Volume 92, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 193–218
The authors analyse the empowerment of domestic violence abusers from the perspective of an intervention programme. They present the phenomenon of domestic violence in the context of complex legal assistance to a family experiencing violence, and theoretical and practical approaches to the application of behaviour-changing programmes. At the moment, the legal acts regulating the provision of such assistance in Lithuania are mainly aimed at ensuring assistance to people who have experienced violence, but the system of providing services to people subjected to violent behaviour is not established. In Lithuania, the Intervention Programme for Domestic Abusers has been approved for changing violent behaviour in the family. The programme is purposefully structured: it improves the skills of recognition of violent behaviour in the family environment by providing information on forms of violence and an analysis of violent situations, and modelling non-violent behaviour in the family. The experts who prepared the programme noted that the most important elements for its effectiveness are group work, long-term participation in the programme, the motivation of the programme leaders, and the ability to empower the individual to change his or her behaviour. The extension of the programme to institutions providing comprehensive family support services can be predictive of the effectiveness of domestic violence prevention.
Volume 92, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 181–192
The article is devoted to the anthropologically centred supervision of social field specialists. The concept of supervision is based on the patristic anthropology of the Church, which is fundamentally person-centred in any professional activity. This approach to supervision is very modern, as it resonates with the current professional paradigm shift from a profession-centred approach to a person/client-centred approach. The article presents quantitative research, with the aim of showing the expediency of person-centred supervision from the attitude of social workers. It analyses the main methodological principles of person-centred (the author uses the term ‘anthropologically centred’) supervision, and their application in supervision: 1) the concept of a person; 2) the term ‘personality development’ or personality transformation; 3) the factor of high-quality communication or reciprocity.
Volume 92, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 163–180
The early beginnings of Christian caritative social work against a Biblical and Ancient Greek background have been well explored in literature. The methodological approach, the use of theological analysis of social work approach to the client, opens the doors to the positive identification of burning issues in the practice of modern social work. The Christian world-view has always put personal responsibility and involvement on micro, mezzo and macro levels in focus, and the realisation of personal potential in social functions is revealed by the application of the Trinitarian view of God in Christianity. The theological approach to the analysis of the meaning of social work, its mission and mechanisms, focuses on the crossing of both the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the Christian faith as a practice, and puts forward service to the needy and the poor, solidarity with outcasts and marginal people, support and encouragement, as following in the footsteps of Christ. By that approach, the essence of caritative social work is discovered: personal engagement versus estrangement, community resources versus individualism, mutuality versus ignorance. The innovative discourse inviting the disclosure of possible personal transformation dynamics has an impact on the positive solution of the client’s social problems within the community, especially during a humanitarian crisis. The methodological approach may also be helpful for the identification of stagnation in the social work profession.
Volume 92, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 151–162
A popular area of logistics nowadays is partial cargo transportation. During the assembly of cargo, you need accurate information about the load, and to be able to assess the dimensions, weight and space. This determines the quality of the service provided for road transport partial loads, and a high level of customer confidence. The demand for freight is high, and so is the need to improve freight transport technology and the way information is transmitted, and to find the most appropriate and fastest solutions for transporting freight. Partial loads can be used to transport small loads, resulting in faster freight movement, time savings for the customer, and better quality results in terms of work. The objective of the quantitative approach was to identify gaps in information transfer in part load companies. Improved transfer of information would lead to better targeting and faster loading. Technological improvements in logistics relating to information transfer will facilitate the work of managers and improve the quality of the part load service. A specific request form, where the customer can specify the weight, size and width of the part loads, would avoid additional questions for managers.
Volume 92, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 141–150
The article presents the results of a number of sociological studies aimed at examining the impact of the war on social cohesion, civic activism, and the consolidation of efforts in multinational communities in Ukraine. The research covered important issues of interethnic interaction and consolidation of the multicultural Melitopol community, and the expansion of effective channels of mutual assistance for members of ethnic communities in the context of the Russian aggression and temporary occupation, as well as an assessment of factors that may affect conflicts in communities during the war. As part of the study ‘Ethnic Communities and Commonality: The Key to Civic Engagement and Trust’, three focus group discussions were held, with a total of 72 participants; and a questionnaire survey was conducted with 1,500 respondents, representatives of ethnic communities in Melitopol, who found themselves in difficult living conditions caused by the war and at the time of the survey either remained in the occupied territories, moved to the government-controlled territory, or went abroad. The following respondent groups provided answers to the question about factors of the influence of the war and territorial community cohesion: members of ethnic communities of the Melitopol region who remained in the occupied territory; those who moved to the territory controlled by Ukraine (IDPs); those who moved abroad (forced migrants) named the main problems of interethnic understanding, as the study emphasises the importance of interethnic understanding and demonstrates the urgency of addressing issues related to the living conditions of Ukrainian citizens in multinational communities during the war and the postwar future. The findings require close attention and responses from both the government and civil society, in order to ensure positive community development, and to preserve social harmony in the postwar period.
Volume 92, Issue 1 (2024), pp. 121–140
In an age of scientific and technical innovation, with the rapid development of digital technologies, the promotion of physical activity among adults becomes relevant, as it is irreplaceably important to strengthen their overall health. The article reveals the attitude of health-care specialists to the importance of promoting physical activity in adults, needs, reasons for choice, conditioning factors, ways and means of promoting physical activity in adults, the possibilities for its increase and development, and the importance of the professionalism of health-care specialists in promoting physical activity in adults. The research confirmed the validity of theoretical approaches and empirical strategy from the point of view of health-care specialists, the importance of the promotion of physical activity for adults’ physical and mental health, a harmonious personality, quality of life, and social and economic well-being. Adults’ physical activity is determined by various mutually influencing factors, emphasising the possibilities of promoting physical activity for strengthening their health, empowering personal potential, focusing on the individuality of the person, applying andragogic access, learning from experience, etc.