Emotional intelligence can play an important role in an individual’s education and career success. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the opinion of employers on the importance of competencies related to emotional intelligence in the recruitment process in Latvia, as well as the extent to which these competencies can be developed in vocational education and training. Total of 750 companies participated in this research, rating the importance of competencies and the performance of vocational education institutions using a four-point Likert scale. The list of methods currently applied in vocational education developing emotional intelligence competencies was developed through in-depth interviews with the managers of vocational education institutions. The research results show that most of employers evaluate ability to work independently, work motivation and problem-solving skills as very important in the recruitment process. Vocational education institutions need to pay more attention to improving ability to take responsibility in students. The main methods used by vocational education institutions to develop competencies linked to emotional intelligence are extra-curriculum activities, international events and mobility, as well as work-placements, which are supplements to education programmes rather than core curriculum, indicating to low link between emotional intelligence competencies and expected learning outcomes of vocational education. The research provides the basis for reconsidering the vocational education curriculum in the light of its contribution to development of competencies that are highly valued in the labour market.
This study presents an internationally (cross-border) representative picture of the school environment, atmosphere and action taken by schools aiming at the involvement of students in their actions. The study was conducted within the framework of the CaSYPoT project (Capacity Building for Strategic Youth Policy and Transnational Cooperation) under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 (Project No STHB.05.01.00-SE-0024/15). The main aim of the CaSYPot project was to encourage young people to get involved in local democracy, and to present youth as a resource in the development of society. Furthermore, for the design and implementation of the southern Baltic youth strategy, it is important to gain an insight into the current situation regarding the environment in schools. One section of this survey was addressed to the situation of youth in schools. The international survey for the CaSYPoT project was conducted among 1,593 students, in six towns in the southern Baltic region, in Sweden, Poland, Russia and Lithuania, from April to June 2017. The project partner’s towns carried out a survey on teenagers aged 16 to 19, identifying their needs and problems in school, and providing comparable data. The questionnaire contained questions addressing young people’s well-being and atmosphere of safety, the climate at school, and their experience in getting involved in the work of the school and their influence on decision making. To sum up, the study describes the current situation in schools, which is essential for the development and evaluation of future policies and actions. The survey covers a wide range of student opinions on school, and begins with a summary of the key findings drawn from an analysis of the survey, and strategic recommendations for the future.
The article deals with conceptual metaphors tied to the source domain SEA in Lithuanian political and economic discourse. The study is based on the dictionary compiled during the research project “Conceptual Metaphors in Public Discourse”, funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. The analysis refers to the traditional conceptual metaphor theory, theoretical problems relevant to metaphor analysis in discourse are considered. Features of the source domain SEA conceptualize the political and economic instability and insecurity. Although political and economic discourses are rather different, the analysis of metaphorical expressions related to the source domain SEA reveals that their linguistic, conceptual and communicative properties are basically compliant.
Society and communities with a possibility to exploit information resources, participate in cultural activities, acquire knowledge, it encourages life-long learning, etc. The activity of the library network encompasses all the regions of the country, including the most remote locations and persons that face difficulties in obtaining information and enjoying cultural services by other means; therefore, discourse on the roles and functions of the library network as well as its activities in the regional infrastructure of culture and information is needed.
Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas įvairiapusis požiūris į verslo aplinkos strateginės vadybos svarbą, rengiant verslo plėtros strategines kryptis politinių, ekonominių, socialinių ir kitų sprendimų kontekste. Autoriai akcentuoja šiuolaikinės aplinkos reikšmę naujiems rizikingiems sumanymams atsirasti ir pagrindžia politinių sprendimų, priimamų vyriausybės programų pagrindu, svarbą šaliesekonomikos plėtrai perspektyvos požiūriu. Pateiktos įžvalgos apibūdinti verslo plėtros galimybes.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 98–111
The article analyses the most relevant anthropological and transformative tasks of social work supervision in the context of today’s risk society, promoted by the process of globalisation with its instrumental rationality, which devalues the significance of the personality in the social system. The article provides the ontological grounds of the transformative function of supervision based on synergic patristic anthropology, and describes the simultaneous vectors of the transformative function in the supervision process: 1) experiential (experience-based) transformative learning, or acquisition of ‘practical wisdom’; and 2) anthropological transformation as a process of recreation of true self-identity. The article conceptually emphasises the decisive influence of the intrinsic quality of the supervisor’s personality in the performance of the transformative tasks of supervision, as well as the supervisor’s ability to form reciprocity relations with supervisees in the supervision process.
In recent years, relationship-based theories and research have gained momentum resulting in emergence of numerous studies dealing with various aspects of leadership. Rapid changes in the business environment are associated with development of managerial competencies and improvements of leadership within organisations.The topic of the article owes its relevance to the fact that leadership development is seen as an increasingly important strategic imperative of an organisation; moreover, in order to survive and succeed in the present day’s turbulent and highly competitive environment organisations need to develop leadership at all levels of the organisational structure. The research findings indicate that long-term success of New Leadership development initiatives depends on managerial competencies, two-way interaction between leaders and other members of the organisation, reciprocity and feedback.
Nuolatiniai pokyčiai valstybėje neišvengiamai paveikia ir vadovavimą organizacijoms. Straipsnyje aptariami etiško vadovavimo stiliai organizacijoje. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros šaltiniais, pateikiamos ir apibūdinamos etiško vadovavimo sampratos. Nustatyta, kad didžiąją dalį darbuotojų labiau tenkina vadovo etiška elgsena, nei netenkina. Vertinant vadovavimo etiškumą, kai kuriems bruožams vertinti svarbus buvo respondentų lyties požymis. Daromos prielaidos, kad jaunesnio amžiaus moterys reikliau vertina vadovo etišką elgseną, tuo tarpu vyresni darbuotojai šiuo klausimu geranoriškesni. Taigi ne darbuotojų lytis ir amžius, o vadovo elgsenos etiškumas lemia vadovavimo etiškumo vertinimą.
The article analyse Vydūnas reception in Lihuanian cultural memory, its features and problems of a topic after restoration of independence in Lithuania. Investigation reveals ambivalentic tendency of Vydūnas reception, which in caused by cultural “distance” of Vydūnas – his reflective and creative work relations with Indian and German cultures. Vydūnas in his creative work links Indian east with mythological identity of Lithuanian culture and religion, so that in reception this eastern cultural component in transformed as one’s own. German – protestantic part of Vydūnas identity, which is marked only as separate element or historical episode, come into public attention field very rarely. Article talks about couses, reasons and meaning under such circumstances and analyse its meaning for Lithuanian cultural memory formation.
Although idea management (IM) and idea management systems (IMS) and related topics have been researched since 1982 and IM itself is as old as the first ideas, authors in previous research specified 18 research gaps in literature about IM and one of the most important that there is no united view on the terms IM and IMS and there are no specialized researches about these terms, as well, in the literature of IM they are not board discussed. Purpose of the research is to discuss and create definitions of terms IM and IMS using the reviewed literature. Research object: literature on IM and IMS. Research subject: terms of IM and IMS. Main research method – literature review. Data collected from 70 sources, including scientific publications, conference proceedings, books, white papers etc. published over the last 33 years, i.e., from January 1982 to February 2015, in all research fields. The research highlights that in the literature there are wide variety of the definitions of terms IM and IMS. The results of the research revealed that definitions of IM have not fundamentally changed over the time, but the definitions of IMS have transformed from “passive” to “active” IMS in millennium. The object of these definitions more often are described as systematic and manageable. Results probe that IM could be defined as – systematic, manageable process of idea generation, evaluation and development, but the IMS as a tool, tool kit or complex system which provides systematic, manageable process of idea generation, evaluation and development. The intensity of IM and IMS researches varies by region, but there are no major regional differences in defying the terms.