Tyrimas atliktas Dubysos regioniniame parke. Tai kompleksinė saugoma teritorija, kurioje galima lankytis pažintiniais, rekreaciniais, mokomaisiais tikslais. Intensyvi turistinė veikla vykdoma tik parko rekreacinėse zonose esančiose poilsiavietėse ir stovyklavietėse. Dubysos regioniniame parke teikiamos šios rekreacinės paslaugos: pažintinių kelionių, ekskursijų organizavimas, gido paslaugos; edukacinės programos (amatų mokymai, gamtos pažinimas, kt.); turizmo inventoriaus nuoma (baidarės, dviračiai, kt.); apgyvendinimo (viešbučiuose, kaimo sodybose, palapinėse) ir poilsio paslaugos; rekreacinių pramogų (jodinėjimo, slidinėjimo, sporto stovyklų ir kt.) paslaugos. Dubysos regioniniame parke tyrimai, kuriais būtų įvertinta šiame parke teikiamų rekreacinių paslaugų kokybė, nebuvo atlikti. Nesant tokių tyrimų, sunku spręsti, ar vartotojai patenkinti rekreacinių paslaugų kokybe. Nežinant, ko tikisi vartotojai iš rekreacinių paslaugų teikimo Dubysos regioniniame parke, sudėtinga taikyti ir įgyvendinti efektyvius rekreacinių paslaugų kokybės gerinimo sprendimus.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 89–108
In this article authors present the development of intercultural competences as a part of study process. Organization of study process in the modern world is not confined within one institution or one country. Possibilities to study in different joint programmes or choose Erasmus courses are open for many students. Not only the language abilities, but also intercultural awareness and competences influence the quality of communication and level of understanding by the representatives of other cultures. Intercultural competences are one of the very important abilities that are also presented as the outcomes of new methods of education that should prepare students to cope with intercultural environment. Study process requires students to obtain various abilities (application of knowledge, research, special, personal, social). All these abilities are particularly important in conducting comparative research and adopting foreign experience. The article emphasizes that intercultural competencies in modern study process can be assessed on two levels: the level of intercultural communication and intercultural level of scientific research.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 89–102
The paper reveals the phenomenon of jazz music and analyses the expression of vocal jazz in a historical, philosophical, and educational context. The historical origins of jazz are related to a community culture and to the natural and authentic creative process; inner freedom is one of the most significant aspects of jazz music, based on improvisation. The global practice of jazz vocal studies is predominated by a systemic approach that links the physiological, psychological, and mental levels. The study process is not separated from the personality (self) development and the creation of a sensitive and enabling relation culture. The paper presents a reflection on personal practical experience and is based on the data of a presentation Unique Self Search in Vocal Jazz: Jazz Voice + Theatrical Elements: Wider Opportunity for Self-Expression, given in the 2nd International Scientific Jazz Vocal Conference held in the Sibelius Academy (Helsinki, Finland).
Volume 77, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 89–102
Although the representatives of different social sciences are trying to highlight and raise the methodological and methodical peculiarity of social sciences with respect to natural sciences, it should be noted that a big part of social sciences research is based on the positivist research paradigm. The positivist tradition allows a researcher to choose certain research methods that originated from natural sciences and to apply them in the research of social sciences. Regarding the possibilities to determine causality, an experiment is considered to be the best empirical research method. However, the emphasis is placed on the complicated application of this method to social sciences due to certain practical, political and ethical aspects. When developing ideas about an appropriate and effective use of the experimental research method in social sciences, the use of natural experiment is recommended. Although in recent years, the research based on the methodology of natural experiment is gaining popularity, there is still a lack of literature on how and when this methodology can be applied, what problems it can help to solve, how data can be collected and analysed. Thus, on the basis of methodological literature analysis, this article is an attempt to present natural experiment as a method for social researches, to provide guidelines and recommendations for the application of the methodology of natural experiment and to inspire scientific discussion about using the strategy of natural experiment in social sciences.
Recent academic researchers have indicated that there are possible inequalities concerning work and pay in different countries, professions and economic sectors. The aim of current research is to analyse recent scientific findings on the wage gap depending on gender and empirical data in Latvia using EU-SILC surveys, Labour Surveys and monthly statistical data on wages and salaries for women and men. The findings indicated that in various economic fields and occupations women were under-represented, and amongst most of these fields the modal net wage interval for women was lower than the modal net wage interval for men. It was also concluded that in January 2018 the average gross income from work of women and men were statistically significantly different, confirming that men on average earned more than women.
One of the most important indicators of contacts between the specified related westbaltic tribes – finds of those types of brooches which have steady ethno-cultural coloring. As a result of studying of distribution of a row the brooches of Curonians in the earth of pruss was succeeded to establish that degree of the international contacts in the southeast Baltic before arrival of the Award was high. Earlier was considered that has begun Prussian-Curonians contacts treats not earlier than the 12th century. As the brooches of Curonians in a Prussian area shows the analysis, Prussian-Curonians contacts have begun no later than the X century and in the 11th century, after hypothetical destruction by Danes of the settlement of Kaup were rather intensive. This conclusion is confirmed, including, existence on Prussian burial grounds of this time the burials (on a ceremony and on types of things) of Curonians.
The role of human development concept has significantly changed recently. The relationship between women’s employment and human development has been studied by many specialists. The aim of this paper is to discuss links between women employment and human development in Uzbekistan. The case study was based on analyses of labour market. The paper focuses on the human development of Uzbekistan from the year 1991 to 2011.The paper has been prepared by structuring and generalizing the content of studies carried out by different scientists and specialists, by deteriorating of documents to statistical data analysis and literature review.
This paper examines what benefits business can achieve by implementing corporate social responsibility reports in its activities.There are also analyzed the evolution of CSR reporting, systemized theoretical aspects of CSR reporting in marketing field. Thearticle emphasized that then satisfying stakeholders’ expectations, needs, and informing them of the action taken to meet these expectations,the organization have greater success of the business, i.e. stability and profitability. Literary analysis showed that CSRreporting is becoming the main tool of linking different holistic marketing programs.
In the article, the author empirically approbates the structural scheme for the evaluation of the territorial state of development elaborated previously assessing territorial state of development of the statistical regions of Latvia. The scheme comprises four objective social economic elements and two subjective elements. The average values of normalized objective and subjective indicators for each region were calculated applying the most appropriate indicator of the statistical regions available in the national statistical database of Latvia to the each element of the scheme and normalizing the values of the selected indicators. Allocation of the statistical regions of Latvia in accordance with the normalized objective and subjective indicators was performed using the W. Zapf’s matrix, which provides a possibility to consider the territorial state of development not just in a quantitative but as well in a qualitative aspect, i.e., within the framework of the pluralistic territorial development paradigm suggesting a parallel existence of diverse development natures (qualities) in the global environment instead of applying a single quantitative scale to all territories being studied. In the result of the approbation of the structural scheme for the territorial state of development evaluation, it is not possible to single out a distinct statistical region of Latvia in accordance with its highest or lowest development level, rather it could be merely stated that each of the regions is developed in a different quality since each region has its own nature of development.
The self-evaluation of health in Latvia has recently gained a special awareness, due to the financing for health being among the lowest in the European Union. Latvia has recently faced various difficulties, such as problems paying the salaries of medical personnel, and medical personnel emigrating to work in other countries.The aim of the study is to analyse the self-evaluation of health by inhabitants in the regions of Latvia.Research methods used in the preparation of this paper: the analysis of scientific publications and results of previously conducted research; the analysis of the results of a survey on household income and expenses conducted by the EU-SILC and the European Central Bank, compared with the results from other EU countries. The results of the survey are analysed using descriptive statistics indicators and cross-tabulations for the regions of Latvia. For areas, urban-rural living and ANOVA analysis of variance are used. To analyse self-evaluations by regions, the correlation of the relationship between health self-evaluation and educational level is used. The results of the analysis indicate that the situation of the regions of Latvia in the context of health self-evaluation is very different, and that there are very big demands on decision makers to find the best possible solution.