach different levels of interaction (and hidden curriculum). The application of collaborative learning in study process has to be well guided and balanced, encouraging students to work in homogenous groups seeking for one well defined purpose.
Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 77–100
This article presents findings of the study on the structure of social representation of lecturers’ activities and their dynamics on the basis of the credibility of a source of information. The study is sought to find out what constitutes central and peripheral elements of social representation of lecturers’ activities in view of survey participants (undergraduate programme students of Klaipėda University), whether the said elements change upon reliable and unreliable sources of information, and what determines potential dynamics of elements of the representation. Answers to the above questions will significantly help to understand lecturer-student relationships, to change negative or adverse communication attitudes into positive ones. Insights of this study can be applied in lecturers’ activities so as to better understand today’s students, a role of lecturers, formation of positive attitudes in students towards lecturers’ activities and communication.
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 77–98
Straipsnyje analizuojama jaunų bedarbių, turinčių aukštąjį išsilavinimą, karjeros projektavimoproblema. Jauno žmogaus integracija į darbo rinką priklauso nuo daugelio individualių, socialinių,ekonominių veiksnių. Karjeros projektavimas yra vienas iš profesinę sėkmę lemiančių veiksnių.Aiškus siekiamų tikslų ir konkrečių uždavinių sau iškėlimas, optimaliai suplanuota ir lanksti jųįgyvendinimo sistema padeda įgyti pranašumą konkurencinėje darbo rinkos aplinkoje. Straipsnyjepristatomi tyrimo su jaunais bedarbiais, turinčiais aukštąjį išsilavinimą, rezultatai. Tyrimas atliktas remiantis pozityvizmo paradigma, taikant kiekybinio tyrimo metodą, geriausiai tinkantį tirti jaunų bedarbių, turinčių aukštąjį išsilavinimą, požiūrį į karjeros projektavimą, identifikuoti šį reiškinį lemiančius veiksnius. Nustatyta, kad jaunus bedarbius projektuoti savo karjerą skatina nuolat kintanti ekonominė situacija, statusas visuomenėje, nuolatinio mokymosi galimybės. Išsilavinusio jaunimo karjeros projektavimui teigiamos įtakos turi individualios savybės: atsakingumas, aktyvumas, smalsumas ir kt., taip pat gebėjimai planuoti ir valdyti karjerą. Karjeros projektavimą apsunkina pasirinktai profesijai būtinų savybių stoka, savo jėgų ir galimybių pervertinimas, praktinių profesijos žinių bei įgūdžių trūkumas, darbo rinkos tendencijų nežinojimas.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 77–96
Straipsnyje aptariama Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų miego kokybė ir jos sąsajos su emociniais bei elgesio sunkumais. Pristatomi kitose šalyse atlikti studentų miego kokybės tyrimai, analizuojamas šių sutrikimų paplitimas ir priežastys. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kad miego sutrikimas tarp universitetų studentų yra gana paplitęs, todėl šios problemos sprendimas reikalauja išskirtinio pedagogų, psichologų ir medikų dėmesio. Tyrime dalyvavo trijų studijų krypčių studentai – medicinos, socialinių mokslų ir menų. Gauti rezultatai patvirtino, kad studijų profilis yra svarbus miego kokybei. Darbe analizuojamos afektinių, nuotaikos, somatinių sutrikimų ir miego kokybės sąsajos, dėmesys kreipiamas į elgesio sunkumų (įskaitant sveikatai nepalankaus elgesio, tokio kaip rūkymas, alkoholio bei kitų psichoaktyvių medžiagų vartojimas) įtaką miego kokybei. Siūlomi tolesnių problemos tyrinėjimų ir diskusijų klausimai.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 77–100
The aim of the article is to review the features of the management of the vaccination process during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the importance of the health care systems in different countries. This is one of the most relevant research topics in recent years in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the number of scientific publications is increasing daily with geometric progression. The authors of the article analysed and summarised over 160 scientific publications. A detailed analysis of the development, clinical research, approval and registration procedures, reliability, safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine presented in the articles is presented. In this context, it was particularly important for the authors to present the doubts about the advantages of vaccination, and the reasons for refusing vaccination, evaluating the public information context. The role of the health care system is presented in the disclosure of the organisation of the vaccination process in the country, especially in the identification of priority groups of vaccinees, and in the monitoring of vaccinated people. The results of the research analysed in the articles suggest that all registered Covid-19 vaccines are sufficiently reliable, safe and effective, and timely public information is of great importance for vaccination coverage. The central role of the health care system in organising and managing the vaccination process has proven its worth. The vaccination process is managed and controlled in the country.