Income inequality has received widespread attention in the scientific literature. Income inequality has a significant impact on the health and education levels of the population, as well as increases social tension and crime rates, however there is less research on the impact of income inequality on people`s overall life satisfaction. In Lithuania and Latvia, income inequality expressed by the Gini index of disposable income is among the highest in the EU, whereas in Estonia, income inequality is slightly higher than the average in the EU. Similar results are also found for the Lithuania and Latvia regarding overall life satisfaction, which is among the lowest in the EU, while overall life satisfaction in Estonia is somewhat lower than the average in the EU. The aim of the research is to assess whether income inequality has a negative impact on people`s overall life satisfaction and to evaluate how fiscal policy has affected income inequality and overall life satisfaction in the Baltic States. The results of the research show that income inequality and life satisfaction are negatively correlated, and that fiscal policy has reduced income inequality in the Baltic States, expressed by the Gini index based on market income, on average by 30%.
Straipsnyje tiriamas Simono Daukanto (1793–1864) istoriografinio teksto poveikis Vydūno (tikr. Vilhelmas Storostas, 1868–1953) dramoms. Vydūno publicistika rodo, kad nuo 1900 m. jo tekstuose pagausėja S. Daukanto paminėjimų, skelbiamos istoriko tekstų ištraukos. 1900 m. parašytoje dramoje „Probočių šešėliai“ aptinkama nemažai S. Daukanto intertekstų. Straipsnyje, remiantis S. Daukanto ir Vydūno tekstų lyginamąja analize, iškeliama hipotezė, kad dramų autorius buvo idealus istoriko tekstų skaitytojas ir iš jų perėmė koncepcijas, motyvus, vaizdinius. S. Daukantas Vydūną įkvėpė, ir šis sėkmingai vartojo daugelį istoriko sukurtų frazių, patekusių į lietuvių romantinės istoriografijos bendrųjų vietų sąrašą. Vydūnas pirmasis objektyvizavo S. Daukanto sukurtą pasaulį ir lietuviams leido scenoje pabūti senovės lietuvio vaidmenyje ir atsirinkti, kas, kuriant modernią lietuvių visuomenę, vis dar būtų aktualu. Analizė parodė, kad Vydūnas S. Daukanto istoriografijos sukurtą senovės lietuvių pasaulį pamatė kaip archetipą ir perkėlė į filosofinį lygmenį, sukūrė universalų asmenybės ir tėvynės jungties modelį, o dramose pateikė imitacinius modelius siūlomai aksiologijai patikrinti.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 91–108
In the article was analysed service quality and its impact on firm’s profitability. The profitability factors in the economic activities were determined and the importance of profitability analysis was emphasized. Summarised profitability in telecommunications firms. In the article were listed analysed firms’ (for the analysis were selected services, which face high need from customers – services of Lithuania telecommunications firms LTD “Bitė Lietuva”, LTD “Omnitel”, LTD “Tele2”) service quality improvements as well as calculated profitability indexes. Statistical analysis and evaluation was made. The evaluation of the data shows, that LTD “Bitė Lietuva” indexes are correlated, but the correlation is not significant because of lack of data. Activity of LTD “Omnitel” shows, that improved service quality did not affect firm’s profitability. Improved service quality of LTD “Tele2” affected only part of analised profitability indexes. Inspite this the results show significant dependence.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 91–104
In today’s life, the formation of a new twenty-first century society structure, which is changing people’s personal, professional and social conditions of existence, more and more frequent are demands from the public and there is a trend of social competence development. First of all, thinking about the teachers, who often run initiatives, internal motivation, knowledge, sometimes in interaction with students in strengthening the social competence phenomena such as communication and cooperation. It is never too late to improve communication and cooperation culture. The article seeks to reveal the importance of social competence for self-assessment process. The article presents the theoretical background of self-assessment process. In order to reveal social competence, a model which illustrates the parts of social competence such as communication (reciprocity) and cooperation (activity) is presented. That‘s why teacher-teacher, teacher-student, student-student, student-teacher have been chosen as research subjects who reflect the characteristics of reciprocity and activity in the process of learning. The instrument of the research is a questionnaire. The research participants were 49 Lithuanian teachers, 142 students and 23 Belgian teachers and 86 students.
The author analyzes the short-term and long-term weather omens and magical methods of influence on weather events by the inhabitants of the Ukrainian Middle Polissya, such as drought, rain, storm, hail; he examines the transformation of meteorological knowledge and beliefs.
The article analyzes the psychological measures that support human existence in prison. The main source chosen is the novel “Notes from the House of the Dead” (1861–1862) by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881), a classic of Russian literature, which was written based on his personal experience as a political prisoner (1849–1859). The author, above the gloomy life in prison, the poor household and the dehumanization of convicts, raises the effort to remain human and the hidden features of personal goodness hidden in the prison system. The article discusses why prisoners feel differently being in the same environment. The provision of needs according to the hierarchy of human needs established by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow and the changed concept of freedom served as a psychological support for the convicts. Survival was aided by a different perception of time spent in prison as non-existent in human life and physical work as a way to be forgotten.
Kiekvienoje sėkmingoje organizacijoje labai svarbus yra vadovo ir darbuotojų gebėjimas suprasti vienas kitą bei sėkmingai kartu dirbti komandoje. Šiuo metu vis dažniau akcentuojamas ir nagrinėjamas naujas įgalinimo terminas – tai vadovo veiksmai darbuotojo atžvilgiu, siekiant sėkmingai įgyvendinti organizacijos tikslus. Remiantis moksliniais šaltiniais, straipsnyje atskleidžiama vadovavimo samprata ir esmė, analizuojami teoriniai vadovavimo aspektai. Išanalizuota žmogiškųjų išteklių svarba organizacijoje ir apibūdinta žmogiškųjų išteklių įgalinimo koncepto erdvė bei tipologija. Atliktas vadovų vaidmens, įgalinant žmogiškuosius išteklius, organizacijoje tyrimas.
The article deals with the issues related to the specifics of the incantation as a genre of oral folklore, history of collecting, publishing and the beginning of their studying in Russia. The main emphasis is put on the first monographic work dedicated to conspiracies. Scientific portrait of the author is represented, his work, translations and reprinting are analyzed. Features that have made the book classic are established.
This article emphasizes the line of the Christian moral attitude in accordance with didactically significant and attractive insights of the writer Jonas Juškaitis, by positioning the Christian moral attitude and its presentation. The way of religious self-consciousness of the writer is discussed. Some of his ideas, associated with the possibilities of developing a Christian attitude, are revealed, taking into account a popular narrow approach to the human being, to the overall development of the personality, and higher education. The type of the research is theoretical descriptive. The main research methods are analysis, interpretation and synthesis. The methodological principles of the research are: neotomism, which is the basis for the development of the moral attitude of the individual, i.e. the system of his/her moral experiences, aspirations and behavior; and the system of universal education that does not allow to deny personal value and dignity, bases the complex development of the personality and helps to abandon a narrow technocratic approach to the essence and purpose of human existence.